Time (UTC) |
FROM: Call Sign/ID | Msg # |
TO: Call Sign/ID | Msg # |
Message | ||
00:50:00 | N0BKE | UNK | NET | 372290 | Mark Dickerson Opened the net from on 146.790MHz, PL107.2Hz by: |
01:02:07 | KD0NBH | UNK | NET | 372297 | Traffic set to: Announcement |
01:13:24 | K0KEX | UNK | NET | 372329 | Traffic set to: Announcement |
01:14:16 | WA0JSB | UNK | NET | 372330 | PCARG Net 7:00 PM tonight, 147.330. pl 151.4, all are welcome |
01:19:23 | K0KEX | UNK | NET | 372332 | Textcaster came out at 6:30, if you did not receive, get with Deputy O'Neal. Skywarn Recognition Day 1st Saturday in December. K0KEX628@gmail.com, or PCARG Groups.io. Central Region Headquarters (CR) is the site we are representing. Net Control Manager will be used to determine who is on what band and mode at what time. One operator per mode per band at a time. PCARG Meeting this Saturday 11/24, 9 AM at the NRAD Facility in Platte City. |
01:23:17 | K0KEX | UNK | NET | 372334 | Correction: PCARG is the 25th |
01:29:14 | KD0NBH | UNK | NET | 372338 | December Social Meeting is 12/7/23 at Tanners in Platte City at 5:00 PM. NCS Volunteers needed. CERT training in February at Gladstone Fire Station #2, co-sponsered |
01:29:31 | KF0MEZ | UNK | NET | 372339 | by Platte County EM. |