1. Incident Name: Log:#4817/ Digital

2. Operational Period:

Date From: 0000-00-00 To: 2021-10-02
Time From: 00:00:00 To: 16:06:44

3. Name:

4. ICS Position:

5. Home Agency (Unit and Team):
 Volunteer Amateur Radio Operators (Hams)

6. Resources Assigned:

Callsign, Name & email

Band, ICS Position & Tactical

Time On Duty CREDS, Home Agency (Unit and Team)
KA0OTL Jeffrey Libby
Primary Net Control Net 02:04:30 NARES, MO Platte Co., Dist. A
KC0RRS Bruce Liddel
Operator RRS 02:04:25 KS Douglas Co., Dist. 1
W0WTS Bill Sweeney
Operator WTS 02:03:58 MESN/Carroll Co. EC/KCHEA, MO Carroll Co., Dist. A
N0UYN Dennis Crawford
Operator UYN 02:02:47 NARES, MO Clay Co., Dist. A
N0BKE/A Mark Dickerson
Operator BKE/A 02:01:52 MO Clay Co., Dist. A
AE0DP Terry Kuhns
Operator DP 02:01:16 MO Ray Co., Dist. A
AB0GD Gregg Duryea
Operator GD 02:00:15 MO Platte Co., Dist. A
KA0OTL/U Jeffrey Libby
Operator OTL/U 01:59:23 NARES, MO Platte Co., Dist. A
Operator KCN/15 01:57:24 MO Clay Co., Dist. A
Operator KCN/16 00:18:30 MO Clay Co., Dist. A
13 Stations Total Volunteer Hours 18:34:20

7. Activity Log:


Notable Activities

2021-10-02 13:15:40 GENCOMM: Pre-Build Template Net for use at a later date
2021-10-02 13:15:40 KA0OTL: Jeffrey Libby Opened the PB net from on 145.680 by:
2021-10-02 13:15:40 WEATHER: Kansas City: Mostly Cloudy, 78.1F, wind: SE @ 29, humidity: 60%
2021-10-02 13:37:01 W0WTS: Initial PB Log In
2021-10-02 13:37:46 N0UYN: Initial PB Log In
2021-10-02 13:38:45 KC0RRS: Initial PB Log In
2021-10-02 13:39:12 N0BKE/A: Initial PB Log In
2021-10-02 13:39:33 AE0DP: Initial PB Log In
2021-10-02 13:39:53 AB0DG/U: No FCC Record
2021-10-02 13:39:53 AB0DG/U: Initial PB Log In
2021-10-02 13:40:04 AB0DG/U: Unattended
2021-10-02 13:40:14 KA0OTL/U: Initial PB Log In
2021-10-02 13:40:20 KA0OTL/U: Unattended
2021-10-02 13:40:37 KD0FIW/H: Initial PB Log In
2021-10-02 13:40:55 KD0FIW/H: Unattened Ray CO Hospital
2021-10-02 13:41:40 GENCOMM: The call AB0DG/U with this ID was deleted
2021-10-02 13:42:07 AB0GD: Initial PB Log In
2021-10-02 13:42:21 AB0GD: Unattended
2021-10-02 13:46:33 W0KCN/15: Initial PB Log In
2021-10-02 14:00:41 GENCOMM: KA0OTL: STARTEX at 0900
2021-10-02 14:02:14 KA0OTL: Status change: In
2021-10-02 14:02:19 KC0RRS: Status change: In
2021-10-02 14:02:46 W0WTS: Status change: In
2021-10-02 14:03:57 N0UYN: Status change: In
2021-10-02 14:03:57 N0UYN: Status change: In
2021-10-02 14:04:52 N0BKE/A: Status change: In
2021-10-02 14:05:28 AE0DP: Status change: In
2021-10-02 14:06:29 AB0GD: Status change: In
2021-10-02 14:07:21 KA0OTL/U: Status change: In
2021-10-02 14:09:11 KD0FIW/H: no response
2021-10-02 14:09:20 W0KCN/15: Status change: In
2021-10-02 14:17:31 K0KEX/A: Initial PB Log In
2021-10-02 14:17:39 K0KEX/A: unattended
2021-10-02 14:18:39 K0KEX/C: Initial PB Log In
2021-10-02 14:20:59 N0UYN: changed to unatted
2021-10-02 14:21:42 N0UYN: station changed to unattended
2021-10-02 14:24:53 K0KEX/C: unattended
2021-10-02 14:46:43 KC0RRS: Traffic set to: Traffic
2021-10-02 14:49:05 KC0RRS: received traffic from kc0rrs geary county dam failure exercise
2021-10-02 14:56:52 KC0RRS: ARQ test traffic to kc0rrs from w0kcn/4
2021-10-02 14:59:46 KC0RRS: kc0rrs ack receipt of arq traffic bpsk125
2021-10-02 15:03:10 GENCOMM: KA0OTL: Roll call at 10:02am
2021-10-02 15:10:28 KD0FIW/H: responded to roll call
2021-10-02 15:47:01 W0KCN/16: Initial PB Log In
2021-10-02 15:47:12 W0KCN/16: Traffic set to: Traffic
2021-10-02 15:47:32 W0KCN/16: sent arg traffic
2021-10-02 15:48:06 W0KCN/16: sent arq traffic to w0kcn/16
2021-10-02 15:48:14 W0KCN/16: Status change: In
2021-10-02 15:50:49 W0KCN/16: w0kcn/6 ack exercise traffic
2021-10-02 15:58:55 KC0RRS: kc0rrs sending simulated pro traffic to w0kcn/4
2021-10-02 16:00:25 KC0RRS: traffci received
2021-10-02 16:06:44 KA0OTL: The log was closed, ICS-214 Created
2021-10-04 19:34:16 K0KEX: The log was re-opened
2021-10-04 19:36:46 K0KEX: The log was closed, ICS-214 Created

8. Prepared by: Jeffrey Libby , Net Control Operator

ICS 214, Page 1
