1. Incident Name: Log:#14019/Washington County IL Auxcomm Polish Fest 25

2. Operational Period:

Date From: 2025-03-02 To: 2025-03-02
Time From: 17:42:22 To: 21:56:56

3. Name:
Washington County IL Auxcomm Polish Fest 25

4. ICS Position:

5. Home Agency (Unit and Team):
 Volunteer Amateur Radio Operators (Hams)

6. Resources Assigned:

Callsign, Name & email

Band, ICS Position & Tactical

Time On Duty CREDS, Home Agency (Unit and Team)
Primary Net Control Net 04:14:34 Nashville Co., Dist.
CEN15 Bob
Operator 5 03:56:57 Co., Dist.
CEN13 Zac
Operator 3 03:55:59 Co., Dist.
4401 Darrah
Operator 401 03:55:43 Nashville Co., Dist.
4403-CP Weston
Operator 403-CP 03:49:04 Nashville Co., Dist.
956 Howard
Operator 56 03:45:45 Co., Dist.
95-2 CHAZZ
Operator 5-2 03:45:43 Co., Dist.
CEN21 Philip
Operator 1 03:38:49 Co., Dist.
4402 Danel
Operator 4402 03:21:18 Co., Dist.
951 Schultze
Operator 51 03:13:23 Co., Dist.
0000 Mayor
Operator 000 03:12:20 Co., Dist.
95-13 95-13
Operator 5-13 03:03:57 Co., Dist.
95-6 95-6
Operator 5-6 02:32:03 Co., Dist.
13 Stations Total Volunteer Hours 46:25:35

7. Activity Log:


Notable Activities

2025-03-02 17:42:22 4403: Opened the net from on 154.2875 by:
2025-03-02 17:42:22 WEATHER: Akron: Cloudy, 23F, wind: W @ 21, humidity: 52%
2025-03-02 17:59:59 CEN15: No FCC Record
2025-03-02 17:59:59 CEN15: Initial Log In
2025-03-02 18:00:19 CEN15: 15 at position
2025-03-02 18:00:57 CEN13: No FCC Record
2025-03-02 18:00:57 CEN13: Initial Log In
2025-03-02 18:01:06 CEN13: 13 @ position
2025-03-02 18:01:13 4401: Initial Log In
2025-03-02 18:01:24 4401: 01 @ position
2025-03-02 18:07:52 4403-CP: Initial Log In
2025-03-02 18:08:39 4403-CP: 4403/CP Advises HAM backup comms unavaible
2025-03-02 18:10:13 4403-CP: 4403 advises that HAM radio backup is not working
2025-03-02 18:11:11 956: No FCC Record
2025-03-02 18:11:11 956: Initial Log In
2025-03-02 18:11:13 95-2: No FCC Record
2025-03-02 18:11:13 95-2: Initial Log In
2025-03-02 18:11:39 95-2: provided 95-2 with location.
2025-03-02 18:13:40 95-2: advised 95-6 his location.
2025-03-02 18:15:51 956: asked for 95-2 location.
2025-03-02 18:18:07 CEN21: No FCC Record
2025-03-02 18:18:07 CEN21: Initial Log In
2025-03-02 18:18:36 CEN21: 21 @ Position.
2025-03-02 18:34:20 CEN21: 21 at position
2025-03-02 18:35:38 4402: Initial Log In
2025-03-02 18:35:51 4402: Tactical set to: 4402
2025-03-02 18:35:51 4402: tactical Change
2025-03-02 18:36:03 4403-CP: general broadcast, 30 min before parade start
2025-03-02 18:36:58 GENCOMM: 4402: Test
2025-03-02 18:37:51 GENCOMM: 4403: test
2025-03-02 18:38:28 4401: No barricade at north first st and broadway
2025-03-02 18:42:58 4402: Notified Mayor of no barricades a first and broadway
2025-03-02 18:43:29 4403: 15 asked about shutting down road. got proper advisement.
2025-03-02 18:43:33 951: Initial Log In
2025-03-02 18:44:36 0000: No FCC Record
2025-03-02 18:44:36 0000: Initial Log In
2025-03-02 18:45:27 0000: Advised that he is working to get someone with barricades to first and broadway
2025-03-02 18:45:33 4402: 05-1 asking if anyone was at the barricade corner.
2025-03-02 18:45:55 951: 95-1 was advised there was someone there.
2025-03-02 18:49:30 956: Advised is responding with 957 to assist with TC at first/broadway
2025-03-02 18:51:16 4401: advised traffic was still getting through. 95-6/95-7 enroute.
2025-03-02 18:52:06 956: 95-6 advised road is clear.
2025-03-02 18:52:59 95-13: No FCC Record
2025-03-02 18:52:59 95-13: Initial Log In
2025-03-02 18:53:17 95-13: 95-13 staged at 8th and 7th.
2025-03-02 18:56:03 GENCOMM: 4403: 4403: Parade start in 5 min
2025-03-02 18:58:08 4403: 4403 advised all units of parade start in 5 mins.
2025-03-02 19:00:03 GENCOMM: 4402: Notified deputies unable to make contact with volunteer at 51/tamaroa.
2025-03-02 19:00:13 CEN21: secure
2025-03-02 19:00:25 4401: advised sheriff''s office is going one last pass down parade route
2025-03-02 19:00:50 GENCOMM: 4402: 4401 advised that contact with 21 was made via cell and he is secure, deputies notified
2025-03-02 19:05:30 GENCOMM: 4403: 4401 advised amtrak is obeying slow order.
2025-03-02 19:18:21 GENCOMM: 4403: 4403: overheard on FG White- turn off your siren, its driving the horse crazy.
2025-03-02 19:23:27 4403: FG White: aked for deputies at the in area of bank,people in roadway.
2025-03-02 19:24:53 95-6: No FCC Record
2025-03-02 19:24:53 95-6: Initial Log In
2025-03-02 19:25:21 95-6: dvised thy were in area
2025-03-02 19:25:44 95-6: advise they were in area. didnt see anything.
2025-03-02 19:29:20 GENCOMM: 4403: 4403: dispatch paged out hoyleton fire, nashville fire, addieville fire, washington co ems, black smoke behind antwons biding in nashvile.
2025-03-02 19:35:01 GENCOMM: 4403: 4403: dispatch has 10-22d hoyleton fire and addieville fire.
2025-03-02 19:49:11 GENCOMM: 403: FG White advised political float is handing out shots. 4401 gave report of shots being handed out shots. advised 95-6. alo notified ISP Contact.
2025-03-02 19:53:13 GENCOMM: 4403: ems called to 2nd and broadway, person with seizure. ems unit notified.
2025-03-02 19:55:20 GENCOMM: 4403: ambulance is on way, ppl at behindbank.
2025-03-02 19:58:20 GENCOMM: 4402: Notified WCPC dispatch to page ambulance to 2nd and broadway for an individual having a seizure called in by state trooper
2025-03-02 19:58:37 GENCOMM: 4403: 95-6 enroute to ems call. ems rover is enroute.
2025-03-02 20:04:46 GENCOMM: 4403: ashley fire and 4401 advised that parade is resuming.
2025-03-02 20:06:25 GENCOMM: 4403: 4401 advised that parade float with mess trailer was throwing shots at people. washco sheriffs and ISP have been notified of reports.
2025-03-02 20:06:48 GENCOMM: 4402: 4203 back at post
2025-03-02 20:07:54 GENCOMM: 403: CEN13 advises a vehicle is handing out shots.
2025-03-02 20:11:15 GENCOMM: 4402: 4712 was asking if contact information was provided for female with seizure patient. Dispatch is adding the phone number into the CAD notes
2025-03-02 20:20:03 4403: aske EMA units if private drone was flying around at this time. 4401 advised she did not see any.
2025-03-02 20:27:21 GENCOMM: 4403: cen15 asked if parade was. mayor advise ccommand that horses still had to go through. then they will wrap up.message passed to 4401.
2025-03-02 20:31:41 GENCOMM: 4403: 4401 advised a Reichmanns Red Semi cussed her out an went through the roadblock.
2025-03-02 20:37:41 GENCOMM: 4403: 4401 advising that Canadian National Railroad is not obeying the slow order. CN Rail Police being called. 51/dubois rd being opened. cen21 remaining on site to direct traffic. 4401 moving to the side to allow traffic to flow.
2025-03-02 20:40:02 GENCOMM: : per mayor, parade is over. command post advised all EMA and law units that roads may open.
2025-03-02 20:44:20 GENCOMM: 4403: 4400 has ben in in touch with railroad. spd restriction is still in place. 4401 advised. 4401 also advised 4401/cen13 at front and broadway doing TC. area is congested.
2025-03-02 20:47:19 GENCOMM: 4403: 4401 advises command: from rail line east to tamaroa rd, traffic backed up. also note people are parking and walking. this is causing issues.
2025-03-02 20:57:16 4401: advised herself and cen13 are heading back to CP.
2025-03-02 21:00:07 4403: all ENA units have cleared their positions.
2025-03-02 21:00:17 4403: EMA*
2025-03-02 21:01:09 4401: 4401 advised that air evac is no longer on site.
2025-03-02 21:56:47 GENCOMM: 4403: all units have returned equipment and are clear.
2025-03-02 21:56:56 4403: The log was closed, ICS-214 Created

8. Prepared by: , Net Control Operator

ICS 214, Page 1
