1. Incident Name: Log:#3646/KCNARES Weekly 2 Meter Voice

2. Operational Period:

Date From: 2021-03-10 To: 2021-03-10
Time From: 00:50:12 To: 01:36:25

3. Name:
KCNARES Weekly 2 Meter Voice
146.790MHz, PL107.2Hz

4. ICS Position:

5. Home Agency (Unit and Team):
 Volunteer Amateur Radio Operators (Hams)

6. Resources Assigned:

Callsign, Name & email

Band, ICS Position & Tactical

Time On Duty CREDS, Home Agency (Unit and Team)
K0KEX Richard Smith
Primary Net Control Net 00:46:13 MESN/NARES/Red Cross, MO Platte Co., Dist. A
N0BKE Mark Dickerson
Net Logger BKE 00:33:50 MO Clay Co., Dist. A
N0UYN Dennis Crawford
Secondary Net Control UYN 00:33:12 NARES, MO Clay Co., Dist. A
W0DLK Deborah Kaiser
Operator DLK 00:32:40 NARES, CERT, MO Platte Co., Dist. A
WA0TJT Keith Kaiser
Operator TJT 00:32:33 NARES, MECC, MO Platte Co., Dist. A
KD0NBH John Britton
Operator NBH 00:32:09 MECC, MO Clay Co., Dist. A
AK0SK Sila Kissuu
Operator SK 00:32:00 NARES, MO Clay Co., Dist. A
N0RJC Dan Carter
Operator RJC 00:31:51 MO Clay Co., Dist. A
KF0CJM Mathew Bishop
Operator CJM 00:31:35 MO Clay Co., Dist. A
KF0ACY Timothy Hillman
Operator ACY 00:31:17 MO Clay Co., Dist. A
KC0UCA Russell Bryan
Operator UCA 00:30:37 MO Clay Co., Dist. A
KA0SXY Dennis Carpenter
Operator SXY 00:30:29 NARES, MO Clay Co., Dist. A
N0JJA Bill Gerle
Operator JJA 00:29:07 NARES, MO Clay Co., Dist. A
K0TOD Tod Ryal
Operator TOD 00:28:23 MO Clay Co., Dist. A
W0JSH John Heavener
Operator JSH 00:28:15 MO Platte Co., Dist. A
W0RPZ Richard Zolnowski
Operator RPZ 00:28:05 MO Clay Co., Dist. A
NJ0P Rick Reichert
Operator P 00:27:51 MECC, KS Leavenworth Co., Dist. 4
KD0YCF Aaron Wayman
Operator YCF 00:25:35 MO Clay Co., Dist. A
K0DEZ Paul Kenyon
Operator DEZ 00:24:49 MO Clay Co., Dist. A
KD0FUE Steve Smith
Operator FUE 00:24:12 NARES, MO Clay Co., Dist. A
KC0RRS Bruce Liddel
Operator RRS 00:13:14 KS Douglas Co., Dist. 1
W0RDE Leif Bahl
Operator RDE 00:12:58 MO Platte Co., Dist. A
KF0AXG John Clapsaddle
Operator AXG 00:11:43 MO Clay Co., Dist. A
KE0RFE Patrick Hoesly
Operator RFE 00:06:04 MO Clay Co., Dist. A
KE0VHJ Tyler Roltgen
Operator VHJ 00:04:45 MO Jackson Co., Dist. A
25 Stations Total Volunteer Hours 11:03:27

7. Activity Log:


Notable Activities

2021-03-10 00:50:12 K0KEX: Richard Smith Opened the net from on 146.790MHz, PL107.2Hz by:
2021-03-10 00:50:12 WEATHER: Smithville: Mostly Cloudy, 69.1F, wind: S @ 66, humidity: 51%
2021-03-10 01:02:35 N0BKE: Initial Log In
2021-03-10 01:02:47 N0BKE: Role Changed to: Log
2021-03-10 01:03:13 N0UYN: Initial Log In
2021-03-10 01:03:17 N0UYN: Role Changed to: 2nd
2021-03-10 01:03:45 W0DLK: Initial Log In
2021-03-10 01:03:52 WA0TJT: Initial Log In
2021-03-10 01:04:16 KD0NBH: Initial Log In
2021-03-10 01:04:25 AK0SK: Initial Log In
2021-03-10 01:04:34 N0RJC: Initial Log In
2021-03-10 01:04:50 KF0CJM: Initial Log In
2021-03-10 01:05:08 KF0ACY: Initial Log In
2021-03-10 01:05:48 KC0UCA: Initial Log In
2021-03-10 01:05:56 KA0SXY: Initial Log In
2021-03-10 01:07:10 KA0SXY: Traffic set to: Announcement
2021-03-10 01:07:18 N0JJA: Initial Log In
2021-03-10 01:08:02 K0TOD: Initial Log In
2021-03-10 01:08:10 W0JSH: Initial Log In with an Announcement
2021-03-10 01:08:20 W0RPZ: Initial Log In
2021-03-10 01:08:34 NJ0P: Initial Log In
2021-03-10 01:10:25 W0JSH: PCARS AT 730 147.33
2021-03-10 01:10:40 K0DXZ: No FCC Record
2021-03-10 01:10:40 K0DXZ: Initial Log In
2021-03-10 01:10:50 KD0YCF: Initial Log In
2021-03-10 01:11:36 K0DEZ: Initial Log In
2021-03-10 01:12:13 KD0FUE: Initial Log In
2021-03-10 01:12:24 GENCOMM: The call K0DXZ with this ID was deleted
2021-03-10 01:12:40 W0JSH: Traffic set to: Sent
2021-03-10 01:13:22 KA0SXY: Reminder several more storm spotter training see the website
2021-03-10 01:13:52 KA0SXY: Under home info on the last 2 sessions you need to register
2021-03-10 01:13:58 KA0SXY: Traffic set to: Sent
2021-03-10 01:14:55 KA0SXY: For 2021 will be doing a shelter in place drill, more info in a couple of weeks
2021-03-10 01:15:34 KA0SXY: N0JJA testing, we are looking to contact the new hams, to assist them with getting on the air
2021-03-10 01:16:02 KA0SXY: Want to mentor them to assist them in becoming active hams
2021-03-10 01:16:30 KA0SXY: There is info on the web site with info
2021-03-10 01:17:39 KA0SXY: Would like the new hams to fill out and forward and will be paired up KD0FUE will pair up with one of us to be of assistance to them
2021-03-10 01:18:12 KA0SXY: Please fill out the for and forward to KD0FUE
2021-03-10 01:21:00 GENCOMM: WA0TJT: Northland ARES weekly voice net---Net Control---on 146.79 repeater with PL 107.2, from 7pm to 8pm. KC0YSO
2021-03-10 01:21:15 N0JJA: Good turnout all passed! If your a ARRL VE contact JJA -12 for the test
2021-03-10 01:21:57 N0JJA: 12 and 2 were virtual
2021-03-10 01:22:52 K0KEX: If your signed up for Textcaster and not receiving the info contact Dpty O'Neil at Platte Co Sheriff
2021-03-10 01:23:11 KC0RRS: Initial Log In
2021-03-10 01:23:27 W0RDE: Initial Log In
2021-03-10 01:24:42 KF0AXG: Initial Log In
2021-03-10 01:25:31 K0KEX: This weekend is the Spring Forward weekend!
2021-03-10 01:26:08 K0KEX: Please update your profile on the website
2021-03-10 01:26:56 K0KEX: Recheck your updated info as the web site is NOT sending confirmation emails at this time
2021-03-10 01:28:04 WA0TJT: NCM when checking in with traffic the third box has several other shortcuts, this works well, and you can still do it the old way
2021-03-10 01:28:48 WA0TJT: The red X at the end will delete = DELETE in the Tactical line will delete
2021-03-10 01:29:25 WA0TJT: Little green button to the left of Preamble brings up some more info clicking again turns them off
2021-03-10 01:30:21 KE0RFE: Initial Log In
2021-03-10 01:31:40 KE0VHJ: Initial Log In
2021-03-10 01:34:16 N0UYN: Encourage to learn how to use NCM
2021-03-10 01:36:25 N0BKE: The log was closed, ICS-214 Created

8. Prepared by: Richard Smith , Net Control Operator

ICS 214, Page 1
