ICS 309
1. Incident Name: Net#: 5022
weekly ARES Voice Net
2. Operational Period (Date/Time)
From: 2021-10-29 00:27:53
To: 2021-10-29 01:03:56
3. Radio Net Name or Position/Tactical Call 4. Radio Operator (Name, Call Sign)
NJ0P - Rick REICHERT Net Control
Call Sign/ID | Msg #
Call Sign/ID | Msg #
00:27:53 NJ0P UNK NET 115724 Rick REICHERT Opened the net from on 147.000 MHz T151.4 Hz FM by:
00:31:48 NJ0P UNK NET 115730 Traffic set to: Announcement
00:46:32 KA3LOC UNK NET 115739 Propagation is good. Sunspots are higher. Will look at reports.
00:46:49 N0CS UNK NET 115740 Overslept club breakfast.
00:47:46 KA0ARW UNK NET 115741 Worked W1AW on 17 Meters today
00:48:47 NJ0P UNK NET 115742 Announcements included: No Sunday nets. SET Report available. 2022 Test & Exercise schedule (draft) posted. Mon Hosp Test. Goblin Patrol Oct 31.
00:48:58 WA0SRS UNK NET 115743 More medical appts.
00:50:13 K0MDP UNK NET 115744 Thanked Rick for time & effort on ARES
00:50:40 K0MDP UNK NET 115745 Completed WINLINK Thursday! (As we should all do.)
00:50:51 NJ0P UNK NET 115746 Traffic set to:
00:51:18 K0MDP UNK NET 115747 Will no be on Goblin Patrol but will have 800 MHz on.
00:52:37 KD7QOR UNK NET 115748 RACES in WyCo would like to take part in SET with us next year.
00:53:35 KF0KBC UNK NET 115749 Trying to stay dry.
00:54:21 KE0SYO UNK NET 115750 Finished WINLINK Thursday.
00:55:13 KA0DJR UNK NET 115753 Home APRS station is currently down.
00:55:31 KJ0C UNK NET 115755 Lawrence. No input.
00:57:38 KA0DJR UNK NET 115756 Let Dick know if you want to volunteer for Vet Day Parade (augmentation, not radio ops)
00:58:51 KF0KBC UNK NET 115757 Volunteering to help with Vet Day Parade
00:59:19 KE0SYO UNK NET 115758 Volunteering for Vet Day Parade
6. Prepared By (Name, Call sign)
7. Date & Time Prepared
Sunday 8th of September 2024 12:54:39 AM
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