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If you typed in your own name in the Group selction above then consider choosing Event or Test here.
* Select the Frequency:
145,430(-) No Tone
145.110 PL 85.4
145.130MHz, T151.4
145.150MHz PL100.0
145.170MHz PL 151.4
145.17Mhz(-), PL 127.3Hz
145.210MHz PL 151.4
145.210Mhz, 118.8Hz
145.2500 T88.5
145.290MHz, T151.4Hz
145.310(-) No Tone
145.310Mhz PL 151.4
145.325 MHZ Simplex / 145.425 MHz Simplex
145.330 (-) 151.4 Hz FM
145.330(-)123.0 Tone
145.370 Mhz -600 KHz PL 103.5
145.370Mhz PL 151.4
145.370Mhz T100Hz
145.390MHz PL88.5
145.470Mhz (-) ,Tone 100.0Hz
146.290MHz, PL151.4Hz
146.390 MHz(-), T123Hz, ECHOLink 818372, WIRESx 85
146.490 +1.00 131.8
146.520MHz, Simplex
146.580MHz, Simplex
146.610 (-) MHz PL 127.3
146.610 (-) PL 123
146.610(-) no tone
146.655(+), 100.0Hz
146.655+ 192.8
146.655MHz, PL94.8Hz
146.67 PL 131.8
146.670- pl 131.8
146.670- PL131.8
146.70 Mhz T107.2
146.700(-) PL-107.2Hz
146.700(-), PL 123.0
146.730(-) CT151.4Hz
146.745MHz, T192.8
146.76(-) T88.5
146.760 -0.6 T141.3
146.760 MHz, T100Hz
146.760(-) No Tone
146.760MHz, PL88.5
146.780 - pl tone 100
146.780, T114.8Hz
146.790MHz, PL107.2Hz
146.820MHz PL 151.4
146.835MHz, T100.0Hz
146.850 (-) T100 Hz
146.880MHz PL 107.2
146.895 (-) T-141.3
146.895 (-) T141.3
146.91 (-) T 107.2
146.94 PL123
147.000 MHz T151.4 Hz FM
147.015 + Tone 100Hz
147.030, PL 179.9
147.030(+), T100.0Hz 444.700(+), T94.8Hz
147.075(+) Pl 127.3
147.090 + 82.5
147.090 + pl tone 131.8
147.120+, PL151.4
147.135 + PL 107.2 TSQL
147.135 Mhz , T107.2
147.150(+) PL141.3
147.150+ (tone 141.3 Hz, tsql. 141.3 Hz)
147.165MHZ(+), 127.3Hz
147.165MHz+ PL 127.3Hz
147.180(+) 74.4
147.195 + 114.8
147.210Mhz Pl 100Hz
147.225(+), PL 94.8Hz
147.225Mhz, T107.2Hz
147.240 T 141.3
147.255MHz PL88.5
147.330Mhz, No Tone
147.330Mhz, PL 107.2
147.330Mhz, Pl Tone 156.7
147.330MHz, PL151.4Hz
147.345 Mhz PL 156.7
147.360, PL107.2Hz
147.375Mhz PL156.7Hz
147.390MHz, 114.8Hz
147.5700 MHz CSQ Simplex
147.5700 MHz Simplex
2 meters
3.950 MHz LSB
3.963MHz LSB
3598 USB
3963Mhz LSB
40 Meters
433.500 MHz 430.200 MHz 60 Meter Winlink Vara
440.725(+) 114.8
442.750 Mhz T100
443.500 MHz PL151.4Hz
444.000+ no tone
444.275MHz + PL 151.4
444.550Mhz(+) PL100.0Hz
444.625 MHz
444.800+ T151.4 FM
445.340- PL 71.9 KC6JAR
448.84 MHz, T131.8
449.000 MHz Tone 136.5
449.025(-) 123.0
462.575 MHz, D000
462.625(+), Tx141.3, Rx141.3
60 meters
7.099MHz, USB
7.263Mhz LSB
7.263MHz LSB
7075MHz, LSB
75 Meters
80 Meters
80/40 Meters
Conference Call
DMR BM 3209645 or TGIF 72277
DMR Digital
Echolink Conference Server
Echolink KG9M-L
Echolink W7JCR-R
KC-Wide Room
Multiple Bands
North Idaho Repeater Group
Stateline Linked Repeater System
W7ZA Repeater System
If this is a Sub Net select the open primary net:
Net #: 13816 --> 2 Meter Weekly
Net #: 13815 --> For Testing Only Event
Net #: 13814 --> Troy Amateur Radio Association 2 Meter Weekly
Net #: 13813 --> KC Metro ARES Digital Training
Net #: 13812 --> Missouri Digital Emergency Service Weekly Net
Net #: 13811 --> Eastern Jackson Co. RACES/ECS Weekly 2 Meter Voice
Net #: 13810 --> Eastern Jackson Co. RACES/ECS Weekly 2 Meter Voice
Net #: 13809 --> K4RBC GARC Round Table 2 Meter Daily
Net #: 13808 --> ARES
Net #: 13806 --> Liberty Emergency Radio Club 2 Meter Daily
Net #: 13805 --> Eastlake CERT Weekly CERT Net
Net #: 13804 --> W6BXN-Turlock Amateur Radio Club Daily
Net #: 13803 --> check in net
Net #: 13802 --> K4RBC GARC Round Table 2 Meter Daily
Net #: 13801 --> 2 Meter Weekly
Net #: 13800 --> PCARG Weekly 2 Meter Voice
Net #: 13799 --> Eastern Jackson Co. RACES/ECS Test
Net #: 13798 --> Weekly ARES Training Net
Net #: 13797 --> LSGARC 2 Meter Weekly
Net #: 13796 --> KCNARES Weekly 2 Meter Voice
Net #: 13795 --> Alabama Emergency Net Yankee Weekly Emergency Net
Net #: 13794 --> Space Coast Amateur Radio Society DMR
Net #: 13793 --> Forsyth County ARES ARES
Net #: 13792 --> 2 Meter Weekly
Net #: 13791 --> Fresno County EmComm Weekly 2 Meter Voice
Net #: 13790 --> K4RBC GARC Round Table 2 Meter Daily
Net #: 13789 --> Alabama Emergency Net Yankee Weekly Emergency Net
Net #: 13788 --> Calhoun County Amateur Radio Association Check-in Net
Net #: 13787 --> Ray-Clay Radio Club Weekly 2 Meter Voice
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This search function is primarily to find numbers.
It was written to help track marathon and bike events where bib numbers are used to track participants.
Other searches may or may not return what you are looking for. If a more general search is needed, use your browser Find instead, or right-click the Comments field of the station in the NetLog.
© Copyright 2015-2023, by Keith D. Kaiser, WA0TJT Last Update: 2023-03-11
Questions, problems, concerns? ....send them to:
Keith D. Kaiser
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In order to succeed, you must know what you are doing, like what you are doing, and believe in what you are doing. -- Will Rogers