1. Incident Name: Log:#5851/Leavenworth County KS ARES Weekly ARES Net

2. Operational Period:

Date From: 2022-02-25 To: 2022-02-25
Time From: 01:25:11 To: 02:02:23

3. Name:
Leavenworth County KS ARES Weekly ARES Net
147.000 MHz T151.4 Hz FM

4. ICS Position:

5. Home Agency (Unit and Team):
 Volunteer Amateur Radio Operators (Hams)

6. Resources Assigned:

Callsign, Name & email

Band, ICS Position & Tactical

Time On Duty CREDS, Home Agency (Unit and Team)
K0MDP Max Pfrimmer
Net Logger Net 00:37:12 KS Leavenworth Co., Dist. 4
KA0DJR Dick Quinlan
Primary Net Control DJR 00:37:02 KS Leavenworth Co., Dist. 4
WB0ZPW Michael Woolverton
Operator ZPW 00:10:42 KS Johnson Co., Dist. 4
WA0SRS Steve Stalker
Operator SRS 00:27:59 KS Wyandotte Co., Dist. 4
KA3LOC Ric Nelson
Operator LOC 00:27:41 KS Leavenworth Co., Dist. 4
KF0KBC Keith Collier
Operator KBC 00:27:28 KS Leavenworth Co., Dist. 4
KZ0IMO Roxann Kosmicki
Operator IMO 00:27:18 KS Leavenworth Co., Dist. 4
N0CS Charles Jackson
Operator CS 00:27:04 KS Leavenworth Co., Dist. 4
NJ0P Rick Reichert
Operator P 00:26:53 MECC, KS Leavenworth Co., Dist. 4
W0SER Steven Rice
Operator SER 00:26:36 KS Johnson Co., Dist. 4
KB0MVT Alan Brugman
Operator MVT 00:25:59 KS Leavenworth Co., Dist. 4
KF0DQA Phillip Sass
Operator DQA 00:25:47 KS Leavenworth Co., Dist.
12 Stations Total Volunteer Hours 05:27:41

7. Activity Log:


Notable Activities

2022-02-25 01:25:11 K0MDP: Max Pfrimmer Opened the net from on 147.000 MHz T151.4 Hz FM by:
2022-02-25 01:25:11 WEATHER: Leavenworth: Fog/Mist, 30.9F, wind: NW @ 46, humidity: 92%
2022-02-25 01:25:21 KA0DJR: Initial Log In
2022-02-25 01:25:30 K0MDP: Role Changed to: Log
2022-02-25 01:25:37 KA0DJR: Role Changed to: PRM
2022-02-25 01:31:28 K0MDP: Hello-Rox
2022-02-25 01:33:49 WB0ZPW: Initial Log In
2022-02-25 01:34:07 WB0ZPW: Traffic set to: Traffic
2022-02-25 01:34:24 WA0SRS: Initial Log In
2022-02-25 01:34:42 KA3LOC: Initial Log In
2022-02-25 01:34:55 KF0KBC: Initial Log In
2022-02-25 01:35:05 KZ0IMO: Initial Log In
2022-02-25 01:35:19 N0CS: Initial Log In
2022-02-25 01:35:30 NJ0P: Initial Log In
2022-02-25 01:35:37 NJ0P: Traffic set to: Announcement
2022-02-25 01:35:47 W0SER: Initial Log In
2022-02-25 01:36:07 KZ0IMO: Hello-Max
2022-02-25 01:36:24 KB0MVT: Initial Log In
2022-02-25 01:36:36 KF0DQA: Initial Log In
2022-02-25 01:43:46 WB0ZPW: Traffic set to: Sent
2022-02-25 01:44:31 WB0ZPW: Status change: OUT
2022-02-25 01:46:04 WA0SRS: Wishes all well and looking forward to seeing everyone at FYK.
2022-02-25 01:46:38 KA3LOC: Completed Winlink Thursday exercise. Attending FYK.
2022-02-25 01:47:47 KF0KBC: Worked on antenna. Completed Winlink exercise.
2022-02-25 01:48:24 KZ0IMO: Looking forward to a frozen FYK.
2022-02-25 01:49:34 N0CS: Can never have enough fire wood! Looking forward to FYK.
2022-02-25 01:54:05 NJ0P: Will be at FYK. Reminder of upcoming training. Scenario exercises postponed.
2022-02-25 01:54:11 NJ0P: Traffic set to: Sent
2022-02-25 01:55:00 W0SER: More snow than expected.
2022-02-25 01:55:21 KB0MVT: Just wanted to get checked in.
2022-02-25 01:56:14 KF0DQA: Thanks WA0SRS for helping with technical issue.
2022-02-25 02:02:10 KA0DJR: Completed Winlink exercise. Reminder of future club events.
2022-02-25 02:02:23 K0MDP: The log was closed, ICS-214 Created
2022-02-25 02:03:23 GENCOMM: NJ0P: ARES Nets: Should always pass NTS traffic before doing other routine tasks, like announcements and comments.

8. Prepared by: Dick Quinlan , Net Control Operator

ICS 214, Page 1
