1. Incident Name: Log:#12164/Leavenworth County KS ARES Weekly ARES Training Net

2. Operational Period:

Date From: 2024-07-08 To: 2024-07-08
Time From: 00:30:33 To: 01:00:05

3. Name:
Leavenworth County KS ARES Weekly ARES Training Net
145.330 (-) 151.4 Hz FM

4. ICS Position:

5. Home Agency (Unit and Team):
 Volunteer Amateur Radio Operators (Hams)

6. Resources Assigned:

Callsign, Name & email

Band, ICS Position & Tactical

Time On Duty CREDS, Home Agency (Unit and Team)
Net Logger Net 00:29:32 MECC, Lansing KS Leavenworth Co., Dist. 4
KF0KBC Keith Collier
Primary Net Control KBC 00:28:50 Leavenworth KS Leavenworth Co., Dist. 4
K0AVN David Rousseau
Operator AVN 00:25:25 Pinehurst NC Moore Co., Dist.
KZ0IMO Roxann Kosmicki
Operator IMO 00:25:00 Linwood KS Leavenworth Co., Dist. 4
WA0SRS Steve Stalker
Operator SRS 00:24:34 Kansas City KS Wyandotte Co., Dist. 4
K0MDP Max Pfrimmer
Operator MDP 00:23:49 Lansing KS Leavenworth Co., Dist. 4
KD7QOR Ed Menard
Operator QOR 00:23:42 Cushing Memorial Hospital, Leavenworth KS Leavenworth Co., Dist. 4
KE0SYO Vic Henke
Operator SYO 00:23:26 Cushing Memorial Hospital, Leavenworth KS Leavenworth Co., Dist. 4
KF0ROB Robert Mcwilliams
Operator ROB 00:23:11 Leavenworth KS Leavenworth Co., Dist. 4
W0SER Steven Rice
Operator SER 00:23:05 Shawnee KS Johnson Co., Dist. 4
10 Stations Total Volunteer Hours 04:10:34

7. Activity Log:


Notable Activities

2024-07-08 00:30:33 NJ0P: Rick REICHERT Opened the net from on 145.330 (-) 151.4 Hz FM by:
2024-07-08 00:30:33 WEATHER: Leavenworth: Mostly Cloudy, 78.1F, wind: S @ 17, humidity: 76%
2024-07-08 00:31:05 NJ0P: Role Changed to: Log
2024-07-08 00:31:15 KF0KBC: Initial Log In
2024-07-08 00:31:21 KF0KBC: Role Changed to: PRM
2024-07-08 00:32:28 NJ0P: Traffic set to: Announcement
2024-07-08 00:34:40 K0AVN: Initial Log In
2024-07-08 00:34:44 K0AVN: Traffic set to:
2024-07-08 00:34:49 K0AVN: Mode set to: Echo
2024-07-08 00:34:52 K0AVN: Traffic set to:
2024-07-08 00:34:57 K0AVN: DFQ TX
2024-07-08 00:35:05 KZ0IMO: Initial Log In
2024-07-08 00:35:14 KZ0IMO: Mode set to: Echo
2024-07-08 00:35:15 KZ0IMO: Traffic set to:
2024-07-08 00:35:31 WA0SRS: Initial Log In
2024-07-08 00:36:16 K0MDP: Initial Log In
2024-07-08 00:36:23 KD7QOR: Initial Log In
2024-07-08 00:36:39 KE0SYO: Initial Log In
2024-07-08 00:36:54 KF0ROB: Initial Log In
2024-07-08 00:37:00 W0SER: Initial Log In
2024-07-08 00:37:28 W0SER: Mode set to: Mob
2024-07-08 00:45:17 NJ0P: SET Planning Team needs to get back together
2024-07-08 00:45:52 NJ0P: DMR Radio holders can check in on Thursday of Club Meetings. Need a NCS or captain for that.
2024-07-08 00:46:06 NJ0P: CBR II test results are in .
2024-07-08 00:46:32 KZ0IMO: Aug Team 4 SJH and Team 1 @ PMC. Join KCHEART
2024-07-08 00:47:43 KF0KBC: Called for TNG and announcements
2024-07-08 00:47:56 NJ0P: Traffic set to: Sent
2024-07-08 00:48:00 WA0SRS: Traffic set to:
2024-07-08 00:48:29 K0AVN: Keith doing great job as NCS. Just completed AA training week 1.
2024-07-08 00:49:11 K0AVN: Has DMR and can dial in the info. But it takes SKILL
2024-07-08 00:49:47 KZ0IMO: Pulled out her VNA is going to start testing antennas
2024-07-08 00:50:42 WA0SRS: Still doing things to recover from his computer being hijacked.
2024-07-08 00:52:28 K0MDP: Super happy with CBR equip[ment performance and results
2024-07-08 00:52:52 K0MDP: Will try and capture a weather satelite image later
2024-07-08 00:53:29 KD7QOR: Enjoyed CBR test. Will be at SJH work on 7/13
2024-07-08 00:53:54 KE0SYO: THanks to Keith for taking NCS
2024-07-08 00:54:05 KE0SYO: Gary helped Vic put up a new dipole
2024-07-08 00:54:49 KF0ROB: Thanks to Keith of NCS. Enjoying sitting on teh patio and looking at a way to put up a dipole
2024-07-08 00:56:00 W0SER: Closer to repeater but losing repeater on occasion while mobile from Olathe.
2024-07-08 00:56:18 W0SER: Yesterday was first visit to Hilltop Market
2024-07-08 01:00:05 NJ0P: The log was closed, ICS-214 Created

8. Prepared by: Keith Collier , Net Control Operator

ICS 214, Page 1
