ICS 214 UNIT LOG1. Incident Name: Log:#3814/KCNARES NLARES Shelter in Place Exercise |
2. Operational Period: |
3. Name: |
4. ICS Position: |
5. Home Agency (Unit and Team): |
6. Resources Assigned: |
Callsign, Name & email |
Band, ICS Position & Tactical |
Time On Duty CREDS, Home Agency (Unit and Team) |
K0KEX Richard Smith rosmith1@hotmail.com |
Primary Net Control Net | 02:16:11 MESN/NARES/Red Cross, MO Platte Co., Dist. A |
NJ0P Rick Reichert Nj0p@arrl.net |
Net Logger P | 02:06:05 MECC, KS Leavenworth Co., Dist. 4 |
KD0YCF Aaron Wayman awayman@gmail.com |
Operator YCF | 01:59:59 MO Clay Co., Dist. A |
KA0AIG Vince Ward ka0aig@gmail.com |
Operator AIG | 01:57:20 BSA / NARES, MO Clay Co., Dist. A |
KD0FUE Steve Smith Me10EC@aol.com |
Operator FUE | 01:53:49 NARES, MO Clay Co., Dist. A |
KA0YJE Larry Widener |
Operator YJE | 01:52:04 MO Jackson Co., Dist. A |
KD0NBH John Britton britton.john@att.net |
Operator NBH | 01:51:06 MECC, MO Clay Co., Dist. A |
WA0TJT Keith Kaiser wa0tjt@gmail.com |
Operator TJT | 01:49:44 NARES, MECC, MO Platte Co., Dist. A |
KC0RRS Bruce Liddel bliddel@sunflower.com |
Operator RRS | 01:47:03 KS Douglas Co., Dist. 1 |
N0BKE Mark Dickerson mark.rssm@gmail.com |
Operator BKE | 01:46:12 MO Clay Co., Dist. A |
W0NRP Neil Preston w0nrp@yahoo.com |
Operator NRP | 01:45:47 MO Jackson Co., Dist. A |
N0UYN Dennis Crawford n0uyn@swbell.net |
Operator UYN | 01:45:37 NARES, MO Clay Co., Dist. A |
N0RJC Dan Carter |
Operator RJC | 01:38:57 MO Clay Co., Dist. A |
KA0OTL Jeffrey Libby ka0otl@yahoo.com |
Operator OTL | 01:29:43 NARES, MO Platte Co., Dist. A |
AB0GD Gregg Duryea ab0gd@outlook.com |
Operator GD | 01:26:35 MO Platte Co., Dist. A |
KA0SXY Dennis Carpenter Dcarpenter1@outlook.com |
Operator SXY | 01:04:58 NARES, MO Clay Co., Dist. A |
W0JWT John Totzke w0jwt@arrl.net |
Operator JWT | 00:38:45 MO Jackson Co., Dist. A |
17 Stations | Total Volunteer Hours | 29:09:55 |
7. Activity Log: |
Date/Time |
Notable Activities |
2021-04-17 17:51:39 | K0KEX: Richard Smith Opened the net from on 145.760MHz Simplex by: | |
2021-04-17 17:51:39 | WEATHER: Saint Joseph: Mostly Cloudy, 53.1F, wind: NW @ 41, humidity: 66% | |
2021-04-17 17:53:37 | K0KEX: NOTE 147.330 (151.4) in op for Net guidelines | |
2021-04-17 18:01:45 | NJ0P: Initial Log In | |
2021-04-17 18:01:52 | NJ0P: Role Changed to: Log | |
2021-04-17 18:07:12 | KD0YTF: Initial Log In | |
2021-04-17 18:07:39 | GENCOMM: The call KD0YTF with this ID was deleted | |
2021-04-17 18:07:51 | KD0YCF: Initial Log In | |
2021-04-17 18:08:06 | KD0YCF: Mode set to: Voice | |
2021-04-17 18:08:13 | KD0YCF: Liberty | |
2021-04-17 18:10:07 | AB0GD: Initial Log In | |
2021-04-17 18:10:14 | AB0GD: Mode set to: FSQ | |
2021-04-17 18:10:30 | KA0AIG: Initial Log In | |
2021-04-17 18:10:37 | KA0AIG: Mode set to: FSQ | |
2021-04-17 18:14:01 | KD0FUE: Initial Log In | |
2021-04-17 18:14:07 | KD0FUE: Mode set to: Voice | |
2021-04-17 18:15:46 | KA0YJE: Initial Log In | |
2021-04-17 18:15:52 | KA0YJE: Mode set to: FSQ | |
2021-04-17 18:16:44 | KD0NBH: Initial Log In | |
2021-04-17 18:16:49 | KD0NBH: Mode set to: FSQ | |
2021-04-17 18:18:06 | WA0TJT: Initial Log In | |
2021-04-17 18:18:12 | WA0TJT: Mode set to: FSQ | |
2021-04-17 18:20:47 | KC0RRS: Initial Log In | |
2021-04-17 18:20:53 | KC0RRS: Mode set to: FSQ | |
2021-04-17 18:21:38 | N0BKE: Initial Log In | |
2021-04-17 18:21:44 | N0BKE: Mode set to: FSQ | |
2021-04-17 18:22:03 | W0NRP: Initial Log In | |
2021-04-17 18:22:13 | N0UYN: Initial Log In | |
2021-04-17 18:22:19 | W0NRP: Mode set to: FSQ | |
2021-04-17 18:22:25 | N0UYN: Mode set to: FSQ | |
2021-04-17 18:22:38 | GENCOMM: WA0TJT: At 1300 hours on 147.330 Check in for NDMS, FSQ modes Mike KC0YSO | |
2021-04-17 18:24:45 | KD0YCF: Not responding with /a or with call via FSQ | |
2021-04-17 18:26:30 | KD0FUE: Mode set to: FSQ | |
2021-04-17 18:27:36 | KA0AIG: Needs to reset call to lower case | |
2021-04-17 18:27:38 | KA0AIG: Traffic set to: | |
2021-04-17 18:28:53 | N0RJC: Initial Log In | |
2021-04-17 18:29:10 | N0RJC: Mode set to: Voice | |
2021-04-17 18:29:19 | N0RJC: Can RX FSQ only at this time. | |
2021-04-17 18:29:46 | N0RJC: Mode set to: FSQ | |
2021-04-17 18:37:10 | KA0YJE: Confirmed | |
2021-04-17 18:37:21 | KA0YJE: Also yje/1 | |
2021-04-17 18:37:30 | KD0NBH: Confirmed | |
2021-04-17 18:37:36 | WA0TJT: Confirmed | |
2021-04-17 18:37:51 | N0BKE: Confirmed | |
2021-04-17 18:38:07 | KA0OTL: Initial Log In | |
2021-04-17 18:38:28 | KA0OTL: Mode set to: FSQ | |
2021-04-17 18:38:34 | KA0OTL: /u Confirmed | |
2021-04-17 18:38:44 | W0NRP: /a Confirmed | |
2021-04-17 18:38:54 | N0UYN: Confirmed | |
2021-04-17 18:39:05 | KD0YCF: Confirmed | |
2021-04-17 18:39:12 | KD0YCF: Mode set to: FSQ | |
2021-04-17 18:39:31 | KD0YCF: Mode set to: Voice | |
2021-04-17 18:39:51 | KD0YCF: Mode set to: FSQ | |
2021-04-17 18:39:57 | KD0YCF: Confirmed | |
2021-04-17 18:40:06 | KD0FUE: Confirmed | |
2021-04-17 18:40:17 | AB0GD: Confirmed | |
2021-04-17 18:40:27 | KA0AIG: Confirmed | |
2021-04-17 18:40:47 | N0RJC: Confirmed | |
2021-04-17 18:40:57 | KC0RRS: Confirmed | |
2021-04-17 18:41:03 | WA0TJT: Confirmed | |
2021-04-17 18:41:07 | NJ0P: ??? | |
2021-04-17 18:41:14 | NJ0P: Mode set to: FSQ | |
2021-04-17 18:41:15 | AB0GD: Status change: In | |
2021-04-17 18:41:20 | K0KEX: Mode set to: FSQ | |
2021-04-17 18:41:26 | NJ0P: Not confirmed | |
2021-04-17 18:42:29 | NJ0P: Confirmed | |
2021-04-17 18:49:01 | KD0YCF: RX Only | |
2021-04-17 19:01:55 | GENCOMM: NJ0P: NET: Voice: 147.33 + FSQ: 145.76 Simplex | |
2021-04-17 19:02:52 | KA0SXY: Initial Log In | |
2021-04-17 19:03:04 | KA0SXY: Mode set to: FSQ | |
2021-04-17 19:03:15 | KA0SXY: Confirmed | |
2021-04-17 19:03:28 | K0KEX: AS W0KCN | |
2021-04-17 19:08:27 | KA0YJE: Queried | |
2021-04-17 19:09:06 | KA0YJE: Polled for # self-sustainmetn days | |
2021-04-17 19:09:29 | KA0YJE: Poll: 7 days self-sustainment | |
2021-04-17 19:10:31 | KD0NBH: Polled: LOG unable to copy | |
2021-04-17 19:12:03 | WA0TJT: Polled: LOG could not copy response | |
2021-04-17 19:13:51 | KD0NBH: textcaster rec d. |
2021-04-17 19:13:52 | N0BKE: Polled: LOG could not copy response | |
2021-04-17 19:14:58 | W0NRP: Polled: LOG could not copy response | |
2021-04-17 19:15:57 | N0UYN: Poll: 14 days self-sustainment. Texcaster:Yes | |
2021-04-17 19:16:05 | N0UYN: Rcvd Textcaster, 14 days of supplies | |
2021-04-17 19:18:42 | WA0TJT: Supplies available for 14 days before replenishment or relocation required. But I am presently hungry, pass the potatoes. | |
2021-04-17 19:18:47 | KD0YCF: Polled: No response | |
2021-04-17 19:22:29 | KD0FUE: Polled: LOG could not copy response | |
2021-04-17 19:23:16 | AB0GD: Poll: 14 days sustainment - Rx'd Textcaster | |
2021-04-17 19:24:36 | KA0AIG: Poll: 30 days self-sustainment - RX'd Textcaster | |
2021-04-17 19:25:29 | N0RJC: Polled: LOG could not copy response | |
2021-04-17 19:26:53 | KC0RRS: Poll: 14 days self-sustainment - Neg on Textcaster | |
2021-04-17 19:29:05 | W0JWT: Initial Log In | |
2021-04-17 19:29:15 | W0JWT: Mode set to: FSQ | |
2021-04-17 19:29:43 | W0JWT: Polled: LOG could not copy response | |
2021-04-17 19:31:20 | KA0SXY: Confirmed | |
2021-04-17 19:31:48 | KA0SXY: Polled: No response | |
2021-04-17 19:34:33 | KD0NBH: Returned to voice for Review | |
2021-04-17 19:34:42 | N0BKE: Returned to voice for Review | |
2021-04-17 19:34:50 | W0NRP: Returned to voice for Review | |
2021-04-17 19:34:56 | N0UYN: Returned to voice for Review | |
2021-04-17 19:35:05 | KD0YCF: Returned to voice for Review | |
2021-04-17 19:35:22 | KD0FUE: Returned to voice for Review | |
2021-04-17 19:35:30 | AB0GD: Returned to voice for Review | |
2021-04-17 19:35:41 | KA0AIG: Returned to voice for Review | |
2021-04-17 19:35:49 | N0RJC: Returned to voice for Review | |
2021-04-17 19:36:01 | KC0RRS: Returned to voice for Review | |
2021-04-17 19:38:07 | W0JWT: Returned to voice for Review | |
2021-04-17 19:38:51 | NJ0P: Returned to voice for Review | |
2021-04-17 20:00:49 | NJ0P: Status change: OUT | |
2021-04-17 20:07:50 | K0KEX: The log was closed, ICS-214 Created | |
8. Prepared by: Richard Smith , Net Control Operator |
ICS 214, Page 1 |
Date/Time: |