ICS 214 UNIT LOG1. Incident Name: Log:#5947/KCNARES Weekly 2 Meter Voice |
2. Operational Period: |
3. Name: |
4. ICS Position: |
5. Home Agency (Unit and Team): |
6. Resources Assigned: |
Callsign, Name & email |
Band, ICS Position & Tactical |
Time On Duty CREDS, Home Agency (Unit and Team) |
W0JSH John Heavener jheavener@fairpoint.net |
Primary Net Control Net | 00:26:46 MO Platte Co., Dist. A |
N0BKE Mark Dickerson mark.rssm@gmail.com |
Net Logger BKE | 00:22:59 MO Clay Co., Dist. A |
K0RGB Russ Bryan grantsraider@juno.com |
Secondary Net Control RGB | 00:22:27 MO Clay Co., Dist. A |
N0UYN Dennis Crawford n0uyn@swbell.net |
Operator UYN | 00:21:42 NARES, MO Clay Co., Dist. A |
WA0TJT Keith Kaiser wa0tjt@gmail.com |
Operator TJT | 00:21:34 NARES, AEC, MO Platte Co., Dist. A |
K2SCT Scott Gardner |
Operator SCT | 00:21:19 NARES, MO Platte Co., Dist. A |
KD0NBH John Britton kd0nbh1@gmail.com |
Operator NBH | 00:21:03 MECC, MO Clay Co., Dist. A |
KF0CJM Mathew Bishop mathewbishop%40fastmail.com |
Operator CJM | 00:20:48 MO Clay Co., Dist. A |
KF0HJV Herb Lance |
Operator HJV | 00:20:36 MO Clay Co., Dist. A |
KA0SXY Dennis Carpenter Dcarpenter1@outlook.com |
Operator SXY | 00:20:23 NARES, MO Clay Co., Dist. A |
KF0AWZ Mike Deperalta |
Operator AWZ | 00:20:10 MO Clay Co., Dist. A |
N0TMH Tim Hillman switzerguard-N0TMH@yahoo.com |
Operator TMH | 00:20:00 MO Clay Co., Dist. A |
KF0HJU Beverley Lance |
Operator HJU | 00:18:37 MO Clay Co., Dist. A |
N0JJA Bill Gerle bill.n0jja@gmail.com |
Operator JJA | 00:18:20 NARES, MO Clay Co., Dist. A |
W0RDE Leif Bahl leifbahl@gmail.com |
Operator RDE | 00:18:07 MO Platte Co., Dist. A |
W0DLK Deb Kaiser dlkaiser@me.com |
Operator DLK | 00:17:58 NARES, MO Platte Co., Dist. A |
KD0FUE Steve Smith Me10EC@aol.com |
Operator FUE | 00:17:41 NARES, MO Clay Co., Dist. A |
KE0RFE Patrick Hoesly patrick%40zooboing.com |
Operator RFE | 00:17:26 MO Clay Co., Dist. A |
K0KEX/A Rick Smith k0kex628@gmail.com |
Operator KEX/A | 00:17:15 MESN/NARES/Red Cross, MO Platte Co., Dist. A |
KC0RYF Debbie Liddel dliddel@gmail.com |
Operator RYF | 00:17:03 KS Douglas Co., Dist. 1 |
KC0RRS Bruce Liddel bliddel@sunflower.com |
Operator RRS | 00:16:58 KS Douglas Co., Dist. 1 |
21 Stations | Total Volunteer Hours | 06:59:12 |
7. Activity Log: |
Date/Time |
Notable Activities |
2022-03-09 00:58:02 | W0JSH: John Heavener Opened the net from on 146.790MHz, PL107.2Hz by: | |
2022-03-09 00:58:02 | WEATHER: Kearney: Clear, 32F, wind: N @ 0, humidity: 0% | |
2022-03-09 01:01:49 | N0BKE: Initial Log In | |
2022-03-09 01:01:59 | N0BKE: Role Changed to: Log | |
2022-03-09 01:02:21 | K0RGB: Initial Log In | |
2022-03-09 01:02:26 | K0RGB: Role Changed to: 2nd | |
2022-03-09 01:02:30 | GENCOMM: WA0TJT: This is your notice that the Northland ARES net is at 1900 on 146.790 (107.2). Mike KC0YSO | |
2022-03-09 01:03:06 | N0UYN: Initial Log In | |
2022-03-09 01:03:14 | WA0TJT: Initial Log In | |
2022-03-09 01:03:29 | K2SCT: Initial Log In | |
2022-03-09 01:03:45 | KD0NBH: Initial Log In | |
2022-03-09 01:04:00 | KF0CJM: Initial Log In | |
2022-03-09 01:04:12 | KF0HJV: Initial Log In | |
2022-03-09 01:04:25 | KA0SXY: Initial Log In with an Announcement | |
2022-03-09 01:04:38 | KF0AWZ: Initial Log In | |
2022-03-09 01:04:48 | N0TMH: Initial Log In | |
2022-03-09 01:05:21 | KD0NBH: Traffic set to: Announcement | |
2022-03-09 01:06:11 | KF0HJU: Initial Log In | |
2022-03-09 01:06:28 | N0JJA: Initial Log In with an Announcement | |
2022-03-09 01:06:41 | W0RDE: Initial Log In | |
2022-03-09 01:06:50 | W0DLK: Initial Log In | |
2022-03-09 01:07:07 | KD0FUE: Initial Log In with an Announcement | |
2022-03-09 01:07:22 | KE0RFE: Initial Log In | |
2022-03-09 01:07:33 | K0KEX/A: Initial Log In with an Announcement | |
2022-03-09 01:07:45 | KC0RYF: Initial Log In | |
2022-03-09 01:07:50 | KC0RRS: Initial Log In | |
2022-03-09 01:10:31 | KD0FUE: FUE; we are having a party March 26, 2022 at least 3000 people, others to relay reports in for the Liberty Hospital marathon kcnorthares.com for sign up | |
2022-03-09 01:10:35 | KD0FUE: Traffic set to: Sent | |
2022-03-09 01:10:51 | KD0FUE: 444.257 pl 151.4 | |
2022-03-09 01:12:02 | KD0NBH: PCARG 147.330 151.4 + for the 2 meter net | |
2022-03-09 01:12:07 | KD0NBH: Traffic set to: Sent | |
2022-03-09 01:13:08 | N0JJA: Testing Saturday 10 am at the Kearney Library, Breakfast 830 at D'Creamery in Kearney | |
2022-03-09 01:13:12 | N0JJA: Traffic set to: STANDBY | |
2022-03-09 01:13:14 | N0JJA: Traffic set to: STANDBY | |
2022-03-09 01:13:16 | N0JJA: Traffic set to: Sent | |
2022-03-09 01:13:47 | N0JJA: Contact via ARRL under testing sessions | |
2022-03-09 01:19:01 | KA0SXY: SXY; echo info on the marathon on 3/26/22 sign up. Repeater works well low power hand held. 3/28 7-9 PM storm spotter training (first responder training) at PV Baptist church in liberty 291/I-35, no signup at this time just show up. NOT TRAINNG FOR THE GENERAL PUBLIC for first responders! The last traing good showed storms from different directions! Info will be on the website this week. 3/24 montly meeting 7-9PM. Will cover the marathon, arrival times, what you need to do at your position. Also winlink presentation. 341 Park Drive FS#2 Smithville MO | |
2022-03-09 01:19:05 | KA0SXY: Traffic set to: Sent | |
2022-03-09 01:22:22 | K0KEX/A: KEX; GE to all, texcaster went out at 630PM if you did not get it contact Mike O'Neil at PCSO. Weather coming in Thursday night. Severt weather prepardness week, 945AM started here, using digital to contact voice net, 15 check in's 5 counties, 4 Missouri and 1 from Kansas. Many confirmations of siren's being heard. | |
2022-03-09 01:22:26 | K0KEX/A: Traffic set to: Sent | |
2022-03-09 01:23:19 | N0UYN: 44.275 pl 151.24 + shift | |
2022-03-09 01:23:39 | N0UYN: 444.275 151.5 + shift | |
2022-03-09 01:23:56 | KD0FUE: 444.275 151.4 + shift | |
2022-03-09 01:24:48 | N0BKE: The log was closed, ICS-214 Created | |
8. Prepared by: John Heavener , Net Control Operator |
ICS 214, Page 1 |
Date/Time: |