1. Incident Name: Log:#12285/PCARG Weekly 2 Meter Voice

2. Operational Period:

Date From: 2024-07-24 To: 2024-07-24
Time From: 00:10:01 To: 01:04:15

3. Name:
PCARG Weekly 2 Meter Voice
147.330MHz, PL151.4Hz

4. ICS Position:

5. Home Agency (Unit and Team):
 Volunteer Amateur Radio Operators (Hams)

6. Resources Assigned:

Callsign, Name & email

Band, ICS Position & Tactical

Time On Duty CREDS, Home Agency (Unit and Team)
KE0UXE Dave Garrison
Primary Net Control Net 00:54:14 Weston MO Platte Co., Dist. A
K0RGB Russ Bryan
Net Logger RGB 00:32:17 AEC Clay Co., Smithville MO Clay Co., Dist. A
KD0NBH John Britton
Secondary Net Control NBH 00:31:56 KCNARES, Clay Co. EC, Kansas City MO Clay Co., Dist. A
N0UYN Dennis Crawford
Operator UYN 00:00:07 NARES, Kansas City MO Clay Co., Dist. A
N0BKE Mark Dickerson
Operator BKE 00:00:07 Kansas City MO Clay Co., Dist. A
WY0O Nick Foster
Operator O 00:00:07 NARES, SMITHVILLE MO Platte Co., Dist. A
KF0MEZ Bob Epp
Operator MEZ 00:00:07 Kansas City MO Platte Co., Dist. A
KC0RYF Debbie Liddel
Operator RYF 00:24:38 Lawrence KS Douglas Co., Dist. 1
KC0RRS Bruce Liddel
Operator RRS 00:24:33 Lawrence KS Douglas Co., Dist. 1
N0RJC Dan Carter
Operator RJC 00:23:56 Kansas City MO Clay Co., Dist. A
KC9JB Justin Bolin
Operator JB 00:23:45 Platte City MO Platte Co., Dist.
WA0JSB Leland Finley
Operator JSB 00:23:08 Riverside MO Platte Co., Dist. A
WA0TJT Keith Kaiser
Operator TJT 00:22:54 AEC Platte Co.
KCHEART, Kansas City MO Platte Co., Dist. A
KE0RFE Patrick Hoesly
Operator RFE 00:22:47 Kansas City MO Clay Co., Dist. A
AB0GD Gregg Duryea
Operator GD 00:13:12 Platte City MO Platte Co., Dist. A
K0KEX Rick Smith
Operator KEX 00:13:05 Platte Co. EC
MESN/NARES/Red Cross, Edgerton MO Platte Co., Dist. A
W0JSH John Heavener
Operator JSH 00:12:47 Platte City MO Platte Co., Dist. A
WR0R John Seals
Operator R 00:12:10 Gladstone MO Clay Co., Dist. A
KF0KYK Brett Wright
Operator KYK 00:11:52 Stewartsville MO Dekalb Co., Dist. H
19 Stations Total Volunteer Hours 05:47:42

7. Activity Log:


Notable Activities

2024-07-24 00:10:01 KE0UXE: Dave Garrison Opened the net from on 147.330MHz, PL151.4Hz by:
2024-07-24 00:10:01 WEATHER: Plattsburg: Clear, 84.9F, wind: W @ 17, humidity: 48%
2024-07-24 00:31:58 K0RGB: Initial Log In
2024-07-24 00:32:04 K0RGB: Role Changed to: Log
2024-07-24 00:32:19 KD0NBH: Initial Log In
2024-07-24 00:32:24 KD0NBH: Role Changed to: 2nd
2024-07-24 00:33:44 N0UYN: Initial Log In
2024-07-24 00:33:51 N0UYN: Status change: In-Out
2024-07-24 00:34:06 N0BKE: Initial Log In
2024-07-24 00:34:13 N0BKE: Status change: In-Out
2024-07-24 00:34:38 N0BKE: Mode set to: Mob
2024-07-24 00:34:48 WY0O: Initial Log In
2024-07-24 00:34:55 WY0O: Status change: In-Out
2024-07-24 00:35:34 N0UYN: Stay cool. Warm WX coming. 73
2024-07-24 00:35:49 N0BKE: Just pulling in garage.
2024-07-24 00:37:17 KF0MEZ: Initial Log In
2024-07-24 00:37:24 KF0MEZ: Status change: In-Out
2024-07-24 00:37:34 KF0MEZ: Mode set to: Echo
2024-07-24 00:39:02 KF0MEZ: In ER waiting.
2024-07-24 00:39:37 KC0RYF: Initial Log In
2024-07-24 00:39:42 KC0RRS: Initial Log In
2024-07-24 00:39:54 KC0RYF: EP
2024-07-24 00:39:59 KC0RRS: EP
2024-07-24 00:40:19 N0RJC: Initial Log In
2024-07-24 00:40:30 KC9JB: Initial Log In
2024-07-24 00:41:07 WA0JSB: Initial Log In
2024-07-24 00:41:21 WA0TJT: Initial Log In
2024-07-24 00:41:28 KE0RFE: Initial Log In
2024-07-24 00:43:03 KC0RYF: On EP. GE all, just taking care of pastoral duties.
2024-07-24 00:44:21 KC0RRS: On EP. GE everyone. Recruited a Douglas County ARC member.
2024-07-24 00:46:00 N0RJC: GE everyone. Had outage with work and flight delays. Going to OK City Ham Holiday. Might make some sales. Stop on by.
2024-07-24 00:46:49 KC9JB: GE Dave and net. Looking forward to meeting on Saturday.
2024-07-24 00:47:45 WA0JSB: GE all. Chicken, green beans, and pecan pie this evening. Busy with vacation bible school.
2024-07-24 00:49:25 WA0TJT: Worked at Lizard Under the Skillet Bike Ride event last weekend with Deb. For the first time, did not have to pick up any stragglers. Had no problems with Mac which were experienced with Windows.
2024-07-24 00:50:42 KE0RFE: Good job with net. Had issues with MS and headset.
2024-07-24 00:51:03 AB0GD: Initial Log In
2024-07-24 00:51:10 K0KEX: Initial Log In
2024-07-24 00:51:28 W0JSH: Initial Log In
2024-07-24 00:52:05 WR0R: Initial Log In
2024-07-24 00:52:23 KF0KYK: Initial Log In
2024-07-24 00:55:06 KF0KYK: Calling from base tonight. 2 miles N of Stewartsville, MO off US Hwy 36, about 35 miles out.
2024-07-24 00:55:37 W0JSH: Spent weekend with kids and grandkids. Celebrated Connors birthday.
2024-07-24 00:59:34 K0KEX: Treasurers audit found any who have not paid 2024 dues, please try to accomplish. Thanks PCARG for repeater use in Sunday evening training net.
2024-07-24 01:01:26 AB0GD: GE Dave and group. Geyser in Yellowstone had significant eruption.
2024-07-24 01:04:15 K0RGB: The log was closed, ICS-214 Created
2024-07-24 01:04:50 KE0UXE: The log was closed, ICS-214 Created

8. Prepared by: Dave Garrison , Net Control Operator

ICS 214, Page 1
