ICS 309
1. Incident Name: Net#: 14089
North Central Missouri Weekly 2 Meter Voice
2. Operational Period (Date/Time)
From: 2025-03-09 23:55:41
To: 2025-03-10 00:31:24
3. Radio Net Name or Position/Tactical Call 4. Radio Operator (Name, Call Sign)
KE0ZXN - Cindy Collins Net Control
Call Sign/ID | Msg #
Call Sign/ID | Msg #
00:04:59 W0PGH UNK NET 462179 Th/Fri full lunar eclipse
00:07:45 KE0ZXN UNK NET 462190 investigating option of HAM radio club at Meadville school
00:09:11 KC0NOX UNK NET 462198 Traffic set to:
00:09:17 KC0NOX UNK NET 462200 Traffic change: STANDBY
00:09:29 KC0NOX UNK NET 462202 Traffic set to: Traffic
00:09:38 KC0NOX UNK NET 462204 Traffic set to:
00:10:13 KC0NOX UNK NET 462206 weather-related damage at home
00:10:52 KB0RPJ UNK NET 462210 Monday high wind; watch out Fri 3/14 for possible severe storm threat
00:11:26 AC0OK UNK NET 462212 FP0 lost 2 antennas and power surge (lost 2 radios/power supply) so may not be checking in
00:13:24 KF0FPO UNK NET 462218 storm damage to radios/asked for alternate check
00:14:15 KF0PPM UNK NET 462221 Great signal from Southern Colorado! Passed General 3/1; POTA work
00:17:05 AC0TQ UNK NET 462225 2 wks w/o send; able to get
00:18:30 KF0ISY UNK NET 462232 alternate check in; able to repair radio send for she and AC0TQ :)
00:19:18 WK0Q UNK NET 462233 65 today; no damage during storm
00:22:20 AD0YN UNK NET 462235 transmit power vs S-power article on YouTube, will add link to Club page
00:26:31 KD0ETV UNK NET 462249 Marceline 440 repeater
00:29:23 KE0MGD UNK NET 462256 on EchoLink/2m not working
23:55:41 KE0ZXN UNK NET 462148 Cindy Collins Opened the net from on 147.225(+), PL 94.8Hz by:
6. Prepared By (Name, Call sign)
Cindy Collins -- KE0ZXN
7. Date & Time Prepared
Saturday 15th of March 2025 06:04:43 AM
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