ICS 309
1. Incident Name: Net#: 11846
KCNARES Weather Net
2. Operational Period (Date/Time)
From: 2024-05-26 04:08:18
To: 2024-05-26 05:54:48
3. Radio Net Name or Position/Tactical Call 4. Radio Operator (Name, Call Sign)
WA0TJT - Keith Kaiser Net Control
Call Sign/ID | Msg #
Call Sign/ID | Msg #
04:08:18 WA0TJT UNK NET 406164 Keith Kaiser Opened the net from on 146.790MHz, PL107.2Hz by:
04:13:44 KD0NBH UNK NET 406184 Warning for Wyandotte County in Kansas for straight line winds. This does not impact Platte or Clay (1/2) County yet. Winds of 60+ mph are possible. (2/2)
04:15:06 K0KEX UNK NET 406190 Battery Power
04:16:21 K0KEX UNK NET 406198 Power outage in South Blue Springs. Reports of wires down on 17th street in Blue Springs
04:25:10 KD0NBH UNK NET 406221 Platte & Clay Co Sheriffs notified of our activation
04:27:58 KD0NBH UNK NET 406224 john britton: Thunderstorm Warning for SE Clay County, Net 11846 is operational
04:30:48 KA0OTL UNK NET 406225 Independence Power and Light is reporting 42 outages with 4765 customers effected
04:40:34 KD0NBH UNK NET 406248 BPU in Wyandotte County is reporting 4157 power outages with 4157 affected.
04:42:15 K0KEX UNK NET 406249 Evergy including Lenexa 126,000 w/o power
04:44:26 KD0NBH UNK NET 406250 Cell to the North, developed an outflow boundary, anticipate impacting Northern Platte Co.
04:48:52 K0KEX UNK NET 406255 Evergy including 1408 outages 133,100 customers So. Part of KC
04:54:50 KA0OTL UNK NET 406275 I encountered several spots of tree limb damage in southern Wyandotte County (Turner area) and Johnson Drive in Merriam as you head into Shawnee. A tree came down off of Johnson Drive just east of I-35.
05:25:17 KA0OTL UNK NET 406327 Roll Call
05:27:29 K0KEX UNK NET 406331 Evergy 1541 outages 134,743 customers
05:38:54 K0KEX UNK NET 406351 Evergy 1583 outages 133,408 customers
05:52:03 KD0NBH UNK NET 406364 Platte & Clay Sheriffs notified we are standing down
05:52:57 KD0NBH UNK NET 406367 Notifing NWS Chat of standown
05:54:20 KD0NBH UNK NET 406374 KC Northland ARES is standing down, will continue to monitor and re-activate if needed.
6. Prepared By (Name, Call sign)
Keith Kaiser -- WA0TJT
7. Date & Time Prepared
Sunday 8th of September 2024 01:07:11 AM
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