1. Incident Name: Log:#7779/ Wee

2. Operational Period:

Date From: 2022-11-30 To: 2022-11-30
Time From: 03:00:18 To: 03:13:32

3. Name:
147.030, + pl 100 ; 444.700 + 94.8

4. ICS Position:

5. Home Agency (Unit and Team):
 Volunteer Amateur Radio Operators (Hams)

6. Resources Assigned:

Callsign, Name & email

Band, ICS Position & Tactical

Time On Duty CREDS, Home Agency (Unit and Team)
W6ABJ Richard Larson
Primary Net Control Net 00:13:14 CA Merced Co., Dist.
KD6DKC Richard Albright
Operator DKC 00:09:16 CA Merced Co., Dist.
WL7COO Daniel Sohn
Operator COO 00:09:01 CA Mariposa Co., Dist.
KD6BGO Michael Johnson
Operator BGO 00:08:01 CA Stanislaus Co., Dist.
WD6HAL William Parnell
Operator HAL 00:07:40 CA Merced Co., Dist.
KN6GJK Gerald Breault
Operator GJK 00:07:18 CA Stanislaus Co., Dist.
AJ6NM Brian Carr
Operator NM 00:06:30 CA Merced Co., Dist.
KF6NPG Lewis Thomas
Operator NPG 00:06:07 CA Stanislaus Co., Dist.
KE6UCX John Latronica
Operator UCX 00:05:36 CA Merced Co., Dist.
K6HEN Harry Norman
Operator HEN 00:05:05 CA Merced Co., Dist.
KO6BB Philip Atchley
Operator BB 00:03:47 CA Merced Co., Dist.
11 Stations Total Volunteer Hours 01:21:35

7. Activity Log:


Notable Activities

2022-11-30 03:00:18 W6ABJ: Richard Larson Opened the net from on 147.030, + pl 100 ; 444.700 + 94.8 by:
2022-11-30 03:00:18 WEATHER: Merced: Clear, 48.9F, wind: N @ 0, humidity: 61%
2022-11-30 03:04:16 KD6DKC: Initial Log In
2022-11-30 03:04:31 WL7COO: Initial Log In
2022-11-30 03:05:31 KD6BGO: Initial Log In
2022-11-30 03:05:52 WD6HAL: Initial Log In
2022-11-30 03:06:14 KN6GJK: Initial Log In
2022-11-30 03:07:02 AJ6NM: Initial Log In
2022-11-30 03:07:25 KF6NPG: Initial Log In
2022-11-30 03:07:56 KE6UCX: Initial Log In
2022-11-30 03:08:27 K6HEN: Initial Log In
2022-11-30 03:09:45 KO6BB: Initial Log In
2022-11-30 03:13:32 W6ABJ: The log was closed, ICS-214 Created

8. Prepared by: Richard Larson , Net Control Operator

ICS 214, Page 1
