1. Incident Name: Log:#1563/KCNARES Primary SET
  • Has Sub Nets: 1566, 1565
  • 2. Operational Period:

    Date From: 2019-10-05 To: 2019-10-05
    Time From: 07:25:18 To: 12:14:30

    3. Name:
    KCNARES Primary SET
    Multiple Bands

    4. ICS Position:

    5. Home Agency (Unit and Team):
     Volunteer Amateur Radio Operators (Hams)

    6. Resources Assigned:

    Callsign, Name & email

    Band, ICS Position & Tactical

    Time On Duty CREDS, Home Agency (Unit and Team)
    KC0YSH Frank Cihak
    Operator YSH 04:41:16 MO Clay Co., Dist. A
    WA0TJT Keith Kaiser
    Primary Net Control Net 04:47:53 NARES, MO Platte Co., Dist. A
    AB0GD Gregg Duryea
    Operator Net 04:21:40 MO Platte Co., Dist. A
    KE0RFE Patrick Hoesly
    Operator RFE 04:18:01 MO Clay Co., Dist. A
    N0UYN Dennis Crawford
    Operator Net 04:12:42 NARES, MO Clay Co., Dist. A
    N0BKE Mark Dickerson
    Operator BKE 03:53:58 MO Clay Co., Dist. A
    KD0FUE Steve Smith
    Operator FUE 03:56:27 NARES, MO Platte Co., Dist. A
    KC0RWD Tim Cott
    Operator RWD 02:01:36 NARES, MO Clay Co., Dist. A
    KD0HFX Michael Hall
    Operator HFX 02:00:47 NARES, MO Clay Co., Dist. A
    KA0SXY Dennis Carpenter
    Operator Net 04:04:24 NARES, MO Clay Co., Dist. A
    N0JJA Bill Gerle
    Operator JJA 04:04:22 NARES, MO Clay Co., Dist. A
    AK0SK Sila Kissuu
    Operator Sila 04:01:11 NARES, MO Clay Co., Dist. A
    KC0YT Charlotte Hoverder
    Operator Net 03:47:07 NARES, MO Platte Co., Dist. A
    W0JSH John Heavener
    Operator Net 03:39:31 MO Platte Co., Dist. A
    N0RL David Copeland
    Operator DAVE 03:40:10 NARES, MO Platte Co., Dist. A
    KD0YEX Karen Mcmackin
    Operator YEX 03:40:12 MO Platte Co., Dist. A
    K0KEX Rick Smith
    Operator Net 03:42:31 MESN/NARES/Red Cross, MO Platte Co., Dist. A
    KC0RRS Bruce Liddel
    Liaison to ... Blue Leader 01:24:27 KS Douglas Co., Dist. 1
    K6FN Jerry Kerns
    Operator JERRY 00:42:05 MO Clay Co., Dist. A
    W0DLK Deb Kaiser
    Net Logger Net 00:23:33 NARES, MO Platte Co., Dist. A
    20 Stations Total Volunteer Hours 67:23:53

    7. Activity Log:


    Notable Activities

    2019-10-05 07:24:48 GENCOMM: Smithville: Cloudy, 60.1F, wind: SSE @ 13, humidity: 75%
    2019-10-05 07:24:48 W0DLK: Deb Kaiser Opened the net from on Multiple Bands
    2019-10-05 07:24:55 W0DLK: Initial Log In
    2019-10-05 07:25:03 W0DLK: Role Changed to: Log
    2019-10-05 07:25:18 KC0YSH: Initial Log In
    2019-10-05 07:25:30 KC0YSH: Controller Evaluator
    2019-10-05 07:26:12 KC0YSH: Role Removed
    2019-10-05 07:26:29 GENCOMM: The call W0DLK with this ID was deleted
    2019-10-05 07:26:37 WA0TJT: Initial Log In
    2019-10-05 07:26:43 WA0TJT: Role Removed
    2019-10-05 07:26:50 W0DLK: Role Changed to: Log
    2019-10-05 07:26:57 WA0TJT: Role Changed to: PRM
    2019-10-05 07:28:04 K0KEX: Initial Log In
    2019-10-05 07:28:36 AB0GD: Initial Log In
    2019-10-05 07:34:29 WA0TJT: Cross Roads: Park Dr & US Hwy 169
    2019-10-05 07:35:52 W0DLK: Cross Roads: Park Dr & US Hwy 169
    2019-10-05 07:36:04 KC0YSH: Cross Roads: Park Dr & US Hwy 169
    2019-10-05 07:36:12 AB0GD: Cross Roads: Park Dr & US Hwy 169
    2019-10-05 07:36:16 K0KEX: Cross Roads: Park Dr & US Hwy 169
    2019-10-05 07:41:28 WA0TJT: NC logged in with Regional Net to confirm we are operational
    2019-10-05 07:49:11 K0KEX: Status: Out
    2019-10-05 07:52:34 KC0YSH: No badge at check-in
    2019-10-05 07:52:59 KE0RFE: Initial Log In
    2019-10-05 07:53:25 KE0RFE: Cross Roads: Park Dr & US Hwy 169
    2019-10-05 07:53:44 N0UYN: Initial Log In
    2019-10-05 07:53:54 N0UYN: Cross Roads: Park Dr & US Hwy 169
    2019-10-05 08:00:16 WA0TJT: Exercise Start - Preamble Read
    2019-10-05 08:04:12 N0BKE: Initial Log In
    2019-10-05 08:04:32 KC0RRS: Initial Log In
    2019-10-05 08:05:03 KC0RRS: Liaison for Metro Station
    2019-10-05 08:05:16 KC0RRS: Role Changed to: LSN
    2019-10-05 08:05:20 KD0FUE: Initial Log In
    2019-10-05 08:06:10 N0BKE: No power at Clay County location
    2019-10-05 08:06:20 AA0DV: Initial Log In
    2019-10-05 08:06:25 KC0RWD: Initial Log In
    2019-10-05 08:06:37 KD0HFX: Initial Log In
    2019-10-05 08:06:48 KA0SXY: Initial Log In
    2019-10-05 08:07:15 N0JJA: Initial Log In
    2019-10-05 08:07:43 AK0SK: Initial Log In
    2019-10-05 08:09:24 N0BKE: Cross Roads: NE 96th St & NE Cookingham Dr
    2019-10-05 08:09:29 KD0FUE: Cross Roads: NE 96th St & NE Cookingham Dr
    2019-10-05 08:09:52 AA0DV: Cross Roads: NE 96th St & NE Cookingham Dr
    2019-10-05 08:10:45 KC0YT: Initial Log In
    2019-10-05 08:11:03 N0JJA: Cross Roads: NE 96th St & NE Cookingham Dr
    2019-10-05 08:12:26 K0KEX: Cross Roads: N Congress Ave & NW 84 Ter
    2019-10-05 08:12:59 KD0HFX: Cross Roads: NE 96th St & NE Cookingham Dr
    2019-10-05 08:13:22 KC0YT: Cross Roads: NW Congress Ave & NW 84th Ter
    2019-10-05 08:15:02 KA0SXY: laptop tethering - voice operations also
    2019-10-05 08:15:42 KA0SXY: generator not working - working to resolve issues
    2019-10-05 08:16:16 KA0SXY: Cross Roads: NE 96th St & NE Cookingham Dr
    2019-10-05 08:18:55 K6FN: Initial Log In
    2019-10-05 08:20:10 W0JSH: Initial Log In
    2019-10-05 08:20:26 N0RL: Initial Log In
    2019-10-05 08:20:45 KD0YEX: Initial Log In
    2019-10-05 08:21:09 W0JSH: Cross Roads: S 4 St & Marshall Rd
    2019-10-05 08:21:14 N0RL: Cross Roads: S 4 St & Marshall Rd
    2019-10-05 08:21:20 KD0YEX: Cross Roads: 4th St & Marshall Rd
    2019-10-05 08:21:22 K0KEX: Status: In
    2019-10-05 08:24:26 WA0TJT: Call to Clay County Mobile Command to confirm availability
    2019-10-05 08:25:13 KA0SXY: Traffic set to:
    2019-10-05 08:25:33 KA0SXY: Traffic set to: Comment
    2019-10-05 08:26:21 WA0TJT: Call out to Zona Rosa Pine Ridge to check availability
    2019-10-05 08:26:45 KC0YT: Responded they are available and ready for operations.
    2019-10-05 08:27:20 AK0SK: Cross Roads: Park Dr & US Hwy 169
    2019-10-05 08:28:03 KA0SXY: Traffic set to: Sent
    2019-10-05 08:30:16 KC0RRS: Status: BRB
    2019-10-05 08:30:59 WA0TJT: Roll Call
    2019-10-05 08:31:14 KC0YSH: here
    2019-10-05 08:31:19 AB0GD: here
    2019-10-05 08:31:24 KE0RFE: here
    2019-10-05 08:31:37 N0UYN: here
    2019-10-05 08:31:54 AA0DV: Mode set to:
    2019-10-05 08:32:11 N0BKE: here
    2019-10-05 08:32:34 KD0FUE: here
    2019-10-05 08:33:27 AA0DV: Status: MISSING
    2019-10-05 08:33:40 KC0RWD: here
    2019-10-05 08:33:48 KD0HFX: here
    2019-10-05 08:34:06 KA0SXY: here
    2019-10-05 08:34:29 N0JJA: here
    2019-10-05 08:34:45 AK0SK: here
    2019-10-05 08:35:13 K0KEX: here
    2019-10-05 08:35:17 KC0YT: here
    2019-10-05 08:35:22 K6FN: here
    2019-10-05 08:35:36 W0JSH: here
    2019-10-05 08:35:46 N0RL: here
    2019-10-05 08:36:07 KD0YEX: here
    2019-10-05 08:39:38 KC0RRS: Status: In
    2019-10-05 08:40:59 GENCOMM: The call AA0DV with this ID was deleted
    2019-10-05 08:50:30 KC0RRS: Status: BRB
    2019-10-05 08:54:50 KC0RRS: Status: In
    2019-10-05 08:56:36 KC0RRS: QSY for digital msg QSY for digital msg
    2019-10-05 08:58:01 WA0TJT: Will establish sub-nets
    2019-10-05 08:58:21 WA0TJT: AK0SK will be NC for Clay County
    2019-10-05 08:58:47 WA0TJT: Platte County sub-net announced with NC N0RL
    2019-10-05 09:09:08 KC0RRS: called to clarify comments
    2019-10-05 09:09:59 KC0RRS: weatherfront coming in soon - NC asked him to keep NC apprised of conditions
    2019-10-05 09:11:27 KC0RRS: @home, reset to home coordinates (38.9683241,-95.283417,EM28IX)
    2019-10-05 09:11:53 KC0RRS: Weatherfront is a REAL WORLD situation
    2019-10-05 09:14:11 KD0FUE: Cross Roads: NW Congress Ave & NW 84th Ter
    2019-10-05 09:16:50 KC0RWD: Cross Roads: NE 96th St & NE Cookingham Dr
    2019-10-05 09:26:29 WA0TJT: call to K6FN to clarify what K6FN wants from AK0SK
    2019-10-05 09:27:39 K6FN: They are unable to reach the 440 machine
    2019-10-05 09:28:06 WA0TJT: Traffic set to: Sent
    2019-10-05 09:28:31 K6FN: Traffic set to: Sent
    2019-10-05 09:28:52 WA0TJT: Called K6FN to request them to check in on the 33 machine
    2019-10-05 09:29:03 K6FN: They will do so.
    2019-10-05 09:29:15 K6FN: Traffic set to: Resolved
    2019-10-05 09:38:44 WA0TJT: Call to RRS to clarify there are 3 nets in operation
    2019-10-05 10:00:40 WA0TJT: Call to Mobile Command to ask of WinLink Availability
    2019-10-05 10:01:03 KA0SXY: WinLink is not available from Mobile Command
    2019-10-05 10:02:34 KA0SXY: Headed to Clay County EOC
    2019-10-05 10:04:21 KC0RRS: Liaison reported to Metro NC as monitored by PRM NC on 146.94
    2019-10-05 10:07:16 KD0HFX: will be returning Mobile Command - not successful in resolving power issue
    2019-10-05 10:07:24 KD0HFX: Status: Out
    2019-10-05 10:08:01 KC0RWD: Status: Out
    2019-10-05 10:09:09 KC0RWD: will be retuning Mobile Command - not successful in resolving the power issue
    2019-10-05 10:09:25 KC0RWD: @home, reset to home coordinates (39.189409,-94.537847,EM29re)
    2019-10-05 10:09:32 KD0HFX: @home, reset to home coordinates (39.332144,-94.426796,EM29SH)
    2019-10-05 10:09:42 KC0RRS: Weather issue is resolved
    2019-10-05 10:10:22 WA0TJT: Call to Platte County EOC to ask availability of WinLink
    2019-10-05 10:10:44 N0RL: They are working on a WinLink issue
    2019-10-05 10:11:25 KA0SXY: Requested to go direct to N0RL to get info re: WinLink
    2019-10-05 10:11:46 N0RL: Traffic set to:
    2019-10-05 10:12:30 N0UYN: on supply run to Pine Ridge P Church site
    2019-10-05 10:14:12 GENCOMM: Clay nor Platte County WinLink stations are operational at this time.
    2019-10-05 10:23:56 K6FN: Jerry called to SXY to let him know they were unsuccessful with the WinLink connection.
    2019-10-05 10:24:31 KA0SXY: Will try to help K6FN when he arrives at the Clay EOC
    2019-10-05 10:44:55 WA0TJT: Call for additional check-ins for our net and station ID
    2019-10-05 10:45:08 KC0RRS: Status: BRB
    2019-10-05 10:49:48 KC0RRS: Status: In
    2019-10-05 10:58:46 K6FN: FN called to let us know that he was still unsuccessful on the WinLink connection
    2019-10-05 10:59:09 WA0TJT: Asked FN to stand by about the WinLink connection. SXY is still working on it.
    2019-10-05 10:59:54 WA0TJT: Roll call
    2019-10-05 11:00:13 KC0RRS: here
    2019-10-05 11:00:23 KC0YSH: here
    2019-10-05 11:01:03 AB0GD: left earlier without checking out
    2019-10-05 11:01:21 KE0RFE: here
    2019-10-05 11:01:29 N0UYN: HERE
    2019-10-05 11:01:37 N0BKE: HERE
    2019-10-05 11:01:46 KD0FUE: HERE
    2019-10-05 11:02:31 KA0SXY: HERE
    2019-10-05 11:02:45 N0JJA: HERE
    2019-10-05 11:03:14 KC0YT: HERE
    2019-10-05 11:03:23 K6FN: HERE
    2019-10-05 11:03:36 W0JSH: HERE
    2019-10-05 11:03:55 N0RL: HERE
    2019-10-05 11:04:01 KD0YEX: HERE
    2019-10-05 11:04:19 K0KEX: HERE
    2019-10-05 11:05:16 AB0GD: Cross Roads: NW Congress Ave & NW 84th Ter
    2019-10-05 11:16:03 KA0SXY: Gave FN an update on how he might be able to reconnect to WinLink
    2019-10-05 11:17:12 WA0TJT: Station ID
    2019-10-05 11:17:42 K6FN: Status: MISSING
    2019-10-05 11:18:11 K6FN: Traffic set to: Sent
    2019-10-05 11:19:32 K6FN: Status: In
    2019-10-05 11:20:09 K6FN: Gave an update on WinLink connection
    2019-10-05 11:25:32 WA0TJT: Call for a digital msg to cover the msg requested via WinLink.
    2019-10-05 11:26:51 K6FN: Verified he will send to 33 digitally
    2019-10-05 11:34:10 K6FN: called to verify he can send to 440
    2019-10-05 11:34:26 WA0TJT: Verified ok to send the msg on 440
    2019-10-05 11:46:55 K6FN: Called to say they have finished all tasks and ready to have additional or when can they be released?
    2019-10-05 11:47:14 WA0TJT: Asked FN to stand by for a few mins.
    2019-10-05 11:47:26 W0DLK: Status: BRB
    2019-10-05 11:49:16 W0DLK: Status: In
    2019-10-05 11:50:16 AB0GD: Status: Out
    2019-10-05 11:50:58 AB0GD: headed to Clay EOC
    2019-10-05 11:53:23 WA0TJT: Requested KN to do a roll call and mark the net - wait for word before closing the net
    2019-10-05 11:53:48 K6FN: Acknowledged NC request
    2019-10-05 11:55:27 WA0TJT: Called to obtain the email address for the WinLinnk msg
    2019-10-05 11:55:58 K6FN: sema.mo@gmail.com
    2019-10-05 11:56:23 K6FN: sema.sema.mo@gmail.com
    2019-10-05 11:56:50 K6FN: sema.semadps.mo@gmail.com
    2019-10-05 11:57:52 KC0YT: Status: Out
    2019-10-05 11:58:10 N0BKE: Status: Out
    2019-10-05 11:59:04 KC0RRS: called to let us know he was away for a while.
    2019-10-05 11:59:41 W0JSH: Status: Out
    2019-10-05 12:00:36 N0RL: Status: Out
    2019-10-05 12:00:57 KD0YEX: Status: Out
    2019-10-05 12:01:37 K6FN: Status: Out
    2019-10-05 12:01:47 KD0FUE: Status: Out
    2019-10-05 12:03:53 K0KEX: Status: Out
    2019-10-05 12:06:20 N0UYN: Requested to be released to attend the Hot Wash
    2019-10-05 12:06:26 N0UYN: Status: Out
    2019-10-05 12:06:34 KC0YSH: Status: Out
    2019-10-05 12:07:11 KC0YSH: Requested to be released to attend the Hot Wash
    2019-10-05 12:08:29 WA0TJT: Announced END EX and released everyone to attend Hot Wash and reminded them to do the survey.
    2019-10-05 12:08:54 AK0SK: Status: Out
    2019-10-05 12:10:25 AK0SK: Released to attend the Hot Wash
    2019-10-05 12:10:47 KE0RFE: Released to attend Hot Wash
    2019-10-05 12:11:00 KE0RFE: Status: Out
    2019-10-05 12:11:05 KA0SXY: Released to attend Hot Wash
    2019-10-05 12:11:12 KA0SXY: Status: Out
    2019-10-05 12:11:30 N0JJA: Released to attend Hot Wash
    2019-10-05 12:11:37 N0JJA: Status: Out
    2019-10-05 12:11:48 W0DLK: Released to attend Hot Wash
    2019-10-05 12:12:37 WA0TJT: Call to RRS to let Metro know we have announced END EX
    2019-10-05 12:12:49 W0DLK: Status: Out
    2019-10-05 12:14:00 KC0RRS: Accepted assignment and released to attend the Hot Wash
    2019-10-05 12:14:15 KC0RRS: Status: Out
    2019-10-05 12:14:30 WA0TJT: Status: Out
    2019-10-05 12:15:27 W0DLK: The log was closed

    8. Prepared by: Keith Kaiser , Net Control Operator

    ICS 214, Page 1
