ICS 309
1. Incident Name: Net#: 3158
2. Operational Period (Date/Time)
3. Radio Net Name or Position/Tactical Call 4. Radio Operator (Name, Call Sign)
- Net Control
Call Sign/ID | Msg #
Call Sign/ID | Msg #
15:03:24 KJ6OUG UNK NET 65587 Normally hold this meeting in person but we continue with a net
15:03:32 KJ6OUG UNK NET 65588 informal net, please join if you can
15:05:43 KJ6OUG UNK NET 65595 Winter Field Day - January 31 2021 - KJ6OUG will attempt to set up a remote location
15:06:13 KJ6OUG UNK NET 65596 starting planning for march or april exercise
15:06:38 KJ6OUG UNK NET 65597 organizing a hospital team - 4 hospitals have reached out to get equipment and plans in place
15:07:09 KJ6OUG UNK NET 65598 Thanksgiving next week - will monitor as we can with increase in road traffic to support operators as they travel
15:07:52 KM6BNY UNK NET 65599 Winter Field Day - can do it alone and not necessarily with a group
15:08:45 KJ6OUG UNK NET 65600 for Field Day - will set up 2 stations one for VHF and HF
15:09:57 KD0OYW UNK NET 65601 in past worked with SK Dan Pruett and Glenn Caine with hospitals - since covid hit meetings have been cancelled
15:10:12 KD0OYW UNK NET 65602 still getting notifications from them
15:11:22 KJ6OUG UNK NET 65603 Chris welcomes Gary's continued involvement - multiple hospitals have reached out - 2 cases seemed genuinely interested
15:14:17 KJ6OUG UNK NET 65604 Want to thank K6OGR Brian for all transition work on documentation submission
15:15:28 W6TUI UNK NET 65606 Might be able to help with directions over the holidays
15:15:59 KJ6OUG UNK NET 65607 Typically what is seen is that operators aren't the type to get lost - but some have reached out for traffic and weather conditions
15:16:57 KD0OYW UNK NET 65608 Frequency to monitor - 146.52 - simplex?
15:17:25 KJ6OUG UNK NET 65609 please monitor this repeater and national simplex VHF/UHF if you have capabilities
15:18:36 KJ6OUG UNK NET 65610 Closing the Net - look forward to information about the items mentioned below
15:19:07 KJ6OUG UNK NET 65611 On occassion we've had a Thanksgiving net informally - just keep an ear out for that potentially
6. Prepared By (Name, Call sign)
7. Date & Time Prepared
Thursday 21st of November 2024 11:20:12 AM
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