ICS 309
1. Incident Name: Net#: 7342
2. Operational Period (Date/Time)
From: 2022-10-01 13:55:08
To: 2022-10-01 17:02:03
3. Radio Net Name or Position/Tactical Call 4. Radio Operator (Name, Call Sign)
KF0AWZ - Mike Deperalta Net Control
Call Sign/ID | Msg #
Call Sign/ID | Msg #
12:55:43 KA0SXY UNK NET 174110 Dennis Carpenter Opened the net from on 146.790MHz, PL107.2Hz by:
12:59:27 KA0SXY UNK NET 174113 Traffic set to:
13:13:43 K0RGB UNK NET 174135 enroute
13:15:29 K0RGB UNK NET 174139 Fire station #2
13:15:55 N0UYN UNK NET 174143 PC resource center
13:16:37 KC0YT UNK NET 174146 Clay county resource center
13:17:16 N0BKE UNK NET 174151 LOCΔ:COM:@home, reset to home coordinates (39.220224,-94.5182541,EM29RF,Clay ,MO)
13:20:16 W0GPS UNK NET 174157 Home station not able to access this repeater
13:22:48 W0DLK UNK NET 174158 Can you make contact with regional net on 146.94
13:23:12 W0DLK UNK NET 174159 Please advise when making contact with the regional net
13:25:09 N0JJA UNK NET 174161 5125 N Sycamore Dr, establish comm team, and be the leader at this location
13:25:48 N0JJA UNK NET 174163 5125 N Sycamore Dr at Gracemoore School
13:26:38 KF0AWZ UNK NET 174164 Will be with N0JJA
13:27:24 KF0AWZ UNK NET 174171 Leaving home now
13:27:53 KF0HGR UNK NET 174172 5125 N Sycamore Gracemoore School
13:28:41 KA0SXY UNK NET 174174 No response from PCRS
13:29:16 KA0SXY UNK NET 174175 Need team to relay, to 45 Highway just north of Weston
13:29:45 WA0TJT UNK NET 174176 Field com team 45 Hwy JNO Weston
13:32:38 W0DLK UNK NET 174179 With WA0TJT 273 45 Hwy jno Weston
13:34:41 KD0NBH UNK NET 174181 Regional net
13:35:28 K6FN UNK NET 174185 PCRC
13:36:00 K0KEX UNK NET 174189 PCRC
13:36:13 K0KEX UNK NET 174192 PCRC
13:36:29 K6FN UNK NET 174193 @ PCRC
13:36:33 K0KEX UNK NET 174194 @ PCRC
13:37:21 KD0FUE UNK NET 174196 Com team 2
13:37:48 KD0FUE UNK NET 174198 5125 N Sycamore Gracemoore School
13:44:42 K2SCT UNK NET 174204 45 Hwy JNO Weston
13:46:31 KD0NBH UNK NET 174208 Made contact Regional Net
13:47:33 KF0AWZ UNK NET 174211 5125 N Sycamore ! Gracemor School
13:49:12 KD0NBH UNK NET 174212 816.878.5175
13:57:13 N0UYN UNK NET 174219 No response possibly heading into PCRC!
13:57:51 N0UYN UNK NET 174222 On site
13:58:37 KA0SXY UNK NET 174226 Open secondary net on secondary frequency
13:58:55 KA0SXY UNK NET 174228 Can be opened a a sub net 147.33 set up
13:59:24 N0UYN UNK NET 174231 Will be setting up secondary net - advise when open and who will be logging
13:59:40 KA0SXY UNK NET 174233 Will route stations over
13:59:59 N0UYN UNK NET 174234 7343 net set up on 147.33
14:01:58 N0UYN UNK NET 174235 Set up and ready for checkins
14:02:39 KA0SXY UNK NET 174236 @ 955 request report on resources info for regional net
14:04:25 W0GPS UNK NET 174240 Gracemor Elementry School meet JJA
14:05:21 W0GPS UNK NET 174242 HWY jno US 45 and MO 273
14:06:01 WA0TJT UNK NET 174243 Request move to the PCRS on 147.33 with DLK
14:06:47 W0DLK UNK NET 174250 Tactical set to: Comm 1
14:06:47 W0DLK UNK NET 174251 tactical Change
14:07:04 WA0TJT UNK NET 174252 PCRC 147.33
14:07:09 K2SCT UNK NET 174253 PCRC 147.33
14:07:15 W0GPS UNK NET 174254 PCRC 147.33
14:07:22 W0DLK UNK NET 174255 PCRC 147.33
14:08:23 K6FN UNK NET 174259 PCRC 147.33
14:08:41 K0KEX UNK NET 174262 PCRC 147.33
14:08:54 KC0YT UNK NET 174264 PCRC 147.33
14:09:05 N0UYN UNK NET 174266 PCRC 147.33
14:11:08 KF0BQY UNK NET 174273 5125 N Sycamore @ Gracemor School
14:14:06 KD0NBH UNK NET 174278 LSN with regional SET net
14:18:42 KF0BQY UNK NET 174285 Not with JJA
14:21:20 N0BKE UNK NET 174295 SET Texcaster received # 730AM also via email
14:23:47 KF0BQY UNK NET 174302 5125 N Sycamore Gracemor School
14:32:15 K0RGB UNK NET 174304 CCOC has made the request out to the MO region for assitance 3.963 LSB to any net manager advising of the exercise
14:38:46 N0JJA UNK NET 174306 4 stations on site
14:39:17 N0JJA UNK NET 174307 Status report in the info package, something prepared
14:44:50 N0JJA UNK NET 174309 Gracemor Com Team NJ13, 4 ham stations here, 1 is Red Cross representive KD0FUE is red cross rep
14:52:38 N0UYN UNK NET 174318 PCRC report, WA0TJT. HWY 45 closed, law, fire and ems are on scen.
4 hams on scene, total count of amaneurs, PCRS 9 hams on site.,pr> K0KEX is observer
14:53:03 N0UYN UNK NET 174320 PCRC report, WA0TJT. HWY 45 closed, law, fire and ems are on scen.
4 hams on scene, total count of amateurs, PCRS 9 hams on site.,pr> K0KEX is observer
14:53:32 N0UYN UNK NET 174321 PCRC report. HWY 45 closed, law, fire and ems are on scen.
4 hams on scene, total count of amateurs, PCRS 9 hams on site.,pr> K0KEX is observer
14:53:52 N0UYN UNK NET 174322 PCRC report. HWY 45 closed, law, fire and ems are on scen.
4 hams on scene, total count of amateurs, PCRS 9 hams on site. K0KEX is observer
14:55:06 KD0NBH UNK NET 174323 Info from Regional NET, power out in region A, power loss may become an issue
14:59:38 KA0SXY UNK NET 174325 CCRC 9 hams in Clay County and 9 in Platte County, total 18 stations
Information to NBH to be relayed to the Retional Net
14:59:58 KA0SXY UNK NET 174326 CCOC 9 hams in Clay County and 9 in Platte County, total 18 stations
Information to NBH to be relayed to the Retional Net
15:04:16 KD0NBH UNK NET 174328 Information passed to Regional Net, will be on 147.33 and monitoring all 3 frequencies
15:05:00 N0JJA UNK NET 174330 Change KF0BQY on site
15:14:40 KA0SXY UNK NET 174332 Power went off took about 5 minutes for generator to come on - back up
15:15:36 N0BKE UNK NET 174333 All good here no power out, using lap top on battery and could switch to batter back up on radio
15:16:37 KA0SXY UNK NET 174334 Nothing heard or needed to be reported
15:25:22 N0UYN UNK NET 174335 PCEOC, COM 1 relocated to Nower road just off HWY 45 about 100 meter, they advised fire and ems arranged and has arrived WRW blown.skews.unleashing
15:28:34 N0JJA UNK NET 174340 JJA weather report, cloudy winds sw 30 mph
no effects at this time
15:33:43 KA0SXY UNK NET 174343 Commercial power restored, generator has shut down normally
15:43:07 KD0NBH UNK NET 174346 Recieved request from regional net, for possible deployment for a team to NKC YMCA, 1900 Iron, NKC.
5 station can redeploy.
15:44:51 N0UYN UNK NET 174347 Recieved request from regional net, for possible deployment for a team to NKC YMCA, 1900 Iron, NKC.
5 station can redeploy.
Information to Platte CO EOC.
15:45:16 N0JJA UNK NET 174348 2 stations AWZ and HRG willing to redeploy
15:48:51 KA0SXY UNK NET 174349 PCEOC, W0KCN, from Com team 1, all are fully occupied, also at PCEOC. NBH advised
15:49:50 KD0NBH UNK NET 174350 Kf0AW & KF0HGR could redeploy if needed
15:50:20 KD0NBH UNK NET 174351 Will advise the Regional Net
16:08:11 KD0FUE UNK NET 174354 Have inquiries where the victim id station is located
16:12:20 KD0NBH UNK NET 174355 NBH, PCRC still has digital traffic pending, prepare for hot wash, and will advise Regional Net
16:12:45 KA0SXY UNK NET 174356 Request PCERC to transfer their stations back to this net
16:14:22 KA0SXY UNK NET 174357 For NBH not able to reach PCRS, can you have the lasion
16:15:21 KA0SXY UNK NET 174358 All activity can be suspended, and move everyone to this net, and then hot wash, UYN copies
16:16:08 KA0SXY UNK NET 174361 All stations stand by on 146.79
16:19:12 N0UYN UNK NET 174362 PCRC stations should be moving over here
16:21:27 N0UYN UNK NET 174365 Will be on 147.33 for message from Region
16:24:18 N0JJA UNK NET 174370 Request for being released to drive back home will be on the air on the way for hot wash
16:26:33 KF0AWZ UNK NET 174371 On way home
16:26:49 KF0AWZ UNK NET 174372 On way home on the air
16:26:59 KF0HGR UNK NET 174373 On way home on the air
16:27:05 KD0FUE UNK NET 174374 On way home on the air
16:27:09 N0JJA UNK NET 174375 On way home on the air
16:27:13 KF0BQY UNK NET 174376 On way home on the air
16:58:13 KJC0YSO UNK NET 174384 No FCC Record
16:58:24 KA0SXY UNK NET 174386 HOTWASH
N0JJA-did test capabilities, get them together at a different locations, possibly getting more persons involved.
KF0AWZ - enjoyed my first one, keep learing more.
KF0DQY - nice to get out, need radio in the truck went kinda slow need more activity
KF0HGR - HT and driving
KD0FUE - RC and state use different terms, need clarification on terms.
WA0TJT - great time taking down the shelter, more to do, did send some winlink emails, nice having SO here, great team.
W0DLK - if anyone got info on 'military'?
K2SCT - great first SET, good going thru motions but more things to do
W0GPS - more stations, proposed move need more info on why, directions etc
K0RGB - good test of abilities, coordination of 2 nets and locations, rig problems
N0BKE - about the same info, more info for TJT, more things to do
KD0NBH - PCRC taking traffic, thanks to all, intent to act as if deployment coming, if I'm doing this again I have notes to change some things, nothing is perfect, we accomplished what we set out to do.
KA0SXY - in the packet there is link to survey monkey.
N0UYN - good exercise, log 7343 for Platte Cunty
K6FN - good learing, missed the ones in CA.
KC0YT - well organized learned a lot!
K0KEX - great event, came together well, good learing curve, pleased with the whole SET
KC0YSO - looks like it ran smooth but got thru the hickups.
19:26:52 WA0TJT UNK NET 174336 LOCΔ:W3W: blown.skews.unleashing -> Cross Roads: & (39.412745,-94.946591)
19:26:52 WA0TJT UNK NET 174342 LOCΔ:W3W: blown.skews.unleashing -> Cross Roads: & (39.412745,-94.946591)
19:26:52 K2SCT UNK NET 174359 LOCΔ:W3W: blown.skews.unleashing -> Cross Roads: & (39.412745,-94.946591)
19:26:52 W0GPS UNK NET 174360 LOCΔ:W3W: blown.skews.unleashing -> Cross Roads: & (39.412745,-94.946591)
6. Prepared By (Name, Call sign)
Mike Deperalta -- KF0AWZ
7. Date & Time Prepared
Saturday 27th of July 2024 03:30:00 AM
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