ICS 309
1. Incident Name: Net#: 12062
Leavenworth County KS ARES Weekly ARES Training Net
2. Operational Period (Date/Time)
From: 2024-06-24 00:27:57
To: 2024-06-24 01:00:44
3. Radio Net Name or Position/Tactical Call 4. Radio Operator (Name, Call Sign)
NB0R - Brian Resch Net Control
Call Sign/ID | Msg #
Call Sign/ID | Msg #
00:27:57 NB0R UNK NET 411454 Brian Resch Opened the net from on 145.330 (-) 151.4 Hz FM by:
00:34:59 NJ0P UNK NET 411470 Traffic set to: Announcement
00:36:43 K0AVN UNK NET 411483 Raleigh, NC
00:37:50 NJ0P UNK NET 411485 transfering FD file now in order to send to Randy.
00:38:05 KF0KBC UNK NET 411486 it looks like i am back up now
00:39:27 NJ0P UNK NET 411497 had a great weekend, heat was a true factor. very interesting map from the contacts made.
00:42:15 WA0SRS UNK NET 411501 did Brian receive the pictures? He and Donna had a great time while at FD. Sent the pictures to everyone so hopefully they are ready for publication and maybe bring in some new members.
00:43:16 K0MDP UNK NET 411502 had a great time at FD, good friendship with good food and lots of contacts. got equipment put away and now chilling with family in the C.
00:44:39 NJ0P UNK NET 411503 Personal: FD stats are on the Groupd.IO page.
00:45:35 KE0SYO UNK NET 411504 very appreciative of how Rick gets the stats and everything completed. Thanks to all for a great weekend.
00:46:49 K0AVN UNK NET 411505 everything going well, spending lots of time studying for job. looking forward to a time of when he could come out to visit for FD.
6. Prepared By (Name, Call sign)
Brian Resch -- NB0R
7. Date & Time Prepared
Sunday 8th of September 2024 12:57:50 AM
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