ICS 309
1. Incident Name: Net#: 11899
Jarbalo Amateur Radio Association Weekly Fusion Training Net
2. Operational Period (Date/Time)
From: 2024-06-02 23:47:53
To: 2024-06-03 00:30:07
3. Radio Net Name or Position/Tactical Call 4. Radio Operator (Name, Call Sign)
NJ0P - Rick REICHERT Net Control
Call Sign/ID | Msg #
Call Sign/ID | Msg #
00:08:09 NJ0P UNK NET 407800 still unable to send pics due to technical issues. Rick is trying to call the manufactuer
00:10:34 NJ0P UNK NET 407809 to see what they could recommend. Reminder of 18 Jun to align the dishes at SJH in order for the hospital to send encrypted HIPA information.
00:12:08 NJ0P UNK NET 407813 Reminder about Field Day coming up and having the JARA and KC SHARC annual meetings at Friday during supper time. There will also elections held at the same time.
00:15:12 NJ0P UNK NET 407820 Also gave some of his thoughts on the 500.
00:18:50 W0SER UNK NET 407830 havent tried to monitor the 5 channel capability yet. it is a good radio and looking to learn more about it.
00:22:28 W0MNA UNK NET 407842 spent saturday at the springfield ham fest. Only bought a small antenna and then went to a Summit but there was bad weather and the local spot was not good for setting up a radio. looking forward to the PKARC meeting and Thu breakfast.
00:23:27 KE0SYO UNK NET 407846 been playing around on the LCToTA.
00:24:56 KF0KOS UNK NET 407851 worked CW on LCToTA. didn't get any responders. worked Gary on a SOTA summit.
00:26:24 KZ0IMO UNK NET 407857 reminder about KC Heart tomorrow. enjoying summer so far. looking forward to getting back in the groove.
00:27:40 WA0SRS UNK NET 407858 been quite a day at the house. thanks to all and appreciate the information on the 500.
00:28:54 W0SER UNK NET 407861 recheck: LCToTA goes for two weeks.
23:47:53 NJ0P UNK NET 407737 Rick REICHERT Opened the net from on 444.800+ DN TX00 RX00 by:
6. Prepared By (Name, Call sign)
7. Date & Time Prepared
Sunday 8th of September 2024 01:02:33 AM
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