ICS 214 UNIT LOG1. Incident Name: Log:#13267/PCARG Weekly 2 Meter Voice |
2. Operational Period: |
3. Name: |
4. ICS Position: |
5. Home Agency (Unit and Team): |
6. Resources Assigned: |
Callsign, Name & email |
Band, ICS Position & Tactical |
Time On Duty CREDS, Home Agency (Unit and Team) |
W0JSH John Heavener jheavener@fairpoint.net |
Primary Net Control Net | 00:31:22 Platte City MO Platte Co., Dist. A |
WA0JSB Leland Finley leefin@netscape.net |
Secondary Net Control JSB | 00:23:28 RIVERSIDE MO Platte Co., Dist. A |
K0RGB Russ Bryan grantsraider@juno.com |
Net Logger RGB | 00:23:14 AEC Clay Co., Smithville MO Clay Co., Dist. A |
K0MEZ Bob Epp bobepp@gmail.com |
Operator MEZ | 00:00:06 Kansas City MO Platte Co., Dist. A |
N0UYN Dennis Crawford n0uyn@swbell.net |
Operator UYN | 00:00:07 NARES, KANSAS CITY MO Clay Co., Dist. A |
N0BKE Mark Dickerson mark.rssm@gmail.com |
Operator BKE | 00:00:10 Kansas City MO Clay Co., Dist. A |
KC0RYF Debbie Liddel dliddel@gmail.com |
Operator RYF | 00:19:12 Lawrence KS Douglas Co., Dist. 1 |
KC0RRS Bruce Liddel bliddel@sunflower.com |
Operator RRS | 00:19:07 Lawrence KS Douglas Co., Dist. 1 |
WA0TJT Keith Kaiser wa0tjt@gmail.com |
Operator TJT |
AEC Platte Co. KCHEART, Kansas City MO Platte Co., Dist. A |
K0EHT Ron Marshall |
Operator EHT | 00:18:16 PARKVILLE MO Platte Co., Dist. A |
N0RJC Dan Carter dannyc@carternetwork.net |
Operator RJC | 00:18:00 Kansas City MO Clay Co., Dist. A |
AB0GD Gregg Duryea ab0gd@outlook.com |
Operator GD | 00:17:26 Platte City MO Platte Co., Dist. A |
NJ0P Rick Reichert Nj0p@arrl.net |
Operator P | 00:17:00 MECC, LANSING KS Leavenworth Co., Dist. 4 |
K0KEX Rick Smith k0kex628@gmail.com |
Operator KEX |
Platte Co. EC MESN/NARES/Red Cross, EDGERTON MO Platte Co., Dist. A |
KF0RVO Sam Parrish ilchaser84@gmail.com |
Operator RVO | 00:07:35 Kansas City MO Platte Co., Dist. |
15 Stations | Total Volunteer Hours | 03:46:36 |
7. Activity Log: |
Date/Time |
Notable Activities |
2024-12-04 01:24:27 | WEATHER: Manchester: Cloudy, 30.9F, wind: N @ 0, humidity: 56% | |
2024-12-04 01:24:27 | W0JSH: John Heavener Opened the net from on 147.330MHz, PL151.4Hz by: | |
2024-12-04 01:32:21 | WA0JSB: Initial Log In | |
2024-12-04 01:32:35 | K0RGB: Initial Log In | |
2024-12-04 01:32:42 | WA0JSB: Role Changed to: 2nd | |
2024-12-04 01:32:45 | K0RGB: Role Changed to: Log | |
2024-12-04 01:34:03 | K0MEZ: Initial Log In | |
2024-12-04 01:34:09 | K0MEZ: Status change: In-Out | |
2024-12-04 01:34:39 | K0MEZ: Participating in 3 nets tonight. | |
2024-12-04 01:34:46 | N0UYN: Initial Log In | |
2024-12-04 01:34:53 | N0UYN: Status change: In-Out | |
2024-12-04 01:35:01 | N0UYN: GE and 73. | |
2024-12-04 01:35:09 | N0BKE: Initial Log In | |
2024-12-04 01:35:19 | N0BKE: Status change: In-Out | |
2024-12-04 01:35:32 | N0BKE: Have a good evening. | |
2024-12-04 01:36:37 | KC0RYF: Initial Log In | |
2024-12-04 01:36:42 | KC0RRS: Initial Log In | |
2024-12-04 01:37:03 | WA0TJT: Initial Log In | |
2024-12-04 01:37:33 | K0EHT: Initial Log In | |
2024-12-04 01:37:49 | N0RJC: Initial Log In | |
2024-12-04 01:38:23 | AB0GD: Initial Log In | |
2024-12-04 01:38:49 | NJ0P: Initial Log In | |
2024-12-04 01:40:00 | WA0JSB: Price Chopper Dec 7th Santa Claus on duty. | |
2024-12-04 01:40:40 | K0RGB: Straightening up shack. | |
2024-12-04 01:41:43 | KC0RYF: GE all. Advent has started. Hope all had a good Thanksgiving. | |
2024-12-04 01:43:02 | K0KEX: Initial Log In | |
2024-12-04 01:43:57 | KC0RRS: Cleaning out garage and a volunteer accepted entire give-away box of equipment. With cooler WX tire pressure was low. Got them aired up with 37 year-old compressor. | |
2024-12-04 01:45:11 | WA0TJT: Decorated trees today. Got some new furniture. Hope to see all at dinners and breakfasts coming up. | |
2024-12-04 01:46:03 | K0EHT: Just playing with new Yaesu 500-DR. Getting into Fusion. | |
2024-12-04 01:46:42 | N0RJC: Took mome to | |
2024-12-04 01:47:39 | N0RJC: Took mom to hospital for outpatient visit. Have Chicago trip coming up. Will be late for Skywarn Recognition Day KC0NWS. | |
2024-12-04 01:48:14 | KF0RVO: Initial Log In | |
2024-12-04 01:50:43 | K0KEX: 6:00 pm Dec 6th kicks off Skywarn Recognition Day. See PCARG website for Spl Event Pearl Harbor Day Dec 7th. | |
2024-12-04 01:51:54 | AB0GD: Windows 11 computer running new version. Check compatibility with FLDIGI on any new versions. | |
2024-12-04 01:52:18 | NJ0P: Operating on hand held from Lansing, KS. | |
2024-12-04 01:52:26 | NJ0P: Mode set to: HT | |
2024-12-04 01:53:02 | KF0RVO: Hope all had a great Thanksgiving. Getting to paint the family room and get ready for Christmas. | |
2024-12-04 01:53:48 | W0JSH: Dec 28th 8:00am, Breakfast Meeting at Roxanne''s in Platte City. Back room is for us. Please come! | |
2024-12-04 01:55:49 | K0RGB: The log was closed, ICS-214 Created | |
8. Prepared by: John Heavener , Net Control Operator |
ICS 214, Page 1 |
Date/Time: |