1. Incident Name: Log:#7808/Jarbalo Amateur Radio Association Weekly Fusion Training Net

2. Operational Period:

Date From: 2022-12-05 To: 2022-12-05
Time From: 00:36:30 To: 01:31:40

3. Name:
Jarbalo Amateur Radio Association Weekly Fusion Training Net
444.800+ DN TX00 RX00

4. ICS Position:

5. Home Agency (Unit and Team):
 Volunteer Amateur Radio Operators (Hams)

6. Resources Assigned:

Callsign, Name & email

Band, ICS Position & Tactical

Time On Duty CREDS, Home Agency (Unit and Team)
Primary Net Control Net 00:55:10 MECC, KS Leavenworth Co., Dist. 4
KF0KBC Keith Collier
Net Logger KBC 00:39:26 KS Leavenworth Co., Dist. 4
K0AVN David Rousseau
Operator AVN 00:00:13 NC Moore Co., Dist. 4
K2SCT Scott Gardner
Operator SCT 00:29:40 NARES, MO Platte Co., Dist. A
WA0SRS Steve Stalker
Operator SRS 00:28:53 KS Wyandotte Co., Dist. 4
NB0R Brian Resch
Operator R 00:28:27 KS Leavenworth Co., Dist. 4
W0MNA Gary Auchard
Operator MNA 00:28:22 KS Leavenworth Co., Dist. 4
KE0SYO Vic Henke
Operator SYO 00:27:29 Cushing Memorial Hospital, KS Leavenworth Co., Dist. 4
KF0KOS Guy Younger
Operator KOS 00:26:53 KS Leavenworth Co., Dist.
AB0GD Gregg Duryea
Operator GD 00:26:45 MO Platte Co., Dist. A
K0MDP Max Pfrimmer
Operator MDP 00:02:23 KS Leavenworth Co., Dist. 4
11 Stations Total Volunteer Hours 04:53:41

7. Activity Log:


Notable Activities

2022-12-05 00:36:30 NJ0P: Rick REICHERT Opened the net from on 444.800+ DN TX00 RX00 by:
2022-12-05 00:36:30 WEATHER: Kansas City: Clear, 39F, wind: N @ 0, humidity: 44%
2022-12-05 00:52:14 KF0KBC: Initial Log In
2022-12-05 00:52:20 KF0KBC: Role Changed to: Log
2022-12-05 00:54:07 K0AVN: Initial Log In
2022-12-05 00:54:20 K0AVN: Status change: In-Out
2022-12-05 00:57:11 K0AVN: Several power substations were target of rifle attack. Dave and family out of commercial power and will likely stay that way thru Wednesday.
2022-12-05 01:02:00 K2SCT: Initial Log In
2022-12-05 01:02:33 K2SCT: PiStar, Memphis
2022-12-05 01:02:47 WA0SRS: Initial Log In
2022-12-05 01:03:13 NB0R: Initial Log In
2022-12-05 01:03:18 W0MNA: Initial Log In
2022-12-05 01:04:11 KE0SYO: Initial Log In
2022-12-05 01:04:24 AB0AGD: Initial Log In
2022-12-05 01:04:47 KF0KOS: Initial Log In
2022-12-05 01:04:55 AB0GD: Initial Log In
2022-12-05 01:05:03 GENCOMM: The call AB0AGD with this ID was deleted
2022-12-05 01:11:41 NJ0P: PiStar 101 is training topic//Please visit JARA website for detailed information//It shows the LVN configuration//Hotspots come in a variety of configuration and sold by several companies//
2022-12-05 01:19:34 KF0KBC: i am not hearing anyone if there is talking
2022-12-05 01:23:31 KF0KBC: i can now hear NB0R
2022-12-05 01:26:19 W0MNA: garbled when checking in//RCVd picture // enjoyed group supper on Friday // has a busy week coming up
2022-12-05 01:27:25 KE0SYO: needs to update his software // enjoyed the group supper
2022-12-05 01:28:10 AB0GD: sore throat // RCVd picture // will look into possibly getting a PiStar
2022-12-05 01:28:51 KF0KOS: enjoyed group supper // RCVd picture
2022-12-05 01:29:17 K0MDP: Initial Log In
2022-12-05 01:29:54 K0MDP: PiStar // enjoyed group supper // thanks Dave for PiStar and is working great
2022-12-05 01:31:40 KF0KBC: The log was closed, ICS-214 Created

8. Prepared by: Rick REICHERT , Net Control Operator

ICS 214, Page 1
