ICS 309
1. Incident Name: Net#: 9669
Jarbalo Amateur Radio Association Weekly Fusion Training Net
2. Operational Period (Date/Time)
From: 2023-08-06 23:54:57
To: 2023-08-07 00:30:01
3. Radio Net Name or Position/Tactical Call 4. Radio Operator (Name, Call Sign)
NJ0P - Rick REICHERT Net Control
Call Sign/ID | Msg #
Call Sign/ID | Msg #
00:03:01 W0ERI UNK NET 234525 wiresX
00:03:15 W0MNA UNK NET 234529 Pistar
00:10:26 NJ0P UNK NET 234548 fall maintenance will be announced at a later date; repeaters seem to be working very well now; Echolink will coming together soon;
00:15:48 NJ0P UNK NET 234559 gave a walk through of how to look for updates to our radios: be sure to follow the instructions as written; firmware, DSP audio quality and panle update are the key files to be looking for;
00:17:36 KF0KBC UNK NET 234562 RCVd pic
00:19:15 W0ERI UNK NET 234567 not much to add and will look into training comments/suggestions.
00:20:53 W0MNA UNK NET 234569 RCVd FT5 back from Yaesu and there is a 3 year warranty. His DSP panel went bad. updated the firmware with no issues. Attended the Warrensburg hamfest and looking forward to week.
00:22:28 KE0SYO UNK NET 234571 did not RCV pic. working at church all afternoon.
00:23:26 N0ZZN UNK NET 234572 did RCV picture
00:24:38 W0SER UNK NET 234573 attended Warrensburg hamfest and the MOKAN. RCVd pic
00:26:04 KF0ROB UNK NET 234574 nothing major to report, sitting on back porch enjoying the evening.
00:26:50 KF0KBC UNK NET 234575 I have no voice today but I am listening -Roxann KZ0IMO
00:27:16 KF0KOS UNK NET 234576 fiddling with 700 making adjustments
00:28:19 KD7QOR UNK NET 234579 RCVd pic: training suggestions, GPS settings and difference between MAG and TRUE north on map in preparation for 7 OCT training.
00:29:28 WA0SRS UNK NET 234582 RCVd pic: wishes all a pleasant week;
23:54:57 NJ0P UNK NET 234514 Rick REICHERT Opened the net from on 444.800+ DN TX00 RX00 by:
6. Prepared By (Name, Call sign)
7. Date & Time Prepared
Thursday 16th of May 2024 04:53:24 AM
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