ICS 309
1. Incident Name: Net#: 2942
KCNARES Northland ARES 2020 Voice SET Exercise
2. Operational Period (Date/Time)
From: 2020-10-03 12:34:33
To: 2020-10-03 17:11:51
3. Radio Net Name or Position/Tactical Call 4. Radio Operator (Name, Call Sign)
W0DLK - Deb Kaiser Net Control
Call Sign/ID | Msg #
Call Sign/ID | Msg #
13:06:06 K0KEX UNK NET 59891 NC for digital
13:09:41 KF0AEG UNK NET 59908 First Log In
13:14:07 K0KEX UNK NET 59923 Confirmed he will start as NC for digital net on voice
13:15:32 N0UYN UNK NET 59927 Will act as log manager for the digital net on 147.33
13:18:49 AB0GD UNK NET 59937 Advised of ability to contact him to use alt repeater 444.55
13:22:45 K0KEX UNK NET 59943 Advised that any of the digital ops can accept any positions being called for by NC
13:24:07 KD0NBH UNK NET 59945 Accepted the Supply Depot Liaison position.
13:26:23 KD0FUE UNK NET 59952 Asked what help is needed. NC advised we are looking for digital ops for Station 1.
13:30:09 NJ0P UNK NET 59963 QSY 147.33 as Testing Station #2 - DIGITAL
13:30:26 KD0FUE UNK NET 59965 tactical Change: STN 1
13:30:36 KD0NBH UNK NET 59966 tactical Change: SUPPLY
13:31:53 KA0SXY UNK NET 59968 still here.
13:32:01 KA0AIG UNK NET 59970 still here.
13:32:22 K0DEZ UNK NET 59972 still here
13:33:14 KC0RRS UNK NET 59974 still here - advised can't use comments line.
13:35:00 KF0AXG UNK NET 59979 still here
13:35:12 KC0RRS UNK NET 59981 released to the digital net.
13:38:38 KE0CYO UNK NET 59988 First Log In
13:45:59 WA0TJT UNK NET 60007 Call to Ky0O to request verification that digital is ready to accept traffic.
13:46:22 KY0O UNK NET 60008 Accepted the request.
13:49:42 KY0O UNK NET 60009 Digital not yet ready to accept traffic.
13:53:32 KY0O UNK NET 60015 Called NC - RRS is trying to run NC on Chrome. Still having issues with entering General Comments.
13:53:59 WA0TJT UNK NET 60016 Checking tech issues will be addressed after the Net.
13:55:42 KA0SXY UNK NET 60018 Entry with certain Windows browsers in General Comments not working.
13:59:52 AB0GD UNK NET 60020 Will be acting as Liaison between Digital Stations.
14:14:24 WA0TJT UNK NET 60055 Announced some activity nearby - details to follow soon.
14:22:33 KA0SXY UNK NET 60063 Call NC to announce the Mayor has requested a convo with John Smith. Needs to send a radio gram for this.
14:23:21 KA0SXY UNK NET 60065 Traffic set to: Routine
14:23:45 WA0TJT UNK NET 60066 REquested someone to take the msg for SXY.
14:24:23 KD0YCF UNK NET 60068 Taking msg for SXY
14:26:14 KA0SXY UNK NET 60069 Provided 213 msg to Supply Depot.
14:27:00 KD0YCF UNK NET 60070 Read back msg from SXY to verify.
14:27:42 KA0SXY UNK NET 60071 Verified correct and requested a verification msg was sent & received.
14:28:21 KD0YCF UNK NET 60072 Received and copied 213 msg and will move to Digitial
14:28:34 KA0SXY UNK NET 60073 Traffic set to: Sent
14:30:18 NJ0P UNK NET 60076 Received request from KY0o - Can no longer hear Regional. Made call out for REgional Liaison.
14:30:56 KA0AIG UNK NET 60077 Accepted Liaison position for Regional Net.
14:31:28 KY0O UNK NET 60078 Gave instructions to AIG to be Liaison to Regional.
14:32:01 KA0AIG UNK NET 60079 Called WOKCN to see if there were any additional instructions.
14:34:18 WA0TJT UNK NET 60080 Requested AIG contact Regional and check in as the new Liaison
14:36:28 NJ0P UNK NET 60084 On Digital
14:36:42 KD0YCF UNK NET 60085 On Digital
14:36:51 KY0O UNK NET 60086 Still here.
14:37:24 N0UYN UNK NET 60087 On Digital
14:37:35 W0JSH UNK NET 60088 Still here.
14:38:05 K0KEX UNK NET 60089 On Digital
14:38:16 K0DEZ UNK NET 60090 still here.
14:38:22 KC0RRS UNK NET 60091 On Digital
14:38:36 KD0FUE UNK NET 60092 On Digital
14:38:56 KD0FUE UNK NET 60093 Monitoring us.
14:39:08 AB0GD UNK NET 60094 still here.
14:39:12 KE0SYO UNK NET 60095 On Digital
14:39:26 KA0SXY UNK NET 60096 Still here.
14:39:42 WA0JSB UNK NET 60097 Still here - in and out
14:41:02 KA0AIG UNK NET 60100 Checked in with Regional - they requested stats on players, observers and evaluators.
14:44:27 WA0TJT UNK NET 60101 Requested to Ky0o to get the stats from the Digital Net.
14:44:50 KY0O UNK NET 60102 Will get back to us with the stats.
14:50:31 NJ0P UNK NET 60105 tactical Change: NJ0P
14:50:42 KY0O UNK NET 60106 tactical Change: KY0O
14:58:13 KA0AIG UNK NET 60107 REceived request from KY0O for stats.
15:00:35 WA0JSB UNK NET 60109 called W0KCN - Requested to check out.
15:00:50 WA0TJT UNK NET 60110 Released JSB
15:08:36 WA0TJT UNK NET 60119 Called KY0O to remind they are waiting for traffic from NCMD
15:09:19 KD0YCF UNK NET 60120 Still waiting to pass traffic.
15:15:44 KD0YCF UNK NET 60122 Call to W0KCN - Response received for SXY.
15:16:08 WA0TJT UNK NET 60123 Asked YCF to go direct to SXY.
15:16:48 KD0YCF UNK NET 60124 Called SXY directed with the msg.
15:17:11 KD0YCF UNK NET 60125 Traffic set to: Sent
15:17:27 KA0SXY UNK NET 60126 REcieving and verifying msg content.
15:17:55 KD0YCF UNK NET 60127 Resending voice msg re: supplies to SXY directly.
15:18:18 KA0SXY UNK NET 60128 requested date/time msg received of YCF
15:18:31 KD0YCF UNK NET 60129 Gave date/time of msg.
15:19:18 KA0SXY UNK NET 60130 Still working out msg detail.
15:19:44 KA0SXY UNK NET 60131 SXY copied msg from YCF - back to W0KCN
15:20:11 WA0TJT UNK NET 60132 Verified msg completion between SXY and YCF
15:20:32 WA0TJT UNK NET 60133 Requested JSH to do a role call if he does not return in time.
15:21:19 W0JSH UNK NET 60135 Accepted back-up and announced upcoming role call.
15:22:11 KA0SXY UNK NET 60136 still here
15:23:27 KA0AIG UNK NET 60138 still here.
15:23:50 K0DEZ UNK NET 60139 Still here.
15:24:23 KF0AXG UNK NET 60140 Still here.
15:24:54 AB0GD UNK NET 60141 On Digistal
15:25:32 KA0SXY UNK NET 60145 Still here. How many calories is he burning on this exercise?
15:26:13 KC0YSH UNK NET 60147 Was previously on Digital Net.
15:27:17 KD0YCF UNK NET 60149 still here.
15:28:02 W0RDE UNK NET 60152 called to let NC know he is still here.
15:29:18 AB0GD UNK NET 60153 still monitoring voice as well.
15:33:21 NJ0P UNK NET 60155 Call to JSH to let him know he is back
15:33:37 W0JSH UNK NET 60156 Will be back shortly.
15:34:40 AK0SK UNK NET 60161 Monitoring W0KCN
15:35:28 KE0JJU UNK NET 60163 Monitoring W0KCN
15:37:30 WA0TJT UNK NET 60168 Called KY0O to make sure he was in and asked him to get counts.
15:39:50 AK0SK UNK NET 60171 Invited everyone to 60 meters for AA Meeting.
15:40:07 AK0SK UNK NET 60172 533.05
15:45:47 W0RDE UNK NET 60176 Called W0KCN to let NC know that he has created a msg for digital.
15:46:11 WA0TJT UNK NET 60177 Released RDE to the Digital Net.
15:47:30 WA0TJT UNK NET 60179 Call to DEZ to ask him to call SXY and verifiy he is OK.
15:47:49 K0DEZ UNK NET 60180 Call to SXY to make sure he is OK>
15:48:14 KA0SXY UNK NET 60181 Let DEZ know that he is OK - a bit fatigued with all the exercise.
15:48:45 K0DEZ UNK NET 60182 Call to W0KCN to let SXY is ok - a little bit tired but will be fine.
15:49:07 WA0TJT UNK NET 60183 Received msg from DEZ.
15:49:45 WA0TJT UNK NET 60184 Call to AXG to ask him to contact the health and welfare of SXY and report back.
15:50:05 KF0AXG UNK NET 60185 Accepted the mission to check in with SXY.
15:50:28 KF0AXG UNK NET 60186 Called to SXY directly to verify his health and welfare.
15:50:54 KF0AXG UNK NET 60187 Traffic set to: Welfare
15:51:21 KA0SXY UNK NET 60188 Let AXG know he is fine but is ready for his nap.
15:51:32 KF0AXG UNK NET 60189 Traffic set to: Sent
15:52:07 KF0AXG UNK NET 60190 Call to W0KCN to let NC know that SXY is fine.
15:52:33 WA0TJT UNK NET 60191 Received msg from AXG that SXY is doing fine.
15:52:54 WA0TJT UNK NET 60192 Called all stations to announce a roll call at 11AM.
15:53:37 K0DEZ UNK NET 60193 Traffic set to: Welfare
15:53:47 N0UYN UNK NET 60194 Traffic set to:
15:53:48 KA0AIG UNK NET 60195 Traffic set to:
15:54:07 KD0NBH UNK NET 60198 Traffic set to:
15:54:07 KF0AXG UNK NET 60197 Traffic set to: Sent
15:54:07 K0DEZ UNK NET 60196 Traffic set to: Welfare
15:56:56 KY0O UNK NET 60199 Called with info. Digital net has 18 players, 5 observers and 5 evaluators.
15:57:38 WA0TJT UNK NET 60200 Received info from KY0O and relayed it to AIG for relay to Regional
15:57:58 K0DEZ UNK NET 60201 Traffic set to: Sent
15:59:59 KA0AIG UNK NET 60202 Received info re: on Voice 22 players, 0 observers and 0 evaluators: on digital 18 players, 5 observers and 5 evaluators. 22 in all and some are wearing multiple hats.
16:00:13 KA0AIG UNK NET 60203 Will relay this info to Regional.
16:00:57 KY0O UNK NET 60205 still here.
16:01:02 W0JSH UNK NET 60206 still here.
16:01:10 NJ0P UNK NET 60207 on digital
16:01:21 KD0YCF UNK NET 60208 still here.
16:01:38 N0UYN UNK NET 60209 on digital
16:01:54 KD0NBH UNK NET 60210 on digital
16:02:08 K0DEZ UNK NET 60211 still here.
16:02:22 KD0NBH UNK NET 60212 on digital
16:02:38 KC0RRS UNK NET 60213 On Digital
16:02:51 KF0AXG UNK NET 60214 still here
16:03:30 KE0SYO UNK NET 60215 On Digital.
16:03:36 AB0GD UNK NET 60216 still here.
16:03:44 KA0SXY UNK NET 60217 Still here.
16:06:07 KE0JJU UNK NET 60224 Called in from home.
16:07:28 KA0AIG UNK NET 60227 Call to W0KCN to let NC he was able to update Regional - They want a count of unique players.
16:07:59 KC0YSH UNK NET 60228 Called W0KCN to let us know he is monitoring both Nets.
16:09:17 KA0AIG UNK NET 60231 Called for stat.
16:09:35 WA0TJT UNK NET 60232 Let AIG know the count is 22.
16:09:51 KA0AIG UNK NET 60233 Copied - 22 total players for the SET.
16:11:36 KA0AIG UNK NET 60234 Called W0KCN to let NC know he was able to relay info to Regional. Regional asked if we were closeing at Noon.
16:11:55 WA0TJT UNK NET 60235 Let AIG know that we are still planning to close at Noon.
16:12:39 KA0AIG UNK NET 60236 Let NC know that he will relay to Regional that we are closing at Noon and he will verify with NCMD that they are closing at Noon as well.
16:13:10 WA0TJT UNK NET 60237 Called to Ak0SK to make sure he is still monitoring.
16:13:29 AK0SK UNK NET 60238 Verified he is still monitoring W0KCN.
16:14:48 KA0AIG UNK NET 60241 AIG will confirm the NCMD is closed before we close our Net.
16:20:15 WA0TJT UNK NET 60246 Call to JJU to request he call SXY directly for a welfare check.
16:20:39 KE0JJU UNK NET 60247 Traffic set to: Welfare
16:21:06 KE0JJU UNK NET 60249 Call to SXY re: welfare check.
16:21:49 KA0SXY UNK NET 60251 Requested bio break. Asked JJU to ask W0KCN if he can take a bio break.
16:22:41 KE0JJU UNK NET 60255 Called W0KCN and got permission to let SXY take a bio break.
16:22:49 KE0JJU UNK NET 60256 Traffic set to: Sent
16:23:21 W0JSH UNK NET 60257 Call to W0KCN to see if anyone available to take a radiogram.
16:23:37 WA0TJT UNK NET 60258 Call out for someone who can take a radiogram.
16:24:07 WA0TJT UNK NET 60259 got back to JSH to see if there is someone who can take a radiogram. No response.
16:24:45 WA0TJT UNK NET 60261 Call to see if DEZ can take a radiogram.
16:25:24 K0DEZ UNK NET 60262 Accepted the assignment.
16:26:05 WA0TJT UNK NET 60263 Called JSH to let him know that DEZ will take his radiogram.
16:26:24 AB0GD UNK NET 60264 Checked out for the day.
16:27:25 W0JSH UNK NET 60269 Called NC to get permission to call DEZ with his radiogram.
16:28:07 K0DEZ UNK NET 60270 Received radiogram routine msg # 1003.
16:31:16 WA0TJT UNK NET 60271 Call to DEZ to see if he wants to relay his msg to SXY.
16:31:59 K0DEZ UNK NET 60272 Requested permission to contact SXY directly to deliver his msg from JSH.
16:32:37 KA0SXY UNK NET 60273 Received # 1003 from DEZ that originated from JSH. '
16:35:00 K0DEZ UNK NET 60274 Traffic set to: Sent
16:35:55 KA0SXY UNK NET 60275 Call to W0KCN asking how many calories is he burning with this exercise?
16:36:15 KA0SXY UNK NET 60276 Wants to know why he needs to stand by. Asked permission to sit.
16:36:38 WA0TJT UNK NET 60277 Called JSH to ask him to call SXY direct to answer his question.
16:36:48 W0JSH UNK NET 60278 Called SXY direct.
16:37:49 W0JSH UNK NET 60279 Answered calories will be 498/hour unless he sits and then his calories per hour will be reduced to 350.
16:39:20 WA0TJT UNK NET 60280 Called all stations to announce there will be a roll call at Noon and also remind everyone that they should complete the survey using either the QR Code in the SET PDF provided by Rick or go to and use the link under the Annual Set link there.
16:40:47 N0UYN UNK NET 60281 Called to W0KCN to ask if there will be a hot wash for local or Regional
16:42:52 WA0TJT UNK NET 60282 It was decided we will conduct a separate hot wash net after we close this net.
16:44:38 W0JSH UNK NET 60283 Standing in for relay to TJT who could not receive msg from UYN.
16:46:21 KA0SXY UNK NET 60284 Called to JSH to clarify the plan is to close this net at Noon. Asked if Digital will end at same time.
16:46:56 W0JSH UNK NET 60286 relayed the msg from SXY to UYN as TJT was unable to get back on frequency.
16:47:59 W0DLK UNK NET 60287 Requesting to JSH that he temporarily take NC as we are donw.
16:49:00 W0JSH UNK NET 60288 Hi, John - W0DLK here - Can you please take TJT's place as we are having radio issues. I will continue to log as possilble.
16:50:22 WA0TJT UNK NET 60289 Call to JSH - back after tech difficulties - we will have a hot wash net at 12:15 today.
16:50:49 WA0TJT UNK NET 60290 Call to AIG to ask him to ask REgional of their plans for a REgional hot wash.
16:51:18 KA0AIG UNK NET 60291 AIG will check with Regional to find out their plans and frequency.
16:55:23 N0UYN UNK NET 60292 Copied the msg and will relay it to NCMD re: our hot wash at 12:25
16:55:55 K0DEZ UNK NET 60294 still here
16:56:11 KF0AXG UNK NET 60295 still here - won't be able to be on Hot Wash.
16:56:39 W0JSH UNK NET 60296 Still here - Won't be able to be on Hot Wash
16:57:11 N0BKE UNK NET 60298 on Digital
16:57:44 KA0SXY UNK NET 60300 still here
16:59:06 N0UYN UNK NET 60301 Called NC to request that the REgional hot wash issues will be addressed on our hot wash.
17:00:22 KA0AIG UNK NET 60302 REport to NC that the Regional Hot Wash is an invitation-only for controllers and evaluators and they will receive an email link for that meeting.
17:01:54 WA0TJT UNK NET 60303 WE have declared END-EX and will close after roll call.
17:02:05 KA0AIG UNK NET 60304 Still here.
17:02:11 K0DEZ UNK NET 60305 still here.
17:03:08 KA0SXY UNK NET 60310 Still here.
17:03:28 KD0YCF UNK NET 60311 Checked out
17:04:24 W0JSH UNK NET 60314 Let NC know that the Digital folks were informed they need to check out here.
6. Prepared By (Name, Call sign)
Deb Kaiser -- W0DLK
7. Date & Time Prepared
Tuesday 28th of January 2025 11:50:06 PM
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