1. Incident Name: Log:#731/Clay Co. Weekly 2m voice Net

2. Operational Period:

Date From: 2018-07-11 To: 2018-07-11
Time From: 18:43:55 To: 19:58:11

3. Name:
Clay Co. Weekly 2m voice Net

4. ICS Position:

5. Home Agency (Unit and Team):
 Volunteer Amateur Radio Operators (Hams)

6. Resources Assigned:

Callsign, Name & email

Band, ICS Position & Tactical

Time On Duty CREDS, Home Agency (Unit and Team)
W0TE Jim (n0esd) Brown
Primary Net Control CCARC 01:14:16 NARES, MO Clay Co., Dist. A
KC0ZTC Steve Gregg
Operator ZTC 00:24:23 KS Wyandotte Co., Dist. 4
KD0AOP Marvin Atkins
Operator AOP 00:23:44 NARES, MO Clay Co., Dist. A
KD0LJB Gladys Atkins
Operator LJB 00:20:53 NARES, MO Clay Co., Dist. A
KC0WEG Wayne Dothage
Operator WEG 00:19:53 NARES, MO Lafayette Co., Dist. A
KE0SBH Farrell Farmer
Operator SBH 00:14:11 MO Clay Co., Dist. A
WS0B Glenn Dysart
Operator B 00:13:28 MO Clay Co., Dist. A
W0FP Frosty Phillips
Operator Frosty 00:13:13 MO Clay Co., Dist. A
N0ZZN Steven Roady
Operator ZZN 00:08:27 KS Leavenworth Co., Dist. 1
9 Stations Total Volunteer Hours 03:32:28

7. Activity Log:


Notable Activities

2018-07-11 18:43:55 GENCOMM: Kansas City: Clear, 99F, wind: S @ 7, humidity: 34%
2018-07-11 18:43:55 N0ESD: Jim Brown Opened the net from on 146.790MHz, T 107.2Hz
2018-07-11 19:58:11 N0ESD: The log was closed

8. Prepared by: Jim (n0esd) Brown , Net Control Operator

ICS 214, Page 1
