1. Incident Name: Log:#6707/Leavenworth County KS ARES Weekly ARES Net

2. Operational Period:

Date From: 2022-06-24 To: 2022-06-24
Time From: 00:25:14 To: 01:08:26

3. Name:
Leavenworth County KS ARES Weekly ARES Net
147.000 MHz T151.4 Hz FM

4. ICS Position:

5. Home Agency (Unit and Team):
 Volunteer Amateur Radio Operators (Hams)

6. Resources Assigned:

Callsign, Name & email

Band, ICS Position & Tactical

Time On Duty CREDS, Home Agency (Unit and Team)
K0MDP Max Pfrimmer
Net Logger Net 00:43:12 KS Leavenworth Co., Dist. 4
KA0DJR Dick Quinlan
Primary Net Control DJR 00:43:02 Saint Johns Hospital, KS Leavenworth Co., Dist. 4
KZ0IMO Roxann Kosmicki
Operator IMO 00:35:52 KS Leavenworth Co., Dist. 4
KA3LOC Ric Nelson
Operator LOC 00:35:40 KS Leavenworth Co., Dist. 4
NJ0P Rick Reichert
Operator P 00:35:30 MECC, KS Leavenworth Co., Dist. 4
KE0SYO Vic Henke
Operator SYO 00:35:16 Cushing Memorial Hospital, KS Leavenworth Co., Dist. 4
KD7QOR Ed Menard
Operator QOR 00:34:20 Cushing Memorial Hospital, KS Leavenworth Co., Dist. 4
WA0SRS Steve Stalker
Operator SRS 00:15:31 KS Wyandotte Co., Dist. 4
KC1GZR Dustin Rabourn
Operator GZR 00:11:32 MO Jackson Co., Dist. A
KB0RPJ Glen Briggs
Operator RPJ 00:07:56 MO Grundy Co., Dist. H
N0CKI Robert Kincaid
Operator CKI 00:02:26 KS Leavenworth Co., Dist. 4
11 Stations Total Volunteer Hours 05:00:17

7. Activity Log:


Notable Activities

2022-06-24 00:25:14 K0MDP: Max Pfrimmer Opened the net from on 147.000 MHz T151.4 Hz FM by:
2022-06-24 00:25:14 WEATHER: Dallas: , 99F, wind: N @ 12, humidity: 34%
2022-06-24 00:25:24 KA0DJR: Initial Log In
2022-06-24 00:25:30 K0MDP: Role Changed to: Log
2022-06-24 00:25:34 KA0DJR: Role Changed to: PRM
2022-06-24 00:32:34 KZ0IMO: Initial Log In
2022-06-24 00:32:46 KA3LOC: Initial Log In
2022-06-24 00:32:56 NJ0P: Initial Log In
2022-06-24 00:33:04 NJ0P: Traffic set to: Announcement
2022-06-24 00:33:10 KE0SYO: Initial Log In
2022-06-24 00:34:06 KD7QOR: Initial Log In
2022-06-24 00:45:15 NJ0P: Tracking participants in last weather net. Double check FD logging software version. Successful mesh network test. Setting up network at FD. Waiting for details on upcoming local full-scale exercise. County looking for fair volunteers. Electing JARA officers at annual meeting. Setup Winlink exercise reminder.
2022-06-24 00:48:48 KZ0IMO: Finishing up Winlink Thursday exercise. Packing for FD. Hoping to participate in upcoming local exercise.
2022-06-24 00:49:46 KA3LOC: Completed Winlink exercise. Did participate in last weather net.
2022-06-24 00:49:56 NJ0P: Traffic set to: Sent
2022-06-24 00:51:45 KE0SYO: Appreciates Winlink reminder. Looking forward to FD.
2022-06-24 00:52:49 KD7QOR: Available to participate in local exercise. Did participate in last weather net.
2022-06-24 00:52:55 WA0SRS: Initial Log In
2022-06-24 00:55:39 WA0SRS: He and Donna are still upright! Mentioned FD weather. Plans to take pictures at FD.
2022-06-24 00:56:54 KC1GZR: Initial Log In
2022-06-24 00:57:27 KC1GZR: Just wanted to get checked in.
2022-06-24 01:00:18 KA0DJR: Winlink Thursday reminder. Mentioned upcoming Field Day, local exercise and county fair.
2022-06-24 01:00:30 KB0RPJ: Initial Log In
2022-06-24 01:01:19 KB0RPJ: Just wanted to get checked in.
2022-06-24 01:06:00 N0CKI: Initial Log In
2022-06-24 01:06:45 N0CKI: Starting antenna build project.
2022-06-24 01:08:26 K0MDP: The log was closed, ICS-214 Created

8. Prepared by: Dick Quinlan , Net Control Operator

ICS 214, Page 1
