1. Incident Name: Log:#11930/PCARG Weekly 2 Meter Voice

2. Operational Period:

Date From: 2024-06-05 To: 2024-06-05
Time From: 00:27:04 To: 00:55:50

3. Name:
PCARG Weekly 2 Meter Voice
147.330MHz, PL151.4Hz

4. ICS Position:

5. Home Agency (Unit and Team):
 Volunteer Amateur Radio Operators (Hams)

6. Resources Assigned:

Callsign, Name & email

Band, ICS Position & Tactical

Time On Duty CREDS, Home Agency (Unit and Team)
WA0JSB Leland Finley
Primary Net Control Net 00:28:46 Riverside MO Platte Co., Dist. A
W0JSH John Heavener
Secondary Net Control JSH 00:24:22 Platte City MO Platte Co., Dist. A
K0RGB Russ Bryan
Net Logger RGB 00:23:36 AEC Clay Co., Smithville MO Clay Co., Dist. A
N0UYN Dennis Crawford
Operator UYN 00:00:08 NARES, Kansas City MO Clay Co., Dist. A
W0RVK Ronald Kassen
Operator RVK 00:00:13 Harrisonville MO Cass Co., Dist. A
KF0MEZ Bob Epp
Operator MEZ 00:00:12 Kansas City MO Platte Co., Dist. A
KF0PSG Austin Avery
Operator PSG 00:00:20 KANSAS CITY MO Clay Co., Dist.
KC0RYF Debbie Liddel
Operator RYF 00:19:48 Lawrence KS Douglas Co., Dist. 1
KC0RRS Bruce Liddel
Operator RRS 00:19:42 Lawrence KS Douglas Co., Dist. 1
WR0R John Seals
Operator R 00:18:32 Gladstone MO Clay Co., Dist. A
WA0TJT Keith Kaiser
Operator TJT 00:18:08 AEC Platte Co.
KCHEART, Kansas City MO Platte Co., Dist. A
KD0NBH John Britton
Operator NBH 00:17:57 KCNARES, Clay Co. EC, Kansas City MO Clay Co., Dist. A
K0KEX Rick Smith
Operator KEX 00:17:34 Platte Co. EC
MESN/NARES/Red Cross, Edgerton MO Platte Co., Dist. A
N0RJC Dan Carter
Operator RJC 00:08:13 Kansas City MO Clay Co., Dist. A
KB0BBQ Bill Brown
Operator BBQ 00:05:17 Raymore MO Cass Co., Dist. Northeast
15 Stations Total Volunteer Hours 03:22:48

7. Activity Log:


Notable Activities

2024-06-05 00:27:04 WA0JSB: Leland Finley Opened the net from on 147.330MHz, PL151.4Hz by:
2024-06-05 00:27:04 WEATHER: Kansas City: Clear, 84.9F, wind: SSW @ 29, humidity: 55%
2024-06-05 00:31:28 W0JSH: Initial Log In
2024-06-05 00:32:07 K0RAWW: Initial Log In
2024-06-05 00:32:14 K0RGB: Initial Log In
2024-06-05 00:32:37 GENCOMM: The call K0RAWW with this ID was deleted
2024-06-05 00:32:51 K0RGB: Role Changed to: Log
2024-06-05 00:33:03 W0JSH: Role Changed to: 2nd
2024-06-05 00:33:21 N0UYN: Initial Log In
2024-06-05 00:33:29 N0UYN: Status change: In-Out
2024-06-05 00:33:49 W0RVK: Initial Log In
2024-06-05 00:33:56 KF0MEZ: Initial Log In
2024-06-05 00:34:02 W0RVK: Status change: In-Out
2024-06-05 00:34:08 KF0MEZ: Status change: In-Out
2024-06-05 00:34:14 W0RVK: 73
2024-06-05 00:34:33 KF0MEZ: GE all. Have a good week.
2024-06-05 00:34:52 KF0PSG: Initial Log In
2024-06-05 00:35:12 KF0PSG: Status change: In-Out
2024-06-05 00:35:19 KF0PSG: Mode set to: Mob
2024-06-05 00:35:32 KF0PSG: Hi to all. GE.
2024-06-05 00:36:02 KC0RYF: Initial Log In
2024-06-05 00:36:08 KC0RRS: Initial Log In
2024-06-05 00:37:18 WR0R: Initial Log In
2024-06-05 00:37:42 WA0TJT: Initial Log In
2024-06-05 00:37:53 KD0NBH: Initial Log In
2024-06-05 00:38:16 K0KEX: Initial Log In
2024-06-05 00:39:08 W0JSH: GE all. Hoping for internet fix.
2024-06-05 00:40:09 K0RGB: Changed insurance companies today.
2024-06-05 00:41:35 KC0RYF: Some insurance opting to not insure hi-risk areas, hurricane prone.
2024-06-05 00:42:32 KC0RRS: 67 Minute segment with insurance companies using drones for inspections.
2024-06-05 00:42:41 WR0R: Just checking in.
2024-06-05 00:44:13 WA0TJT: Waiting on pick-up and inspection via drone today.
2024-06-05 00:45:12 KD0NBH: Quiet today. Handled some projects. Static in air now.
2024-06-05 00:47:21 K0KEX: GE all. Propagation opened on 6M. PCARG is lined up for Field Day Operations. Field Day Locator is posted.
2024-06-05 00:47:37 N0RJC: Initial Log In
2024-06-05 00:49:54 N0RJC: Intermittent signal, static.
2024-06-05 00:49:59 N0RJC: Mode set to: HT
2024-06-05 00:50:17 N0RJC: Intermittent signal. Static.
2024-06-05 00:50:33 KB0BBQ: Initial Log In
2024-06-05 00:51:41 KB0BBQ: In Raymore. Trying out new antenna. 37 miles to rptr from home station.
2024-06-05 00:53:20 WA0JSB: Opened NCM. If bringing food for Field Day, pse use Sign Up Genius in PCARG website. Indicate how many are coming and type of dish you are bringing.
2024-06-05 00:55:50 K0RGB: The log was closed, ICS-214 Created
2024-06-05 01:02:35 K0RGB: The log was closed, ICS-214 Created

8. Prepared by: Leland Finley , Net Control Operator

ICS 214, Page 1
