ICS 309
1. Incident Name: Net#: 14019
Washington County IL Auxcomm Polish Fest 25
2. Operational Period (Date/Time)
From: 2025-03-02 17:42:22
To: 2025-03-02 21:56:56
3. Radio Net Name or Position/Tactical Call 4. Radio Operator (Name, Call Sign)
4403 - Net Control
Call Sign/ID | Msg #
Call Sign/ID | Msg #
17:42:22 4403 UNK NET 460425 Opened the net from on 154.2875 by:
17:59:59 CEN15 UNK NET 460427 No FCC Record
18:00:19 CEN15 UNK NET 460429 15 at position
18:00:57 CEN13 UNK NET 460430 No FCC Record
18:01:06 CEN13 UNK NET 460432 13 @ position
18:01:24 4401 UNK NET 460434 01 @ position
18:08:39 4403-CP UNK NET 460436 4403/CP Advises HAM backup comms unavaible
18:10:13 4403-CP UNK NET 460437 4403 advises that HAM radio backup is not working
18:11:11 956 UNK NET 460438 No FCC Record
18:11:13 95-2 UNK NET 460440 No FCC Record
18:11:39 95-2 UNK NET 460442 provided 95-2 with location.
18:13:40 95-2 UNK NET 460443 advised 95-6 his location.
18:15:51 956 UNK NET 460444 asked for 95-2 location.
18:18:07 CEN21 UNK NET 460445 No FCC Record
18:18:36 CEN21 UNK NET 460447 21 @ Position.
18:34:20 CEN21 UNK NET 460448 21 at position
18:35:51 4402 UNK NET 460450 Tactical set to: 4402
18:35:51 4402 UNK NET 460451 tactical Change
18:36:03 4403-CP UNK NET 460452 general broadcast, 30 min before parade start
18:38:28 4401 UNK NET 460455 No barricade at north first st and broadway
18:42:58 4402 UNK NET 460456 Notified Mayor of no barricades a first and broadway
18:43:29 4403 UNK NET 460457 15 asked about shutting down road. got proper advisement.
18:44:36 0000 UNK NET 460459 No FCC Record
18:45:27 0000 UNK NET 460461 Advised that he is working to get someone with barricades to first and broadway
18:45:33 4402 UNK NET 460462 05-1 asking if anyone was at the barricade corner.
18:45:55 951 UNK NET 460463 95-1 was advised there was someone there.
18:49:30 956 UNK NET 460464 Advised is responding with 957 to assist with TC at first/broadway
18:51:16 4401 UNK NET 460465 advised traffic was still getting through. 95-6/95-7 enroute.
18:52:06 956 UNK NET 460466 95-6 advised road is clear.
18:52:59 95-13 UNK NET 460467 No FCC Record
18:53:17 95-13 UNK NET 460469 95-13 staged at 8th and 7th.
18:58:08 4403 UNK NET 460471 4403 advised all units of parade start in 5 mins.
19:00:13 CEN21 UNK NET 460473 secure
19:00:25 4401 UNK NET 460474 advised sheriff''s office is going one last pass down parade route
19:23:27 4403 UNK NET 460484 FG White: aked for deputies at the in area of bank,people in roadway.
19:24:53 95-6 UNK NET 460485 No FCC Record
19:25:21 95-6 UNK NET 460487 dvised thy were in area
19:25:44 95-6 UNK NET 460488 advise they were in area. didnt see anything.
20:20:03 4403 UNK NET 460534 aske EMA units if private drone was flying around at this time. 4401 advised she did not see any.
20:57:16 4401 UNK NET 460546 advised herself and cen13 are heading back to CP.
21:00:07 4403 UNK NET 460547 all ENA units have cleared their positions.
21:00:17 4403 UNK NET 460548 EMA*
21:01:09 4401 UNK NET 460549 4401 advised that air evac is no longer on site.
6. Prepared By (Name, Call sign)
-- 4403
7. Date & Time Prepared
Saturday 15th of March 2025 06:14:49 AM
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