ICS 214 UNIT LOG1. Incident Name: Log:#8346/KCNARES Weekly 2 Meter Voice |
2. Operational Period: |
3. Name: |
4. ICS Position: |
5. Home Agency (Unit and Team): |
6. Resources Assigned: |
Callsign, Name & email |
Band, ICS Position & Tactical |
Time On Duty CREDS, Home Agency (Unit and Team) |
KD0NBH John Britton kd0nbh1@gmail.com |
Primary Net Control Net | 00:37:31 KCNARES, KANSAS CITY MO Clay Co., Dist. A |
N0BKE Mark Dickerson mark.rssm@gmail.com |
Net Logger BKE | 00:27:21 Kansas City MO Clay Co., Dist. A |
K0RGB Russ Bryan grantsraider@juno.com |
Secondary Net Control RGB | 00:26:47 Smithville MO Clay Co., Dist. A |
N0UYN Dennis Crawford n0uyn@swbell.net |
Operator UYN | 00:25:52 NARES, KANSAS CITY MO Clay Co., Dist. A |
KF0AWZ Mike Deperalta |
Operator AWZ | 00:25:31 Kansas City MO Clay Co., Dist. A |
KA0SXY Dennis Carpenter Dcarpenter1@outlook.com |
Operator SXY | 00:25:16 NARES, North Kansas City MO Clay Co., Dist. A |
N0RJC Dan Carter dannyc@carternetwork.net |
Operator RJC | 00:24:38 Kansas City MO Clay Co., Dist. A |
WA0JSB Leland Finley leefin@netscape.net |
Operator JSB | 00:23:42 RIVERSIDE MO Platte Co., Dist. A |
KD0FUE Steve Smith Me10EC@aol.com |
Operator FUE | 00:23:21 NARES, LIBERTY MO Clay Co., Dist. A |
KE0RFE Patrick Hoesly patrick@zooboing.com |
Operator RFE | 00:23:04 Kansas City MO Clay Co., Dist. A |
KB0CAB Jeffrey Smith |
Operator CAB | 00:22:53 Kansas City MO Clay Co., Dist. |
KC0RRS Bruce Liddel bliddel@sunflower.com |
Operator RRS | 00:19:04 Lawrence KS Douglas Co., Dist. 1 |
KC0YSO Mike O'neal Michael.Oneal@plattesheriff.org |
Operator YSO | 00:18:04 NARES, KANSAS CITY MO Platte Co., Dist. A |
KF0IGD Todd Johnson |
Operator IGD | 00:09:41 Smithville MO Clay Co., Dist. |
K0KEX Rick Smith k0kex628@gmail.com |
Operator KEX | 00:06:56 MESN/NARES/Red Cross, EDGERTON MO Platte Co., Dist. A |
KF0BQY Brian Hansen |
Operator BQY | 00:01:38 Holt MO Clinton Co., Dist. H |
16 Stations | Total Volunteer Hours | 05:41:19 |
7. Activity Log: |
Date/Time |
Notable Activities |
2023-02-15 00:51:51 | KD0NBH: John Britton Opened the net from on 146.790MHz, PL107.2Hz by: | |
2023-02-15 00:51:51 | WEATHER: Kansas City: Light Rain, 46.9F, wind: SSW @ 33, humidity: 90% | |
2023-02-15 01:02:01 | N0BKE: Initial Log In | |
2023-02-15 01:02:06 | N0BKE: Role Changed to: Log | |
2023-02-15 01:02:35 | K0RGB: Initial Log In | |
2023-02-15 01:02:38 | K0RGB: Role Changed to: 2nd | |
2023-02-15 01:03:30 | N0UYN: Initial Log In | |
2023-02-15 01:03:51 | KF0AWZ: Initial Log In | |
2023-02-15 01:04:06 | KA0SXY: Initial Log In with an Announcement | |
2023-02-15 01:04:44 | N0RJC: Initial Log In | |
2023-02-15 01:04:52 | N0RJC: Mode set to: Mob | |
2023-02-15 01:05:40 | WA0JSB: Initial Log In with an Announcement | |
2023-02-15 01:06:01 | KD0FUE: Initial Log In with an Announcement | |
2023-02-15 01:06:18 | KE0RFE: Initial Log In | |
2023-02-15 01:06:29 | KB0CAB: Initial Log In | |
2023-02-15 01:08:08 | WA0JSB: JSB: tune 147.33 at 730PM for PCARG 151.4 | |
2023-02-15 01:08:12 | WA0JSB: Traffic set to: Sent | |
2023-02-15 01:09:22 | KD0FUE: FUE: March 25th, Liberty Hospital half marathon, sign up on NLares and sign up, also sign up on the Marathon website also at RADIO | |
2023-02-15 01:09:26 | KD0FUE: Traffic set to: Sent | |
2023-02-15 01:09:57 | KF0BCG: Initial Log In | |
2023-02-15 01:10:18 | KC0RRS: Initial Log In | |
2023-02-15 01:10:33 | KC0RRS: Alone tonight | |
2023-02-15 01:10:41 | KF0BQY: Initial Log In | |
2023-02-15 01:11:18 | KC0YSO: Initial Log In with an Announcement | |
2023-02-15 01:17:37 | KA0SXY: SXY: Feb meeting March 23 at the Fire Station, bring your HT, will discuss tones on the repeater. March 25th storm spotter training at the PCRS, first responders. Go to the website and sign up to register. March 18th Saturday before marathon, Place County simplex exercise, will need to change frequencies and pass info on simplex Will need to do relays in Clay County. WIll have a "hot wash" after on the repeater. UYN will there be deployment? Can work from your home station. RGB 3/18? YES. |
2023-02-15 01:17:47 | KA0SXY: Traffic set to: Sent | |
2023-02-15 01:19:41 | KF0IGD: Initial Log In | |
2023-02-15 01:20:04 | KA0SXY: SXY: Feb meeting March 23 at the Fire Station, bring your HT, will discuss tones on the repeater. March 25th storm spotter training at the PCRS, first responders. Go to the website and sign up to register. March 18th Saturday before marathon, Place County simplex exercise, will need to change frequencies and pass info on simplex Will need to do relays in Clay County. WIll have a "hot wash" after on the repeater. UYN will there be deployment? Can work from your home station. RGB 3/18? YES. will discuss Fusion and DMR during the exercise. Info on the website later this week. |
2023-02-15 01:20:58 | KC0YSO: YSO: SXY handled it | |
2023-02-15 01:21:01 | KC0YSO: Traffic set to: Sent | |
2023-02-15 01:22:22 | KF0BCG: Traffic set to: | |
2023-02-15 01:22:26 | K0KEX: Initial Log In with an Announcement | |
2023-02-15 01:22:39 | KF0BQY: Traffic set to: | |
2023-02-15 01:22:57 | KC0RRS: Traffic set to: | |
2023-02-15 01:23:14 | GENCOMM: The call KF0BQY with this ID was deleted | |
2023-02-15 01:25:07 | K0KEX: KEX: Texcaster at 630PM. Conversation with Shrine Hamfest, will have tickets available, 3 for $10 or $5 each. Meetings and vendors. |
2023-02-15 01:25:09 | K0KEX: Traffic set to: Sent | |
2023-02-15 01:26:34 | KD0NBH: RGB thanks for 2nd | |
2023-02-15 01:27:44 | KF0BQY: Initial Log In | |
2023-02-15 01:28:45 | GENCOMM: The call KF0BCG with this ID was deleted | |
2023-02-15 01:29:22 | N0BKE: The log was closed, ICS-214 Created | |
8. Prepared by: John Britton , Net Control Operator |
ICS 214, Page 1 |
Date/Time: |