ICS 309
1. Incident Name: Net#: 6738
Fannin County Amateur Radio Club 2 Meter Weekly
2. Operational Period (Date/Time)
From: 2022-06-29 00:50:56
To: 2022-06-29 01:41:11
3. Radio Net Name or Position/Tactical Call 4. Radio Operator (Name, Call Sign)
KF5KUW - Mark Hetherington Net Control
Call Sign/ID | Msg #
Call Sign/ID | Msg #
00:50:56 KF5KUW UNK NET 158211 Mark Hetherington Opened the net from on 145.470Mhz (-) ,Tone 100.0Hz by:
01:06:31 K5MJD UNK NET 158237 opreated more than I normally do, and had a great time
01:06:46 K5MJD UNK NET 158238 worked ISS maritime mobile
01:06:57 K5MJD UNK NET 158239 today
01:07:18 K5MJD UNK NET 158240 going back out to the lake again July 3rd, be marine mobile
01:11:53 KI5LVS UNK NET 158241 generator fixed... wants to make motion next club meeting we use James' tent for FD
01:12:29 KI5DQ UNK NET 158242 enjoyed FD, had 6M, 2M, and 70cm QSO's logged; plus ISS
01:13:25 KI5ION UNK NET 158243 thank you for all the people who made FD a success, and the entertainment and comraderie
01:15:04 KI5DVX UNK NET 158244 no response
01:15:40 W5FZY UNK NET 158245 cool weather today was wonderful... 12 hour work days... made Eveansville, IN on 6M today
01:16:00 W5FZY UNK NET 158246 579 miles to Evansville
01:17:10 KF5SOX UNK NET 158247 brought buddy Chris with him to Field Day...
01:17:34 KF5SOX UNK NET 158248 enjoyed FD
01:18:11 KG5TQE UNK NET 158249 guilty with another club doing FD...
01:19:56 KI5IOO UNK NET 158250 thanks to everyone who fixed the food... had fun helping out... made more contacts than husband, and he is jealous
01:27:03 KD5UNY UNK NET 158253 enjoyed field day, think it will be a great dinner next year...
01:29:51 KG5TQE UNK NET 158254 Joy, daughter
6. Prepared By (Name, Call sign)
Mark Hetherington -- KF5KUW
7. Date & Time Prepared
Sunday 8th of September 2024 01:07:56 AM
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