Time (UTC) |
FROM: Call Sign/ID | Msg # |
TO: Call Sign/ID | Msg # |
Message | ||
00:46:18 | K0KEX | UNK | NET | 459617 | Rick Smith Opened the net from on 146.790MHz, PL107.2Hz by: |
01:04:44 | K0RGB | UNK | NET | 459638 | Traffic set to: Traffic |
01:12:34 | K0RGB | UNK | NET | 459661 | RGB: March 5th, first Wednesday 11am wx service FEMA statewide tornado drill. |
01:12:40 | K0RGB | UNK | NET | 459662 | Traffic set to: Sent |
01:13:51 | K0KEX | UNK | NET | 459664 | KEX: Schedule a net for the tornado drill. |
01:14:18 | WA0JSB | UNK | NET | 459665 | Traffic set to: Traffic |
01:14:56 | WA0JSB | UNK | NET | 459666 | JAJSB: PCARG net on 147.33 for the net, come on over. |
01:15:46 | WA0JSB | UNK | NET | 459668 | JSB: PCARG NET 730 147.33 |
01:15:53 | WA0JSB | UNK | NET | 459671 | Traffic set to: Sent |
01:16:44 | K0KEX | UNK | NET | 459672 | Texcater at 630 pm, if no follow up. |
01:19:42 | K0RGB | UNK | NET | 459675 | RGB: Thursday 2/27 at FS#2 in Smithvile 7PM , TJT will have a prentation on APRS. |
01:23:32 | KF0AXG | UNK | NET | 459678 | AXG: Testing March 8th, 10am Kearney Library. Listed on ARRL and Larry''s list or Hamstudy.org for info. |
01:28:26 | N0UYN | UNK | NET | 459680 | UYN: Skywarn Monday 3/24 at KCPD academy on Pleasant Valley thats just off I-435 |