Time (UTC) |
FROM: Call Sign/ID | Msg # |
TO: Call Sign/ID | Msg # |
Message | ||
18:53:26 | N0UYN | UNK | NET | 877 | Dennis Crawford Opened the net |
19:12:09 | KA0SXY | UNK | NET | 879 | Next Meeting on May 25th 7:00-9:00 P.M. |
19:12:46 | KA0SXY | UNK | NET | 880 | Liberty Half-Marathon has asked our assistance for the 2018 Marathon. |
19:15:05 | KA0SXY | UNK | NET | 881 | DMR radio process is pushing forward. Cpt Akin has been given the information to proceed. |
19:16:43 | KA0SXY | UNK | NET | 882 | The June Meeting on June 22 7:00-9:00 PM will offer Damage Assessment Training by Richard Fretwell W0KRF. |
19:17:53 | KA0SXY | UNK | NET | 883 | May 20 from 12:00-4:00 at Platte Landing Park next to English Landing Park. Meet Your Law Enforcement. |
19:19:44 | K0CML | UNK | NET | 884 | Has volunteered with a member of the Venture Crew to work with Liberty Hospital Half team. |
19:24:37 | K0KEX | UNK | NET | 885 | Digital Learning Net on Sunday evenings at 8:00 P.M. |
19:25:56 | K0KEX | UNK | NET | 886 | HF Band conditions can be viewed in Real Time at BandContitions.com |
19:27:08 | KA0OTL | UNK | NET | 887 | FSQCall is now recognized by the State of Missouri ARES as part of their communications protocol. |