ICS 309
1. Incident Name: Net#: 11793
North Central Missouri Weekly 2 Meter Voice
2. Operational Period (Date/Time)
From: 2024-05-19 23:46:13
To: 2024-05-20 00:30:56
3. Radio Net Name or Position/Tactical Call 4. Radio Operator (Name, Call Sign)
KE0ZXN - Cindy Collins Net Control
Call Sign/ID | Msg #
Call Sign/ID | Msg #
00:05:15 KB0RPJ UNK NET 404961 Provided weather update: 1. Severe TS watch tonight until 2am--esp wind; 2. Mon low risk; 3. 3 of 5 enhanced risk potentially volatile
00:06:15 W0PGH UNK NET 404963 reminder to check Facebook page--new post AD0YN 6m antenna
00:07:57 KE0ZXN UNK NET 404969 No new information
00:08:42 KE0ELB UNK NET 404973 back from vacation--watching out for weather
00:11:29 KC0NOX UNK NET 404979 reminder idea: update handheld batteries; UV5-R extended now available
00:13:05 AC0OK UNK NET 404985 AC0OK email now defunct at present; contact via
00:14:10 KE0MGD UNK NET 404989 did have CERT meeting in Daviess; serving as local weather watcher for Daviess
00:16:36 WK0Q UNK NET 404996 stationary mobile at present; Northern lights seen about 3 am last weekend
00:17:57 KF0FPO UNK NET 405001 weather update
00:19:36 KF0ISY UNK NET 405012 no comments
00:22:45 KF0BRM UNK NET 405018 no comment
00:23:30 KE0UNV UNK NET 405019 FT4 and FT8 with QRP; Log Book of the World down several days--maybe longer; send newsletter items
00:25:12 KA0TPX UNK NET 405021 good signal tonight; been on vacation for remote HAM Fest
00:27:42 KD0YUJ UNK NET 405028 some antenna damage from last wind storm
23:46:13 KE0ZXN UNK NET 404925 Cindy Collins Opened the net from on 147.225(+), PL 94.8Hz by:
6. Prepared By (Name, Call sign)
Cindy Collins -- KE0ZXN
7. Date & Time Prepared
Sunday 8th of September 2024 01:02:21 AM
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