ICS 309
1. Incident Name: Net#: 11902
Weekly ARES Training Net
2. Operational Period (Date/Time)
From: 2024-06-03 00:21:24
To: 2024-06-03 01:01:44
3. Radio Net Name or Position/Tactical Call 4. Radio Operator (Name, Call Sign)
W0SER - Steven Rice Net Control
Call Sign/ID | Msg #
Call Sign/ID | Msg #
00:21:24 W0SER UNK NET 407835 Steven Rice Opened the net from on 145.330 (-) 151.4 Hz FM by:
00:30:43 KF0KBC UNK NET 407867 Im here
00:34:38 NJ0P UNK NET 407883 Traffic set to: Announcement
00:41:23 NJ0P UNK NET 407890 reminder about LCToTA. Dont forget to bring your laptop tot he meeting so we can make sure that everyone is on the same program. You can check the PKARC groups IO for more information on that. Hoping ot gat some visitors as well as more members out there to test there equipment.
00:42:54 NJ0P UNK NET 407891 There is Orion training coming up for the LVN CTY training.
00:47:23 NJ0P UNK NET 407894 gave some notes on EMCOMM classes
00:49:15 KZ0IMO UNK NET 407899 AEC: reminder about KC Heart. team 2 at SJH and team 3 at PMC.
00:49:49 NJ0P UNK NET 407900 recheck: will Roxann be holding the SHARC annual meeting during Field Day. She said yes.
00:56:27 KF0KOS UNK NET 407902 put up a 80 meter dipole and it seemed to be working pretty good.
00:58:11 KZ0IMO UNK NET 407903 looking forward to the summer, need to finish some classes. will be off the net for 2 weeks due to work stuff.
00:59:22 WA0SRS UNK NET 407905 hopefully we get some nice rain versus frog stranglers.
01:01:03 NJ0P UNK NET 407915 personal: none but still wishes to speak with SER after net.
6. Prepared By (Name, Call sign)
Steven Rice -- W0SER
7. Date & Time Prepared
Sunday 8th of September 2024 12:59:00 AM
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