ICS 309
1. Incident Name: Net#: 9941
Jarbalo Amateur Radio Association Weekly Fusion Training Net
2. Operational Period (Date/Time)
From: 2023-09-10 23:52:49
To: 2023-09-11 00:33:02
3. Radio Net Name or Position/Tactical Call 4. Radio Operator (Name, Call Sign)
NJ0P - Rick REICHERT Net Control
Call Sign/ID | Msg #
Call Sign/ID | Msg #
00:02:54 K0AVN UNK NET 360100 PiStar
00:03:08 W0ERI UNK NET 360102 PiStar
00:04:00 W0MNA UNK NET 360105 PiStar
00:07:13 KE0SYO UNK NET 360121 Mobile but home shortly
00:07:44 KC5VKG UNK NET 360125 WiresX
00:09:16 KF0KBC UNK NET 360134 Rcvd picture
00:10:28 NJ0P UNK NET 360141 not much required for fall clean up; if its not broken then dont mess with it. The repeaters are doing pretty good.
00:15:20 NJ0P UNK NET 360143 Training: discussion on dual bands and how to separate when you dont have time to determine which one they keyed the mic.
00:16:06 NJ0P UNK NET 360146 Need ti use the TX/RX chicklet selection and then go to Mute. Once there select the desired level.
00:19:27 KC5VKG UNK NET 360155 unable to locate requested email. if necessary please change to with call sign.
00:21:02 K0AVN UNK NET 360158 went on Digital Ocean but didnt get anything. Currently back at QTH but more travel in future.
00:22:40 W0ERI UNK NET 360159 got several summits activated as well as POTA. All is well and enjoying the hamfest.
00:23:37 W0MNA UNK NET 360164 lots of rain on Friday but Saturday was beautiful, picked up some new toys
00:24:39 KE0SYO UNK NET 360166 good lists for tonights net. thanks for the training
00:25:22 NB0R UNK NET 360168 did not get picture, showed receiving but nothing came through. busy weekend with Scouts and camping.
00:27:04 WA0SRS UNK NET 360171 Rcvd picture; preparing for a visit from DAU and Granddaughter. tall, skinny, chatters like a magpie :-). looking forward to the visit.
00:28:12 KA0DJR UNK NET 360172 Rcvd pic; appreciated the training on muting.
00:29:01 AB0GD UNK NET 360173 Rcvd pic: good traiin
00:29:13 AB0GD UNK NET 360174 good training
00:29:55 W0SER UNK NET 360177 Rcvd pic;
00:30:14 KF0KOS UNK NET 360178 Rcvd pic; thanks for the training
00:30:49 N0ZZN UNK NET 360179 Rcvd pic: back to net
00:31:44 KD7QOR UNK NET 360182 Rcvd pic
23:52:49 NJ0P UNK NET 360091 Rick REICHERT Opened the net from on 444.800+ DN TX00 RX00 by:
6. Prepared By (Name, Call sign)
7. Date & Time Prepared
Thursday 16th of May 2024 04:31:49 PM
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