ICS 309
1. Incident Name: Net#: 12231
KCNARES Weekly 2 Meter Voice
2. Operational Period (Date/Time)
From: 2024-07-16 23:37:24
To: 2024-07-17 00:21:07
3. Radio Net Name or Position/Tactical Call 4. Radio Operator (Name, Call Sign)
KD0NBH - John Britton Net Control
Call Sign/ID | Msg #
Call Sign/ID | Msg #
00:05:52 KD0NBH UNK NET 415395 Traffic set to: Announcement
00:10:30 WA0JSB UNK NET 415412 JSB: 147.33 PCARG at 730
00:10:40 WA0JSB UNK NET 415413 Traffic set to: Sent
00:11:17 KF0AXG UNK NET 415416 AXG: Testing on Saturday 2 tec, 1 general and 1 extra
00:11:33 KF0AXG UNK NET 415417 Traffic set to: Sent
00:13:15 K0KEX UNK NET 415421 KEX: GE, texcaster at 630 if not received contach Dpty ONEil
Weather net this morning thanks
145.68 50.300 FSQ active.
00:14:05 K0BDS UNK NET 415423 KEX: GE, texcaster at 630 if not received contach Dpty ONeil
Weather net this morning thanks
145.68 50.300 FSQ active.
00:17:44 KD0NBH UNK NET 415427 NBH: Next week meeting 7/25, message handling will be discussed
June minutes now on the website
On right side near the middle box ARRL on the weather channel there is a video link
Was discussing the hurricane net.
Also the weather net this morning third one for July! This has been active season, most non-event events!
Thanks to all that check in.
00:18:05 KD0NBH UNK NET 415428 Traffic set to: Sent
00:19:05 KD0NBH UNK NET 415430 NBH: Next week meeting 7/25, message handling will be discussed.
June minutes now on the website
On right side near the middle box ARRL on the weather channel there is a video link
Was discussing the hurricane net.
Also the weather net this morning third one for July! This has been active season, most non-event events!
Thanks to all that check in.
23:37:24 KD0NBH UNK NET 415369 John Britton Opened the net from on 146.790MHz, PL107.2Hz by:
23:49:28 KD0NBH UNK NET 415373 Tactical set to: W0KCN
23:49:28 KD0NBH UNK NET 415374 tactical Change
6. Prepared By (Name, Call sign)
John Britton -- KD0NBH
7. Date & Time Prepared
Sunday 8th of September 2024 12:59:00 AM
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