1. Incident Name: Log:#11702/PCARG Weekly 2 Meter Voice

2. Operational Period:

Date From: 2024-05-08 To: 2024-05-08
Time From: 00:21:00 To: 01:02:46

3. Name:
PCARG Weekly 2 Meter Voice
147.330MHz, PL151.4Hz

4. ICS Position:

5. Home Agency (Unit and Team):
 Volunteer Amateur Radio Operators (Hams)

6. Resources Assigned:

Callsign, Name & email

Band, ICS Position & Tactical

Time On Duty CREDS, Home Agency (Unit and Team)
K0KEX Rick Smith
Primary Net Control Net 00:41:46 Platte Co. EC
MESN/NARES/Red Cross, Edgerton MO Platte Co., Dist. A
KF0MEZ Bob Epp
Operator MEZ 00:00:33 Kansas City MO Platte Co., Dist. A
N0UYN Dennis Crawford
Operator UYN 00:00:30 NARES, Kansas City MO Clay Co., Dist. A
N0BKE Mark Dickerson
Operator BKE 00:00:17 Kansas City MO Clay Co., Dist. A
K0RGB Russ Bryan
Net Logger RGB 00:28:23 AEC Clay Co., Smithville MO Clay Co., Dist. A
KF0AWZ Mike Deperalta
Operator AWZ 00:27:18 Kansas City MO Clay Co., Dist. A
KE0UXE Dave Garrison
Operator UXE 00:26:55 Weston MO Platte Co., Dist. A
WA0TJT Keith Kaiser
Operator TJT 00:26:31 AEC Platte Co.
KCHEART, Kansas City MO Platte Co., Dist. A
KD0NBH John Britton
Operator NBH 00:25:30 KCNARES, Clay Co. EC, Kansas City MO Clay Co., Dist. A
AB0GD Gregg Duryea
Operator GD 00:25:06 Platte City MO Platte Co., Dist. A
WA0JSB Leland Finley
Operator JSB 00:24:59 Riverside MO Platte Co., Dist. A
KF0HJV Herb Lance
herb.kf0hjv.gmail.cokm herb.kf0hj
Operator HJV 00:24:04 Kansas City MO Clay Co., Dist. A
N0RJC Dan Carter
Operator RJC 00:23:52 Kansas City MO Clay Co., Dist. A
KB0TXD Matthew Hagan
Operator TXD 00:12:46 NARES, Kansas City MO Clay Co., Dist. A
14 Stations Total Volunteer Hours 04:48:30

7. Activity Log:


Notable Activities

2024-05-08 00:21:00 K0KEX: Rick Smith Opened the net from on 147.330MHz, PL151.4Hz by:
2024-05-08 00:21:00 WEATHER: Saint Joseph: Clear, 78.1F, wind: S @ 66, humidity: 29%
2024-05-08 00:33:34 KF0MEZ: Initial Log In
2024-05-08 00:33:41 N0UYN: Initial Log In
2024-05-08 00:33:59 N0BKE: Initial Log In
2024-05-08 00:34:07 KF0MEZ: Status change: In-Out
2024-05-08 00:34:11 N0UYN: Status change: In-Out
2024-05-08 00:34:16 N0BKE: Status change: In-Out
2024-05-08 00:34:23 K0RGB: Initial Log In
2024-05-08 00:34:31 K0RGB: Role Changed to: Log
2024-05-08 00:35:28 KF0AWZ: Initial Log In
2024-05-08 00:35:51 KE0UXE: Initial Log In
2024-05-08 00:36:15 WA0TJT: Initial Log In
2024-05-08 00:36:49 WA0TJT: Role Changed to: Capt
2024-05-08 00:37:16 KD0NBH: Initial Log In
2024-05-08 00:37:40 AB0GD: Initial Log In
2024-05-08 00:37:47 WA0JSB: Initial Log In
2024-05-08 00:38:42 KF0HJV: Initial Log In
2024-05-08 00:38:54 N0RJC: Initial Log In
2024-05-08 00:41:14 KF0AWZ: On WX Net last night. Good job to all.
2024-05-08 00:42:51 KE0UXE: GE all. Looking at getting in NWS Chat/Slack. Congrats to KF0HJU on good job as NLARES NCM!
2024-05-08 00:43:47 KD0NBH: Had 5 grandkids over today. Trying to get caught up.
2024-05-08 00:44:44 AB0GD: Good job on WX Net last night.
2024-05-08 00:46:17 WA0JSB: Have mic cord going bad. Abt 9:30 pm had lightning strike in Cypress tree next door. Loud explosion!
2024-05-08 00:47:34 KF0HJV: Had hectic weekend. Good to be on tonights net.
2024-05-08 00:49:06 N0RJC: Thanks to all on last nights WX Net. Catching up on work this week.
2024-05-08 00:50:00 KB0TXD: Initial Log In
2024-05-08 00:52:50 KB0TXD: Was able to assist motorist last night via 146.79 rptr during severe WX.
2024-05-08 00:55:16 K0KEX: Opened NCM. NWS posted that last night a EF-0 tornado with 80 mph winds NW of Smithville at 10:59 pm a few miles from K0KEX.
2024-05-08 00:56:45 WA0TJT: Congrats to KF0HJV for great job as KC NLARES Net Control. Herb is encouraged!
2024-05-08 00:59:52 K0RGB: Captured radar images both reflictivity and velocity of the EF-0 Smithville tornado.
2024-05-08 01:02:46 K0RGB: The log was closed, ICS-214 Created

8. Prepared by: Rick Smith , Net Control Operator

ICS 214, Page 1
