ICS 214 UNIT LOG1. Incident Name: Log:#13319/KCNARES Weekly 2 Meter Voice |
2. Operational Period: |
3. Name: |
4. ICS Position: |
5. Home Agency (Unit and Team): |
6. Resources Assigned: |
Callsign, Name & email |
Band, ICS Position & Tactical |
Time On Duty CREDS, Home Agency (Unit and Team) |
WA0TJT Keith Kaiser wa0tjt@gmail.com |
Primary Net Control Net |
AEC Platte Co. KCHEART, Kansas City MO Platte Co., Dist. A |
K0RGB Russ Bryan grantsraider@juno.com |
Net Logger RGB | 00:21:43 AEC Clay Co., Smithville MO Clay Co., Dist. A |
KE0UXE Dave Garrison davegarrisonf4g@gmail.com |
Secondary Net Control UXE | 00:20:52 Weston MO Platte Co., Dist. A |
K0MEZ Bob Epp bobepp@gmail.com |
Operator MEZ | 00:20:01 Kansas City MO Platte Co., Dist. A |
KF0AWZ Mike Deperalta KF0AWZ@gmail.com |
Operator AWZ | 00:19:45 Kansas City MO Clay Co., Dist. A |
N0UYN Dennis Crawford n0uyn@swbell.net |
Operator UYN | 00:19:17 NARES, KANSAS CITY MO Clay Co., Dist. A |
N0BKE Mark Dickerson mark.rssm@gmail.com |
Operator BKE | 00:19:12 Kansas City MO Clay Co., Dist. A |
KF0HJU Kaye Lance Kayelance@gmail.com |
Operator HJU | 00:18:39 Kansas City MO Clay Co., Dist. A |
KF0PLI Steven Heutinck |
Operator PLI | 00:18:17 Kansas City MO Clay Co., Dist. |
AB0GD Gregg Duryea ab0gd@outlook.com |
Operator GD | 00:18:06 Platte City MO Platte Co., Dist. A |
KF0HJV Herb Lance herb.kf0hjv.gmail.com |
Operator HJV | 00:17:53 Kansas City MO Clay Co., Dist. A |
KF0AXG John Clapsaddle johnclap@yahoo.com |
Operator AXG | 00:17:25 Liberty MO Clay Co., Dist. A |
K0KEX Rick Smith k0kex628@gmail.com |
Operator KEX |
Platte Co. EC MESN/NARES/Red Cross, EDGERTON MO Platte Co., Dist. A |
KD0FUE Steve Smith Me10EC@aol.com |
Operator FUE | 00:16:52 NARES, LIBERTY MO Clay Co., Dist. A |
KF0NZJ Daniel Desnoyer |
Operator NZJ | 00:16:36 Kearney MO Clay Co., Dist. |
KF0KVO Hank Kudlacz KF0KVO@Gmail.com |
Operator KVO | 00:15:20 Kansas City MO Clay Co., Dist. A |
KF0DFC John Jespersen jdjespersen@gmail.com |
Operator DFC |
JCARES NARES, Kansas City MO Jackson Co., Dist. A |
K0BDS Brian Sparks |
Operator BDS | 00:14:55 KANSAS CITY MO Clay Co., Dist. A |
W0RVK Ronald Kassen |
Operator RVK | 00:08:51 Harrisonville MO Cass Co., Dist. A |
KC0RRS Bruce Liddel bliddel@sunflower.com |
Operator RRS | 00:08:32 Lawrence KS Douglas Co., Dist. 1 |
N0RJC Dan Carter dannyc@carternetwork.net |
Operator RJC | 00:08:27 Kansas City MO Clay Co., Dist. A |
KC0RYF Debbie Liddel dliddel@gmail.com |
Operator RYF | 00:08:17 Lawrence KS Douglas Co., Dist. 1 |
KE0RFE Patrick Hoesly patrick@zooboing.com |
Operator RFE | 00:07:32 Kansas City MO Clay Co., Dist. A |
KF0RVO Sam Parrish ilchaser84@gmail.com |
Operator RVO | 00:06:58 Kansas City MO Platte Co., Dist. |
24 Stations | Total Volunteer Hours | 06:25:41 |
7. Activity Log: |
Date/Time |
Notable Activities |
2024-12-11 00:53:16 | WEATHER: Kansas City: Clear, 37F, wind: SW @ 12, humidity: 54% | |
2024-12-11 00:53:16 | WA0TJT: Keith Kaiser Opened the net from on 146.790MHz, PL107.2Hz by: | |
2024-12-11 00:53:40 | GENCOMM: : PCSD: ARES Northland ARES weekly voice net--Net Control--on 146.79 repeater with PL 107.2 From 7pm to 8pm, KC0YSO | |
2024-12-11 01:01:25 | K0RGB: Initial Log In | |
2024-12-11 01:01:42 | K0RGB: Role Changed to: Log | |
2024-12-11 01:02:16 | KE0UXE: Initial Log In | |
2024-12-11 01:02:22 | KE0UXE: Role Changed to: 2nd | |
2024-12-11 01:03:07 | K0MEZ: Initial Log In | |
2024-12-11 01:03:23 | KF0AWZ: Initial Log In | |
2024-12-11 01:03:51 | N0UYN: Initial Log In | |
2024-12-11 01:03:56 | N0BKE: Initial Log In | |
2024-12-11 01:04:29 | KF0HJU: Initial Log In | |
2024-12-11 01:04:51 | KF0PLI: Initial Log In | |
2024-12-11 01:05:02 | AB0GD: Initial Log In | |
2024-12-11 01:05:08 | AB0GD: Traffic set to: Announcement | |
2024-12-11 01:05:15 | KF0HJV: Initial Log In | |
2024-12-11 01:05:43 | KF0AXG: Initial Log In | |
2024-12-11 01:05:51 | KF0AXG: Traffic set to: Announcement | |
2024-12-11 01:05:58 | K0KEX: Initial Log In | |
2024-12-11 01:06:03 | KF0HJV: Traffic set to: | |
2024-12-11 01:06:07 | K0KEX: Traffic set to: Announcement | |
2024-12-11 01:06:16 | KD0FUE: Initial Log In | |
2024-12-11 01:06:32 | KF0NZJ: Initial Log In | |
2024-12-11 01:07:48 | KF0KVO: Initial Log In | |
2024-12-11 01:07:59 | KF0DFC: Initial Log In | |
2024-12-11 01:08:13 | K0BDS: Initial Log In | |
2024-12-11 01:09:32 | AB0GD: 7:30pm PCARG 2 Meter Net 147.330 MHz PL 151.4 Hz please join. | |
2024-12-11 01:09:42 | AB0GD: Traffic set to: Sent | |
2024-12-11 01:10:12 | KF0AXG: Liberty ERC Testing Saturday 10:00 am at Kearney Mid-Continent Library. | |
2024-12-11 01:10:18 | KF0AXG: Traffic set to: Sent | |
2024-12-11 01:12:25 | K0KEX: Textcaster went out tonight at 6:30 pm. Notify Deputy Mike Oneil if not recd. Winlink was down, but restored it and FSQ operations today. On Sunday nights we have Digital Training Net on 147.330 MHz Pl 151.4 Hz. | |
2024-12-11 01:13:53 | KE0UXE: Reminder of ARES Christmas meeting and dinner at Golden Corral on Ambassador Dr 5:30 pm. Ask for Northland ARES for the room there. | |
2024-12-11 01:14:02 | KE0UXE: Traffic set to: Sent | |
2024-12-11 01:14:17 | W0RVK: Initial Log In | |
2024-12-11 01:14:25 | KF0RYF: Initial Log In | |
2024-12-11 01:14:36 | KC0RRS: Initial Log In | |
2024-12-11 01:14:41 | N0RJC: Initial Log In | |
2024-12-11 01:14:51 | KC0RYF: Initial Log In | |
2024-12-11 01:15:11 | GENCOMM: The call KF0RYF with this ID was deleted | |
2024-12-11 01:15:36 | KE0RFE: Initial Log In | |
2024-12-11 01:16:03 | KF0HJU: Dont forget Christmas Dinner tomorrow night. | |
2024-12-11 01:16:10 | KF0RVO: Initial Log In | |
2024-12-11 01:16:43 | KF0AXG: Traffic set to: Sent | |
2024-12-11 01:16:49 | K0KEX: Traffic set to: Sent | |
2024-12-11 01:18:34 | K0KEX: Also, Skywarn Recognition Day was last Saturday. Nice turn-out. We operated on CW, Winlink, FT-8, and voice. The NCM Pre-built Net was very nice. Very successful operation overall! | |
2024-12-11 01:19:35 | KF0HJU: Traffic set to: Sent | |
2024-12-11 01:23:08 | K0RGB: The log was closed, ICS-214 Created | |
8. Prepared by: Keith Kaiser , Net Control Operator |
ICS 214, Page 1 |
Date/Time: |