ICS 309
1. Incident Name: Net#: 4271
2. Operational Period (Date/Time)
3. Radio Net Name or Position/Tactical Call 4. Radio Operator (Name, Call Sign)
- Net Control
Call Sign/ID | Msg #
Call Sign/ID | Msg #
00:55:00 KF5KUW UNK NET 95975 Mark Hetherington Opened the net from on 145.470 Mhz(+) PL100.0Hz by:
01:12:42 KI5DQ UNK NET 96002 attended 7205 CCN Eyeball, got to tour MFJ, play with many radio modes
01:13:54 KI5DQ UNK NET 96003 Antenna ShootOut took 2nd place, Big Gun award
01:17:55 KI5MHH UNK NET 96004 not responding
01:18:14 KI5ION UNK NET 96005 sorry missed club meeting, had to move sister
01:19:14 KI5ION UNK NET 96006 got to use new radio, and checked in to a net in Chicago
01:21:57 KI5ION UNK NET 96014 wants to get his General, as he is listening to folks on the General portion of the bands
01:23:10 KI5FHN UNK NET 96023 feeling better! Shirts for club got ordered today!
01:26:31 KI5NHO UNK NET 96026 new fusion site US North Texas; running on a cloud server (redundant everything)
01:28:36 KD5UNY UNK NET 96027 enjoying EchoLink, thanks to Mark for helping to get him set up
01:30:36 WB5KWK UNK NET 96028 been under the weather
01:34:54 KI5MHH UNK NET 96031 changed radio, put 2M antenna back up, HH not working well
01:36:30 N5DJB UNK NET 96033 New call sign!
01:37:53 W5MOY UNK NET 96034 doing well, had a great time at the meeting, having fun with the new baby
6. Prepared By (Name, Call sign)
7. Date & Time Prepared
Sunday 8th of September 2024 01:04:07 AM
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