Time (UTC) |
FROM: Call Sign/ID | Msg # |
TO: Call Sign/ID | Msg # |
Message | ||
01:27:49 | WA0JSB | UNK | NET | 455574 | Leland Finley Opened the net from on 147.330MHz, PL151.4Hz by: |
01:39:36 | WA0TJT | UNK | NET | 455604 | Maritime mobile |
01:45:31 | N0BKE | UNK | NET | 455615 | Rain not ice! |
01:45:46 | WA0TJT | UNK | NET | 455616 | LOCΔ:W3W MOV::2045 : : Ditches.Recollecting.Scrubs : & : (25.363667, -79.627312) |
01:46:12 | W0JSH | UNK | NET | 455617 | Enjoying CW and more about the radio! |
01:48:07 | K0RGB | UNK | NET | 455621 | Same place, did some yardwork yesterday! Wx should go north of us! |
01:49:32 | KC0RYF | UNK | NET | 455623 | I was strying to log but could not get it by # Douglas club 2/18 10 am at public library room B. |
01:50:25 | KC0RRS | UNK | NET | 455624 | No idea what to say tonight! |
01:51:31 | W0DLK | UNK | NET | 455625 | LOCΔ:W3W MOV::2051 : MM : Ditches.Recollecting.Scrubs : & : (25.363667, -79.627312) |
01:53:25 | AE0LB | UNK | NET | 455628 | Second week checking, getting back into HF> 213 contacts on QRZ. will check out the next meeting, 4th Thursday. |
01:53:43 | AE0LB | UNK | NET | 455629 | Second week checking, getting back into HF> 213 contacts on QRZ. will check out the next meeting, 4th Thursday 7pm. |
01:54:41 | N0QQD | UNK | NET | 455630 | Not too much going on, new radio via the auction and outside antenna. |
01:56:51 | KF0PSG | UNK | NET | 455633 | Ham radio got used in the commercial area. Something interfering with avionics. |
01:59:22 | WA0JSB | UNK | NET | 455634 | Tech license class 2/10 Monday Woodnely Library, Flintlock north of MO-152. Testing in Kearney on Saturday, see groups.io for info. Right click WA0JSB here for contact information. |
02:00:23 | WA0JSB | UNK | NET | 455635 | Tech license class 2/10 Monday Woodneath Library, Flintlock north of MO-152. Testing in Kearney on Saturday, see groups.io for info. Right click WA0JSB here for contact information. |