ICS 309
1. Incident Name: Net#: 10979
Friday Night Casual Net Weekly
2. Operational Period (Date/Time)
From: 2024-02-03 01:39:58
To: 2024-02-03 04:08:11
3. Radio Net Name or Position/Tactical Call 4. Radio Operator (Name, Call Sign)
KF0DFC - John Jespersen Net Control
Call Sign/ID | Msg #
Call Sign/ID | Msg #
01:39:58 KF0DFC UNK NET 384132 John Jespersen Opened the net from on 145.130MHz, T151.4 by:
02:10:52 K6TBJ UNK NET 384138 Dealt with 2 squirrels.
02:12:23 KI7IHU UNK NET 384139 Dealt with black bears in UT.
02:16:54 KC0KM UNK NET 384143 Maybe a mouse or two.
02:17:20 KB0YUV UNK NET 384144 No end to the supply of squirrels. Dogs chase them away.
02:20:10 W0UVX UNK NET 384145 Kelly's dad
02:22:13 W0UVX UNK NET 384147 Kelly’s Dad — thank you for the assist, Buddy!
02:24:15 NF0M UNK NET 384148 Snowy the white cat — a critter that was a great pet for 14 years.
02:28:22 W0KC UNK NET 384151 Ted said he wanted her counted as a check in.
02:31:54 N0GSG UNK NET 384153 Likes that other people like dogs and other pets.
02:33:08 N0FMO UNK NET 384154 Golden retriever had a possum cornered.
02:40:06 WD0HOY UNK NET 384156 Master truss carpenter. Had an interesting encounter with a groundhog.
02:49:18 KC0MO UNK NET 384159 Good to euthanize if necessary.
02:51:23 KD0HOY UNK NET 384161 Master truss carpenter. Had an interesting encounter with a groundhog.
02:52:19 WA0SRS UNK NET 384163 Used a Tesla coil to combat squirrels.
02:58:40 W0RVK UNK NET 384165 Mother had a skunk encounter. Hit a skunk and got sprayed.
03:00:57 K0TCB UNK NET 384167 His boys have always had dogs that were the best of critters.
03:10:16 KC1TVI UNK NET 384173 Buddy has a strong affinity for possums. They have a strong resistance to rabies, snake bites, etc.
03:27:26 K0LBR UNK NET 384175 Has dealt with coyotes, dogs, and several other critters.
03:32:22 KF0BZX UNK NET 384177 Family of groundhogs living under their shed in the backyard — because they had apple trees.
03:41:10 KC0KW UNK NET 384192 KC Wide Room Legend
03:41:49 KB0BBQ UNK NET 384194 Had a white cat encounter a rattlesnake.
03:50:29 KD0IZI UNK NET 384207 Moles, mice, coyotes,foxes, neighborhood dogs.
03:59:36 NR0R UNK NET 384243 Encountered a blue Herron. The Blue Herron was drafting off Mark as he rode his bicycle.
04:07:57 CALL2UNKNO UNK NET 384249 Autumn KC1TVI YL
04:09:27 CALL2UNKNO UNK NET 384252 Autumn
6. Prepared By (Name, Call sign)
John Jespersen -- KF0DFC
7. Date & Time Prepared
Thursday 16th of May 2024 01:14:06 PM
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